Reviews for Chocolate Orange
Rasiaa chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
This is awesome. I never see such frilly one shots, everything is always so serious and this is fun without being ridiculous or stupid. I think the story flows really well, and the conversations are great. I do think there could have been many more conversations though. It seems like that type of story.
DobbyRocksSocks chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
I really like this. It's just so random yet it works so well. I love your characterisation of Dumbledore, particularly in regards to Mary the house elf, (Maybe Hermione should sneak to the kitchens for a chat with him) and the ending made me laugh :)
FancifulRivers chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
Oh, this made me giggle. If I were Michael, I would have been petrified at the Headmaster catching me out after curfew in the kitchen, but wouldn't it figure that Dumbledore would be down there wanting a snack, too?

Chocolate oranges also sound delightful! I've had orange-flavored chocolate, but an actual orange under that chocolate sounds quite delicious, and I wish I could have one, too.

Michael's thoughts at the end describe Dumbledore pretty well, don't they? What a strange man indeed. I really like this, and I could actually absolutely see this happening in the books.
alyssialui chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
I liked this fic very much. It's nice to see Dumbledore giving other students attention. In canon, it seems like he only has time for Harry (though we do read the series from Harry's PoV). Seeing him interact with other students on a regular level is nice, and it may even explain how everyone was so touched by his death (on a personal level). Nice fic.
lokilette chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
This is so Dumbledore! I love it! poor Corner caught in the act, but I like the image of Dumbledore sneaking down for a late-night snack, too.

I like the interaction between Dumbledore and Mary, especially with him reminding her that she's not required to do anything. I very much like this side of Albus. :)

Well, that's definitely a new take on a chocolate orange. I was thinking of the Muggle treat. Silly me! I should've known.

[What an odd man] - Yes, I feel this sums him up wonderful. I liked it, though! I think you captured Albus quite brilliantly, and it was a very endearing one-shot. I have a soft spot for him, for sure. :3
Lara1221 chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
Fun fact: Chocolate oranges are seriously the worst things I've ever tasted XD, but so many people love them I'm pretty sure I'm on the outs!

Anyway, I first must commend you on the fact that dumbledore is perfect here. Like, spell the word out perfect. The way he acts and talks are so Rowling I think this is the most impressive thing I've ever seen from you. I've tried, but idk if I've succeeded in this task ever. Anyway, Corner was also cool; I like you fleshed his character out a bit, and the house elves were a great conversation point.

Wonderful job!
LittleTee chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
This was a great story. I love your Michael here and your Dumbledore. You kept both of them in character and their interaction believable.

There are many elements in this story that I love, but I guess the main one is the use of chocolate oranges and the status of the Hogwarts House-elves.
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
This was really interesting to read. I can really picture this happening - Dumbledore sneaking into the kitchens for a snack only to find a student to do the same.
I enjoyed the conversation between them and love how in character Dumbledore was - you seem to hit his slight oddness perfectly (a lot of people write him very out of character) so I've enjoyed reading this story.
Laser Lance 720 chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
This was really sweet. I'm usually never big on stories that deal largely with Dumbledore (this may be a due to my dislike of the man, but that is another story) so I was weary coming in. But you managed to capture my attention and interest right off the back. Its such a simple scene, but you expanded upon it in a way that made it memorable and lasting.
Little.Miss.Xanda chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
I can totally see that happen. Dumbledore is just that kind of person. I really liked this little piece. It was a really niece, sweet story. I enjoy it when people use the less well known characters. It's always interesting to see what people do with them when they have so little information to use. Great job.
Nightmare Prince chapter 1 . 5/27/2015

This was quite an interesting story, especially since you're using such a minor character as Michael in contrast with Dumbledore. I think the kitchens was the perfect place for this encounter, especially since we know about Dumble's penchant for sweets and such.

A small nitpick, Madam Pompfrey tends to the Hospital Wing . . . Madam Pince tends to the library, you might want to correct that bit.

Overall, this was quite a fun read.

-Ciao Mate
Sable Supernova chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
Firstly, you have captured Dumbledore so well, I'm kind of jealous! This was a lovely little piece, and it's exactly how Dumbledore would have acted!
I love how confused Michael was by the whole thing :P Dumbledore's character has become so commonplace to us fans so it's really nice to see someone still able to capture that confusion and unease around meeting the man properly for the first time. Well done!
SylvaDragon chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
That was excellent. I really liked your portrayal of Dumbledore.
Alibi Nonsense chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
This is awesome. I just love the novelty of it. Dumbledore sneaking out of bed and getting a midnight snack with a student. XD
Kendra PJO chapter 1 . 4/30/2015
sounds like something Dumbledore would do- you have him perfectly IC. Casual, yet mysterious and strangely childlike at some points. The house elf interaction was a BIT iffy as to ICness, but I'm a nitpicker. May inspiration be with you always! KP
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