Reviews for to the edge of the universe and back
Killerbee77 chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Well ...your story has caught my attention, I will continue reading~!
Nice start, by the way.
danseph chapter 7 . 6/10/2015
LOL...I love you! And your story!
Xandersmith chapter 7 . 6/7/2015
I have to admit I was curios as to how this story would work but I actually really like this, good work and please keep updating.
Rumblereader chapter 7 . 6/4/2015
I absolutely adore this story, and I'm glad you updated it! I hope to see more in the future, because this so cute and well-written.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/20/2015
Please you must write more this story is incredable
Guest chapter 5 . 4/18/2015
The angst, the feels its overpowering. you must write more this is incredible
Guest chapter 5 . 4/15/2015
:D is all I can say.
Rumblereader chapter 5 . 4/16/2015
This fic is TOO CUTE I love this!
danseph chapter 5 . 4/16/2015
Mhmhmh...can't wait for next chapter! Your characters and story is so emotionally perfect!
danseph chapter 4 . 4/16/2015
danseph chapter 3 . 4/16/2015
danseph chapter 2 . 4/16/2015
I am overwhelmed in the best way possible by this. Steven Universe songs aren't helping either...
danseph chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
Awesome! Can't wait for more, and plz include Ellie's switchblade and baby some baby Riley courtesy of her mom Marlene!
ThyDeviousViolet chapter 5 . 4/15/2015
Ugh, such a wonderful mix of angst and sweetness. Thank you for thawing my icy heart.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/14/2015
this is so cute. please write more
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