Reviews for A Life to Remember
sasans chapter 34 . 3/4
Very good final chapter. Thank you so much for writing both stories. I really enjoyed each of them and looked forward to each chapter. Best wishes.
sasans chapter 33 . 3/4
Very, very nice chapter.
sasans chapter 32 . 3/3
Very good chapter. So another Castle is about to be born. I just hope everyone is healthy and happy.
sasans chapter 31 . 3/3
Good chapter. I am so glad they have the girls back safe and sound. I hope Ellie is really okay and that with counseling Jamie will be also.
sasans chapter 30 . 3/2
I guess I'm going to finish this at a later date/time. I think the entire family will be needing counseling when this is done. Interesting chapter.
sasans chapter 29 . 3/2
Good update once again.
sasans chapter 28 . 3/2
I'm glad Jim and the agent are okay. The suspense contiues to be high.
sasans chapter 27 . 3/2
Major twist in your version since I was not expecting the kids to be at risk. I will assume they are safe somehow.
sasans chapter 26 . 3/2
Good chapter once again.
sasans chapter 25 . 3/2
And here comes Jordan Shaw. Good chapter.
sasans chapter 24 . 3/2
Very good chapter but I am curious how you will handle this. I doubt he will try to blow up the loft. I'll have to see what adjustments you make.
sasans chapter 23 . 3/1
I'm glad they had a good day off together.
sasans chapter 22 . 3/1
Really good chapter. We'll see what happens next.
sasans chapter 21 . 3/1
It will be interesting to see how you resolve this. Very good chapter.
sasans chapter 20 . 3/1
This had a lot f show content but was good none the less. This was a very powerful episode, especially at the end when she had to shoot Coonan and then tried in vein to get the information she needed. It broke my heart along with all of her friends.
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