Reviews for I'll Do My Best
pisces317 chapter 1 . 4/1/2016
This was really good. I wish there was more of it, lol. Thank you!
spiderorchid chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
I like these vignettes that are a bit like a behind-the-scenes look.

My favourite part: Liz reminding Red of the fact that he's scary and that she's still around regardless of that fact.
Becca chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
Whoops. First time I tried to leave a review, I didn't think it posted, so I tried again. Oh, well. I think I've proven how much I appreciated this. :)
Becca chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
This is lovely. Just lovely.
Mostly I'm here to thank you for writing what I've been thinking, because as much as I adore Red and as much as it breaks my heart when Liz flies off the handle at him, I do try to remind myself of her side of things, which you've written perfectly. I think how completely Red's taken apart life as Liz knew it tends to get forgotten in the face of his unbelievably magnetic amazingness.
Big hug and huge thanks (and maybe a bag of ice for poor Dembe). :)
Becca chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
This is lovely. Just all of it.
Mostly though I wanted to thank you, because as much as I adore Red and as much as it breaks my heart when Liz flies off the handle at him, I do try to remember that he's completely taken apart her life as she knew it. Sometimes it doesn't seem like people remember that (I blame Red's immense charm and all that wonderful angst). So thank you thank you thank you for writing what I've been thinking. Love.
drewbug chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
I adored this. Completely. I just saw this episode, and still have a bad taste in my mouth from Liz's reaction to Red's truth. I really have never liked her, but you made me feel much more sympathetic toward her. (For a few minutes, at least. But an accomplishment.) The sitting outside the doorway knocking was an adorable detail, as was Dembe throwing her over his shoulder and trying to get her out. Excellent touch with the "my" door subtlety. The dialogue is right on key, and the whole thing is very well written. Thanks so much - just what I was looking for.
jadenanne7 chapter 1 . 5/15/2015
Pick her up and carry her.

Oh I can see Lizzie kneeing Dembe where it hurts. ON PURPOSE. His apartment actually looked like him. Looked like something he would have chosen for himself. Reminds me of the writer's house. Wonderful job.
Stardust585 chapter 1 . 5/10/2015
LOVED it, thank you for sharing this piece, a great companion to the episode. You've shown how broken Red is in a very touching and realistic way, and your Lizzie is on-the-spot as always. Kudos!
Simone chapter 1 . 4/30/2015
I'm screaming. You're so talented I just lost all motivation to continue my own story. ! Wow.
Jamie chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
That was just the fic I have been waiting for. I loved loved loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
I reallyvlikectis story. It would be great if they could use it on the show.
klynne83 chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
i liked the tussle with dembe. that was something different. and red was cold, but I understand that he didn't want that part of himself being vulnerable. I really liked this.
Redlisted chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
It actually looks from the promos that he retreats to his lodge for his recovery. I wish this conversation would happen there.
HasFar2Go chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
The girl can’t get in so she just decides to annoy him into submission with the knocks, I love it.

“Little late for that,” totally in character Liz-sass.


“There’s *linoleum* in the kitchen.” I love how that’s like, the final line for Liz in her determination here. No marble? No antique wooden floorboards ripped up out of Versailles? Must be his actual residence.

He doesn’t want her to see the man behind the curtain and he’s so angry and ‘What lie do you want me to tell you tonight, Lizzie?’ jfc that’s the sort of caustic line I could absolutely here him snapping at her after the episode.

I love that she asks about the cat's name. LIZ KEEN ASKS THE HARD QUESTIONS. I also love that she makes inferences about personality based off of his choice in pet.

He is so desperate to have this one THING that hasn’t been touched by Lizzie. He is totally aware of how much she’s touched and altered his life.

“I’m a mess, frankly. I know that.”…”And I think right now you are, too.” I’d die if we got that line in the show.

Liz acknowledging her reactions and behavior and telling him to be patient and then telling him not to scare her, I love it. I love that she isn’t throwing herself at him or apologizing for everything – she totally is in the right with her reactions to his behavior. Calling him out on it, saying that other people would have gotten restraining orders, it’s incredible. You ripped off the mask and showed the inner workings with this and it’s so great.

I wish we had gotten a scene like this in the show. Your take is ambiguous enough that the writer’s could have – should have – gone in this direction.

artemisfae chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
This was awesome!
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