Reviews for Six Little Rules
CJ chapter 3 . 8/19
Just really, really well done: sweet, funny, hot, in-character. I loved it!
CJ chapter 2 . 8/19
I realized after I posted a review for ch1 that I’m like FIVE YEARS LATE to this. Oh well; I still love it.

I was worried that Leo would be a long-term problem, so thanks for clearing that up quickly. This was great, once again!
CJ chapter 1 . 8/19
Aaaaahhhhh OMG I love this so much already. Such tension! I can’t wait for work to end today so I can read more!

One thing that made me giggle, though (and I hope you’ll take this the right way): it’s “out of body experience,” not outer body. ;)
Dede chapter 3 . 6/25
I also vote for an epiloge
MyOwnSun0704 chapter 3 . 4/29
Wow, I really liked this version of them. I'd love to have his reaction on Amy's kidnapping though.
Gabi chapter 3 . 4/10
You wrote that a whole ass time ago, but I feel like tv shows fanfics just don't get enough so here we go:

I'm absolutely amazed by how well you captured their personalities, you are a AN AMAZING HUMAN/GENIUS!
Also, the way you write, the plot itself, the description, you have AN AMAZING potential!

Hope you and your family is healthy during this crisis!
(Yes, I use exclamation point a lot, sorry for that!)
Delia chapter 3 . 4/9
As-Long-As-I'm-Around chapter 3 . 1/11
This was so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
As-Long-As-I'm-Around chapter 2 . 1/11
I’m loving this!
Random Reviewer chapter 3 . 11/24/2019
Holy shit that was good. Felt as if it was the real thing. Keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/28/2019
Absolutely adore this!
Loz chapter 3 . 4/11/2019
Aaaah omg this was so freakin cute
Imleslieknope chapter 3 . 2/21/2019
OMG that fic was just AMAZING! Loved it so much, THANK YOU 3
kamelea chapter 3 . 2/20/2019
Thank you so much for updating! Didn't have much hope but I'm really happy ypu decided to post this
I love this story, it's so good. I spend the whole night up reading this! Lovely, cute and humorous story!
Bluene Angel chapter 3 . 2/20/2019
This Is my second time reading a long English fic.
And Thanks, because even when Is linda cheesy and have some cliché Moments (i love that Amy pointed and them and mocking of it was great). The sweet comedy of their relationship Is always good to read.
Im going to save this in my favorites.
P.d: write this review is kinda difficult with the spanish autocorrector.
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