Reviews for RWBY X STAR WARS: Soul of Remnant
Guest chapter 1 . 7/12
Va siendo muy interesante,pero estaria bien que tu apliques estos detalles descritos a continuacion...
incluyas escenas tan pervertidas ni visuales en temas sexualemente hablando,puede haber chistes sobre este tema,quizas,pero no es agradable de leer para todos nosotros,un ejemplo especial seria conmigo,recuerda esto en este y otras futuras historias y relatos Fanfiction Crossover de tu parte.

de alguna manera la galaxia de la Via Lactea y las siguientes facciones de esta galaxia...
.Imperio Covenant(Halo)
.Consejo de la Ciudadela,sus especies miembro y fuerzas armadas(Mass Effect)
.Necrones(Principal amenaza para ambas galaxias de Star Wars y la Via lactea,saga de Warhammer)
.Flood(Todavia superviviente en grandes numeros y a buena escala en el espacio de las Regiones Desconocidas de Star Wars,tambien junto con el Covenant una parte iconica de la saga Halo)
.Tiranidos o Zerg(se puede escoger cualquiera de las 2 razas parasitarias,Starcraft o Warhamer)

Detalles complementarios.
.El Covenant estaria en su apogeo,tal e incluso mejor que antes de la Guerra Humano-Covenant,asi como contaria con naves espaciales Forerunner que han sido recuperdas en grandes numeros de lejanos planetas y sistemas estelares entre la periferia de la galaxia de la Via lactea y Star Wars o la galaxia de Andromeda,incluyendo como ejemplo decenas de Naves Clave y los Acorazados Sojourner

.Jamas sucede el Gran Cisma ni el Flood infecta a Gran Caridad dentro de este Fanfiction

.Se forja una alianza entre el Covenant y una de las 2 facciones,la Republica o el Imperio Sith,esto ya va segun tu eleccion personal para este relato y Fanfiction Crossover,creo que esta faccion y la existencia de la Via lactea complementaran inmensamente el universo ficticio de este fanfic tuyo

.El Flood logra infectar naves republicanas e invade Coruscant y Remnant simultaneamente junto con muchisimos otros planetas,por lo menos,como minimo,unos 4 planetas o 2 sistemas estelares

Fuerzas del Flood.
Totalidad de especimenes presentes en un sector de las Regiones Desconocidas:Unos 3.000 o 300.
Naves infectadas por este parasito intergalactico entre la vasta inmersion del universo en general
.3 Cruceros de Batalla clase Centurion de la Republica Galactica y sus respectivas cazas estelares
.1 Acorazado Clase Harrower
.1 Crucero de Batalla Clase CCS(El afamado Truth and Reconciliation)
.Decenas de Corbetas,algunas fragatas y otras naves estandar de la Republica y el Imperio Sith
.Todos los respectivos complementos a bordo de cada nave infectada por el Flood

La cuestion entre 300 o 3.00 radica de tu eleccion,dado la exagerada proporcion del segundo numero
Jahoan chapter 1 . 6/8/2019
Here's my take on Crumma: He's the combination of Darth Skotia and Darth Malgus.

I'm actually picturing him as having the same armor as Skotia.
ranjira1988 chapter 14 . 10/15/2018
no update In 2 years!? GHAAAAA nononono! please tell me this story aint dead!? its sooo good and its just now heating up! T_T. please if you are still active continue this!
Two-cents chapter 1 . 11/22/2017
Wow you actually like Force Awakens? I mean game wise it’s fun but let’s be honest the story was trash and I for one am glad it’s non canon. Knights of the old republic was really good though so props there, now on to reading your story hopefully it’s as good as it sounds!
Darth Stigma chapter 14 . 8/9/2017
Hey gotta ask when's the next chapter it's been over a year now hasn't it?
Rimmer Dall chapter 1 . 5/16/2017
"Yes," the woman answered. "You may rule the Dark Side, Crumma, but I rule the most powerful Force there is… the force of gravity."

...*eye twitch*...
ShugoYuuki123 chapter 14 . 4/17/2017
Please update this story
Axcel chapter 5 . 1/22/2017
So, the basis of this fic requires the belief that the Hunters are capable of standing up to individuals who can devour planets and sunder stars with a TOUGHT. Not to mention dodge lasers, read minds, and see the future all while fighting at the same time., can't suspend my disbelief. Oh, and isn't the Rishi Maze one of the known galaxies? The Republic and Empire wouldn't know about them or wouldn't care. Especially when sending an expedition would leave a vulnerability the other would exploit immediately.

Oh, and Sith and Jedi don't break under torture. The closest the Jedi get is turning to the Dark Side due to pain. The Sith just enjoy the increase in power the pain and hatred gives them while plotting revenge.

Still, this is mildly entertaining and decently written.
DaManWOFear chapter 14 . 10/22/2016
This is an awesome chapter! I also noticed that there are differences from canon Vol. 3. Most of the focus here were centered on Ozpin's group, Summer, Raven Torchwick and Cinder. Heck, I even love the progression here. Summer had a history with the Maidens and Cinder? Tillicru facing Adam and Glynda wields a lightsaber!? I never expected to this story, bro! Thanks for this and I can't wait what happens next.
Kylen Phylar chapter 14 . 10/21/2016
A great chapter, to be sure. I felt it rambled just a tad, but I understand there was a lot of ground to cover overall with this one chapter, and I think you did well in doing so. I do have to say the chapter feels a bit rushed, and while a little 'rambling' as I said earlier, could be fleshed out a bit more, but that's a personal opinion.

One correction i can definitely point out is you probably were looking for the word 'fateful' instead of faithful near the end when talking about the 'faithful' day. I look forward to further writing from you!
RedemptionWarrior chapter 14 . 10/21/2016
Quite the pileup there. And I certainly wasn't expecting Cinder to drop that kind of bomb, though did she have to say Vader's lines practically word for word... and Glynda respond in kind?

So, Adam's fighting Tillicru... As nicely as I can say, I hope the Jedi stomps a mudhole with the bastard, but that's not likely.
FEV Grim chapter 14 . 10/21/2016
Glad to hear that. Can't wait to read more, have a great time.
DaManWOFear chapter 13 . 10/4/2016
Finally reading this. It was a great chapter, to be honest.

So not only we have Penny, a Mandalorian and two Jedi Padawans attending Beacon but two Sith as well. I wonder who is the female Sith entering Beacon and I can see that both of them were apprentices of Darth Mel; not to mention that they have their admiration and respect to Summer/Natsumi. And wow, what an awesome fight for Ruby; she finally used her lightsaber for the first time!

Oh yeah, I saw some hesitation on Emerald. Does that mean she will have a change of heart earlier on in this story? Just my theory.

About Cinder: no, no, no. You're messing with the wrong woman. I just hope she will get her ass kicked by Summer when they finally face each other. Add in Darth Mel as well. How can the Maiden powers can match against one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy?

I was thinking: will you gonna watch "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"?

Thank you for this chapter. Keep it up!
FEV Grim chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
Hey, I have a question for you. That in related to a story I writing.
Gabriel H. Sapphire chapter 13 . 8/18/2016
DILF... I prefer MILF xD
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