Reviews for The Messenger
carolravenbr chapter 1 . 5/2/2019
I want moaaar! ;v;
Carol chapter 35 . 10/9/2018
I love your story so much! I can't wait for the new chapter! Everytime I see you updated my heart is filled with joy! Keep going! You're amazing!
issydragonheart chapter 35 . 7/26/2018
This is amazing! I hope eventually Arthur's angel friends like francis also defect and join his side. Its just so cool! I can't wait for the next chapter. Also this locus demon king sounds very scary. The fought of being eaten alive by locusts sounds terrifying!
Pasta and Sin chapter 35 . 7/21/2018

Aahh, it's good to see that there aren't only traitors in heaven, but in hell as well! You introduced them as creatures loyal to what they believe in and the cause to their fighting for, but it seems that not every demon is aiming for a higher rank or Paranomia's head. This is all very twisted and it further blurred the lines between black and white.

Actually, now that I've read the entire chapter as a whole, it seems that Paracelsus isn't the kind of guy I thought he would be. He was introduced as a cold character that seems to be devoid of any emotion. He doesn't react much, but follows orders anyway. Here, it shows that he was just incredibly talented at controlling his emotions (and maybe that's what kept him alive all these years). He just did what he could to survive and doing /that/ was one of it. Astaroth poised a threat to him, but when introduced to something more dangerous, he acted accordingly and endured it just as he had endured Astaroth. He must've been extremely patient to deal with the duke xD

Let me tell you about your choice of words as well: It's brilliant. I mean, I like how you described the "bruises" on Arthur's body. It wasn't "decorated" for it wasn't an accessory he would proudly show off. It didn't "adorn" his skin for he didn't purposely have it for beauty; instead, it was "mapped" all over his body. (btw, there seems to be a typo in the bathing scene. The "seeming" interested. I think it's supposed to be "seemingly", but just check. xD)

And about Antonio's characterisation: I think you did a very good job portraying him! I mean, the lack spanish words and phrases kinda got me, but you managed to capture the "essence" of Antonio; his good-naturedness and honesty.

AND ANOTHER THING. Have I told you that when you described Apollyon, the first thing that came to my mind was the old movie "The Exorcist"? Yeah, just wanted to butt that in, haha.

Now, to my favourite part. I love the scene where Arthur somewhat acted childish. That was gold! It reminded me that even after all of this, he is still someome with a heart, a mind, and once, he was an innocent child that knew nothing of the corrupt ways of both realms. I was worried that he might turn ruthless and might furthur stray from his actual goal. In the previous chapters, he was buried so deep in pressure and responsibilities that he nearly /lost/ himself. He let the intensity of their situation get to him and turn him into something he's not, so a childish Arthur is welcome /anytime/. Who says that only Alfred can be a kid at heart? xD

Thank you for this awesome update
Pasta and Sin chapter 34 . 6/22/2018
I love the short notes attached at the end. You analyse each chapter accordingly to an assigned song, share with us your thoughts, and I think that's great. It helps me open my mind more to the actual message being conveyed in the story rather than just how I understood it. Awesome.

Oh, and remember how in the past chaps, you showed us the different sides angels have? Well, in this case, I liked how you put an emphasis on a certain demon's characteristic: Greed.

The demon's greed knows no boundaries and they will get what they want no matter the means. Yes, they also have the ability to fear, to impose their authority, but what drives them most, in this case, is greed. Family, friend, fellow demon; they're all the same and on an equal footing in the eyes of a selfish demon. Ah, so deep.

You also portrayed that no matter how strong, resilient, and brave Arthur is, that doesn't mean he can't fall apart at the seams, or break down. Because, just like demons and angels, he, too, has a weakness. Well, he doesn't really "fall apart", but in a way, he does. He's slowly forgetting himself, slowly losing compassion, and slowly losing what he was supposed to be. (Feli, ya better hurry and help this poor baby).

AND AAAAH you introduced more characters! This is basically a bible x Hetalia thing already, haha. I'm looking forward to their role in the story!

Camael's still manipulative and full of himself. Well, at least he's in character xD I really want to strangle this dude already and that means you're doing a pretty good job getting a reaction from a reader. And Feli? Feli's taken the brunt of the whatnot going on in heaven ever since Francis "left" him involuntarily. He's doing great and I feel proud of Feliciano for not giving up, and giving in. He's doing what he can in his own way and go, Feli! Do what you're born to do!

Oh, and I almost forgot: You thoroughly impressed me with Yao's characterisation. He's just so Yao that it hurts xD

Once again, thank you for this awesome update. I'm looking forward to the next one!
Pasta and Sin chapter 33 . 5/23/2018
What do you mean, "I think"? It IS an unusual update, my friend. Unusual in a good way. Which translates to: OH MY GOD, YOU ACTUALLY UPDATED FASTER THAN I THOUGHT YOU WOULD.

And yeah, it does seem a tad rushed but maybe that's because I'm a sucker for the adorable Alfred and need more chapter updates like this xD Sadly, this is the last one. *cries* But don't worry, it felt just right. It wasn't dragging and the pacing was fine.

Also, I love the way you somewhat recapped the events through Alfred's eyes. Like, dang, it's creative and it was like going through a flashback, but this time, in another point of view. I felt like I was seeing vague images that drifts past me, then, small details that went unnoticed or didn't matter back then suddenly played a big role on Alfred's part. Thank you for that. (Plus, let's be honest, we all wanted to know what was going through Alfred's mind despite how open his attitude is. What other secrets do you keep, child?)

Oh, and we all need an angsty, lonely, and sad cinnamon roll every once in a while. You killed me in the last line tho. I had to go over it a few times just to make sure I was reading it right. Then, when it finally clicked, BOOM! My heart exploded. Finally, FINALLY. After all this time, HE FINALLY REALISED. And you know what's impressive about the realisation? You made it subtle. It didn't hit Alfred in the face like a truck, no, none of that. Instead, it was like a small voice whispering to him on a fateful night, and suddenly, everything made sense. In that part, I can almost see Alfred's mouth doing an "Oh..."

I can't wait for the next update! Oh, but do take your time and don't rush/stress yourself. Stay awesome and keep writing!
Pasta and Sin chapter 31 . 4/7/2018

I liked how you showed that even commanders or high-ranked demons express fear. Before, they're all high and mighty; dominating the weak and revelling in the power they had, but once faced with a stronger figure/enemy, they tremble. They actually know their place, and that's just... wow.

Another thing tha caught my attention is the dungeons. Yes, the dungeons. Your description brought a vivid image of that place and all I can say is that it's well done. I absolutely love it! In that part, we get to see another side of angels. Remember how you said that "everything" was taught to angels and that includes emotions and such? Well, yeah. We've seen how compassionate, brave, submissive, and even rebellious (at a certain length/situation like defending their friends or doing what they can to protect loved ones) angels are. But here, we see them turn or behave like animals from the lack of social contact or anything humane at all. They forget themselves and what they truly are. They're /lost/ in a sense and that puts a bit of realism in this masterpiece. We've witnessed fear, and a rollercoaster of negative emotions from Paranomia, but to see /other/ angels in such a state is a refreshing welcome. It shows that not all of them are mentally strong or as powerful as we think.

Oh, and character development. It the previous chap, Artie finally revealed himself. Naturally, the demons were shocked and they felt somewhat betrayed. In this chapter, you showed that they haven't really moved on or fully accepted that fact. They were slightly more wary of Paranomia than they were before, but not to the point that they saw him as a foreign creature. Also, I like the bit where, despite knowing what he is, his army showed concern for him. It's like they still treat him as their kind, but they're slowly coming into terms with what he is all the while treating him in the same in a way (Get it? xDthe same way they'd treat Paranomia.

Let's not forget the characterization! Here it goes: ALFREEEEED, YOU ADORABLE DORK. I love how you portrayed this fella here! You placed a bit of humour in a grim situation, but not in the way that it's feels odd or out of place. In fact, it was perfect! In this part, I thought to myself that it is so Alfred to do that. You also characterized Astaroth in a unique manner. I'm starting to love this guy as well. Like, seriously, think of it: Here's an inSANELY powerful demon who could probably kill you with a glare, butoh look, what is he doing? Why is heARE YOU SURE HE'S THE DUKE? Yet regradless of all of those, he is the most /feared/ and they do have a pretty good reason to. You'd expect someone stiffly sitting atop the throne, looking ready to rip your throat out BUT NO. He just casually drapes himself childishly on the throne and gets distracted by a freakin skull. Heck, THAT guy is way more scarier than your typical tyrant-like villain. Thank you for destroying the stereotypes and for adding your own twist to this character.

I may have forgotten to mention this earlier, but yeah, realism. That part where the demons complained about the shelter, the food, and a bunch of other stuff, well that part there is great. I like how they didn't just accept the fact that they don't really have a place to stay in not a plan on how to survive. They voiced out their problems and concerns, and they didn't blindly agree like, "Hey, that's a good idea!" They were like, "What? WHAT? What aboutYou get the picture.

Overall, you did an amazing job. Thank you for updating. I'm really inlove with this story. Just thought you oughta know! Oh, and I hope the review wasn't too long, haha. I get carried away sometimes and I just can't help it.
Astrea V chapter 31 . 4/7/2018
The way you write is a rare talent. The plotline is intricate but not unclear or vague. I’m looking forward to the next chapter! And the whole “Im sorry Alfred I have to do it” ... what does it meaaannn? What does he have to dooooo? Ugh I can’t wait
Pasta and Sin chapter 1 . 1/19/2018

*clears throat* Okay, so... You wrote in a way that you captured us readers with every word written. You GOT ME LOCKED UP AND ALL CHAINED UP and when I read your work, I knew from the moment I read the prologue that there would be no escape until I see it through the end.

The way you layed everything out had a very good effect on the reader's imagination although the action scenes can be quite confusing in the first few chapters. Oh, but don't fret! You improved greatly in the following chapters AND IT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL. The character development is awesome as well. I don't know what else to say. There's a lot but I think you get it anyway.

Spagna Conquistador chapter 29 . 11/8/2017
Guest chapter 28 . 4/24/2017
This story is so precious 3 I wish it could be updated again.
Carolbeats chapter 25 . 9/16/2016
I need moaaaaaar! Please update it! ;-;
mamin-the-troll chapter 18 . 8/3/2016
I just finished 18 chapters in row! I can't stop! I know it's still 6 chaps untill current updated but I need to scream about how much I love your fic right now! You got me sooooo hooked! I don't even take a nap or drink water! I took my phone to dinner table (mum is mad at me but it's worth it lol) OMG Drones! You have no idea how much I love this fic! No fic got me so addicted like this for a long time! I feel like I'm reverse back to myself when I first read Harry Potter because I can't get enough of your fic!

FFFF you seriously deserve more reviews because f*ck your fic is masterpiece! I love your plot so much and very excited to know more about the story. You're very talent! You've your way with words and it's so beautiful. I love the way you write Arthur. He's so layers and very real. I can feel his confused and pain. Poor Arthur! I had an urge to strangle Camuel! How dare he do this to Arthur! and f*ck I feel sorry to Zadkiel. He's so so kind, I love him already. His message is so sad (I love how you wrote how angel think and talk. It's very sweet. I feel comfort just by reading them. You make them so angelic and so gentle ahhhhhh)

and holy hell I love how you write Alfred! I love that he's sweet not cruel! He's such a puppy dog! soooo cuuuuuteeeee! and Drones! you make me giggling heavily with those tails entwine scene! I love it SO MUCH! and when Alfred's tail rotate to find Arthur's when he's an angel! I'm DEAD! Happily and peacefully dead! Okay I cheer for Alfred to found out that Arthur is an angel since Alfred show up but I didn't expect him to remember that Arthur's the angel who save him all those year ago and least expect that Alfred will be in rage when he found out about the secret. Thanks god he stop himself before he kill Arthur! and THOSE FLUFFY scene afterward! Ahhhhh It's so cute! Alfred's so precious and patient and ahhhhhh stroke those soft wings! I love it so much! - okay I'll stop ; w ;

I want to leave you a longer review but my brain is very scatter, you had my mind blow! Please keep on with this good work. AHHHH I need to gather my mind after such a long read. I really need more time for all these beautiful words to sink in. AHHHH I can't explain my feeling right now! Just know that I really love you work!
CaMerAnon chapter 24 . 6/12/2016
OMG I seriously waited too long for this! your work is SERIOUSLY awesome and I always look forward to a new chapter! keep up the awesome work!
Potatah chapter 22 . 4/16/2016
The cliffhanger got me all riled up!
Keep going, this is extremely good so far!
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