Reviews for Dragons of the Mojave (ABANDONED)
A Tin Can chapter 13 . 4/9/2017
*Mr. Spectre is calmly sitting across from you behind an old, dusty desk. Faint evening sunlight poors through the blinds and the puffs of smoke coming from his cigar. He puts it down, and speaks in a clear baritone voice-*

"Fantasy. Deathclaws."
A Tin Can chapter 11 . 4/9/2017
Hnnnng! Maria is making my heart give out...
cy87 chapter 40 . 3/30/2017
sad to see this end. i have been reading this for 2 years and would disagree with you about it being baddly writen. farewell
Lotheon chapter 40 . 3/27/2017
I very much enjoyed the story you wrote, and even if the journey didnt go anywhere and you lost the drive to continue it I still very much appreciate the tale you wrote.
Burgs chapter 40 . 3/21/2017
Well im sorry you lost the drive to keep writing. But at least you wrote a little closing message instead of just stopping. I believe that this was a really good work of literature. I truly hope someone comes along and finishes it.
Sheason chapter 40 . 3/21/2017
[Plays Taps on the hacked muzak]
Pietersielie chapter 40 . 3/21/2017
Much sadness... :( A pity. Would've liked to see where you where going with the motley crew of misfits. Ah well, c'est la vie, is it not? All the best in your future endeavours.
cyberneticninja chapter 39 . 3/12/2017
ignore the one below the one below me. ihave read this story 3 times now and can say with certanty that this story and work piece is superior to most published book and most certanly does not require "maintenance".
Burgs chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
Dont listen to the guy below me keep up the good work i love it.
knolden chapter 9 . 3/6/2017
This story started well. But it turned into a right mess.

I mean power levels are all over the fucking place with no rhyme or reason and characters CONSTANTLY contradict their own behaviours, intentions, emotions and whatever happened a few sentences and chapters before.

I wanted to enjoy this but I cannot any more. I suggest you take a good long look at the story and clean it up a bit.
Allard-Liao chapter 39 . 2/22/2017
Now all we need is for Gorris to show up to truly blow Screaming-Eagle's mind.
Guest chapter 39 . 2/22/2017
Loved this chapter! But gods damn it! Must Screaming eagle STILL be like that with Nera!?
On a side note... it will be fun to see Eyes goring and mangling legionaries~

Hope to see the next one soon!
Pietersielie chapter 39 . 2/21/2017
As they say, tsundere is always amusing. As long as it is not aimed at oneself, of course. Thanks for an awesome story! Sirris scares me... too smart by half! Eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Nevarius chapter 38 . 2/7/2017
Há! Loved this ending of the arc!
And the irony of seeing Elhijah being crunched to death by DOG. xD
It was better than the original options! I can't wait to see the next chapter!
Cylon-117 chapter 37 . 1/29/2017
Ok, I have noticed a few lore discrepancies in your writing, and as such I want to inform you of them:
1. Argonian physiology is dictated by the Hist, the hatchlings drink Hist sap and the Hist tree decides all aspects of the Argonian, namely gender (Argonians are hatched/born without gender or genitals), size, breasts/no breasts, horns or feathers, weather they are more or less like Man/Mer, weather they are intelligent or stupid, ect. NOTE: During the Oblivion crisis 8 foot tall super soldier argonians were created b the Hist by making fully grown Argonians drink a specific sap, possible explanation for Eyes-of-Silver i.e. drank it in youth. Fun Fact, some say that Argonians can switch gender at will, and claim to have known Argonians who have switched gender multiple times in their life times.
2. Argonians can have breasts naturally, it is decided upon by the Hist and they CAN lactate as in-game there are records of Argonian children who have no access to Hist sap being fed from the mother's teat. I do believe this is also how families can dictate what their children would be like if they wish.
3. Argonians have their own language which has no tense-specific words and Argonians can learn easily, it is reputed to be the best language for mind to word and was created by the Hist (or at least derived from them) it causes Argonians to find it hard to learn Man or Mer language, and visa versa. So, why are Black Marsh originating Argonians speaking in the language of Man when alone with other Black Marsh originating Argonians? It makes no sense.
4. Argonians are naturally and culturally tough to "get to know" for Man or Mer, and visa versa, as Argonians do not have expressive faces like Man or Mer races have. Therefore, Karem-Rai trusting Phoenix that quickly is HIGHLY unrealistic.
5. Argonians find killing fellow Argonians HIGHLY repusize and see any other Argonian as a family member due to their shared link with the Hist, so Screaming-Eagle threatening Karem-Rai is unrealistic in two ways: 1. She would not do so as aggressively as she did, 2. Karem-Rai would know that she would not do any harm and as such would not care or feel as threatened as he did.

Other than that though, the story is great with a compelling arc and good English, I just thought that to bring this issues to light will help you to develop the story further.
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