Reviews for Consulting? More Like INsulting Amirite? Up Top
mooncakewolf chapter 2 . 1/26/2019
Oh my god, actually laughing too hard to be able to read it in more than a couple sentences xDDDD Thanks for the funnies
A.J. Parker94 chapter 60 . 1/15/2018
Aww man. I'm sad that you're not going to continue this, but at the same time, I also understand why you want to stop. I mean, it is season four. (Also, I find it SO fitting that the very last scene is John wondering who Mary is. Haha!)

I'll always come back and read this fic whenever I need a good laugh, though. It's been one insane but hilarious and fun ride. And I can't wait to see what other crackiness you'll come up with!
A.J. Parker94 chapter 59 . 1/10/2018
Having Balloon John talk was funny enough, but nicknaming him BJ? *slow claps* Perfect.

Dogs also make me instantly feel 500% better. :D
A.J. Parker94 chapter 57 . 12/20/2017
Outdated Sparta Joke is outdated, but I'll give it a pass because it actually fits here.

As always, loved this chapter. I can see Moffat's power over the characters is getting a little too out of hand now, and we haven't even gotten into season four yet! He's too far gone in the dark side of the Force to be saved now! It's kind of sad really because he used to be a good show writer in my opinion; he just got too big for his britches. It shows not just in Sherlock but in Doctor Who as well.

Oh, don't you know? Sebastian Moran's vision and sensors are that like the Predator! XD
A.J. Parker94 chapter 56 . 12/11/2017
I couldn't find the interview with Aaron Hicklin that you were talking about, but I can assume that it got embarrassingly personal for Benedict to make Sherlock run out of the room crying. XD
A.J. Parker94 chapter 53 . 11/6/2017
"If you had been there, if you had seen it, I betcha you would have done the same!"

Mike Stamford's moon-sized eyes make a comeback! YAY!

Yeah, while I like most parts of the Christmas special, overall it's just...trippy and confusing. And now that you mentioned it, the women's society or cult or whatever it was reminds so much of the women from Chicago. Now I'm expecting to see Catherine Zeta-Jones somewhere in the group.

Also, the Motfiss roasting is on point. Feed your bitterness and use its power to right the wrongs!
Guest chapter 53 . 11/6/2017
I live for the chapter updates on this fic, thank you for another chapter of madness!
A.J. Parker94 chapter 52 . 10/25/2017
Hilarious chapter through and through as always! My favorite part was when Jim was beaten to death by the angry mob of sports fans. XD

Ohhh hohohoho! I cannot wait for you to shit all over season four. I'm probably not the best person to ask about the villains, though, (other than the fact that I only saw the fourth season once) because my opinions of them range from "Ehhh" to "Why do you even exist?" It's not very broad. But I'm sure whatever you come up with, it'll be glorious. The only advice I can give you is this: Show no mercy!
hedwigsart chapter 52 . 10/24/2017
Loved it as always, great reference to that marvel movie, and rip Magnussen I guess.
Guest chapter 51 . 10/22/2017
Absolutely loving this!
Guest chapter 51 . 10/10/2017
Magnusson is so funny im dyyyyyyyiiiiiinnnngggg
Guest chapter 50 . 10/10/2017
Congratulations on 50 chapters! I absolutely enjoyed every bit of it so far. Thank you for giving me so many laughs.
Guest chapter 50 . 9/29/2017
I laughed my throat sore at the Mind Palace scene! (I don't even know what Smash Burgers is, but it's a pretty easy guess)
A.J. Parker94 chapter 50 . 9/27/2017
Yesssssss, my fix has come.
Oh God, the sexual innuendos in this one. You did not hold back. XD The mind palace sequence was probably my favorite part, from Sherlock going to get Smash Burgers to making fun of the errors from the episode, and also the comment on BBC bringing back Moriarty even though they keep on insisting that he's really dead. Yeah, like, what the hell, Moffat? Make up your mind.

Oh thank the Lord above you're doing it chronologically. I'm 77% sure flashbacks give people insane seizures.

Also, I may or may not have had a mini-heart attack/swoon when you mentioned me in your Author's Note. "Senpai noticed me!" 8D
Not Brendon Urie chapter 48 . 9/19/2017
THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFUL FIC. I love what you've created out of Mycroft. Lestroodle and The Golem are fantastic also!
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