Reviews for The Recovery Course Experiment
SRAM chapter 18 . 12/29/2017
I can understand Amy wanting to get out, having been in a similar situation in the past, you can really get bored quickly just staying home all the time. Penny just needs to make sure Amy stays safe in what she does. I wonder what Sheldon will get her, he seems determined to make it special.
deborah.beatty chapter 18 . 12/25/2017
If the malls in SoCal are like the ones near me, yiu can call ahead tonreserve an electric cart. Amy could easily use ine of those in a number of stores.
bamadude chapter 18 . 12/24/2017
Well,well,well, the girls don't know what to give each other. Penny has it easy with giving Leonard a present, she usually gives herself as a Christmas present. Great job!
bamadude chapter 17 . 12/24/2017
very nicely done.
olivia25 chapter 16 . 9/23/2017
yes! now the wedding!
bamadude chapter 16 . 9/23/2017
Well, seems as though there is true love between the Shamy. A very nice chapter. Great job!
olivia25 chapter 15 . 8/17/2017
finally Amy's surgery went fine!
bamadude chapter 15 . 8/17/2017
Well, it's great that the surgery went fine. Amy staying with Bernadette and Howard is probably upsetting to Sheldon. Great job!
bamadude chapter 14 . 8/16/2017
Well, good and bad news. The doctor is sure he knows what's wrong is an easy fix. But, it will require another surgery. Great job!
olivia25 chapter 14 . 8/16/2017
poor Amy!
olivia25 chapter 13 . 7/27/2017
please update!
jessmarkOMGtheydid chapter 13 . 5/9/2017
Uhuuuuu você voltou !
Que bom que você retomou a fic! Estava com saudades dessa fic!
Oh pobre Amy ! O que há de errado com a perna dela ainda? Espero que ele resolva antes do casamento.
Confesso que não lembrava muito bem da fica então li tudo do começo outra vez, fiquei um pouco confusa! Em um capítulo Leonard e Penny são casados e não saem de cima um do outro, no seguinte Leonard pensa em como Sheldon está noivo antes dele, nesse último ele está vivendo com Penny- pequena confusão na linha do tempo-
Amy podia ajudar Sheldon com oa cálculos, seria incrível os dois trabalhando juntos!
Ansiosa para mais!
Espero que não demore tanto de novo!
Parabéns pela escrita maravilhosa!
Wildcat Warrior chapter 13 . 5/8/2017
It's almost one thirty in the morning where I live at, been sick all week, and got a ten year old Daughter that gets up for school at six thirty in the morning but, this story had me so intrigued I couldn't stop reading it. Literally, could not stop reading. Please continue. Girl, you had me with this story from the title. You're a great writer and as many stories as I've written with Big Bang, I've got a few great ideas for more, just from this one here. Not that, I'm going to take and re write your work. I would never do that. Please please, continue. Also, when you get a chance, feel free to check mine out sometime. They are all completed. Can't figure out how to do the add chapters thing after four years of being on here, but that will come I'm sure.
olivia25 chapter 13 . 5/8/2017
oh no whats wrong with amy ?
bamadude chapter 13 . 5/7/2017
Well, nice to see another chapter from you. Amy seems concerned about her foot. I'm glad Penny was there to take her to the doctor. Can't wait for your next chapter.
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