Reviews for It Doesn't Always Roar
nocloudypooh chapter 3 . 4/13/2019
With the way Rowling writes the books, it’s very easy to have
preconceptions of what is stereotypical of each house, esepcially at the age when we first read them, it stays with us without much questions asked.

But I always remember this quote from Princess Diaries, that courage is not the absence of fear, and I always remember that small scene in Philosopher Stone, where Dumbledore mentioned that there are many types of courage, but it takes a different courage to stand up to your friends. I love how you flesh out Neville’s story here with the courage theme, and the emphasis of his insecurities, because we can grow up and change but our insecurities still stay with us.

Neville’s and his head of houses here was very warming to read. We never seen any instance of staff conferences in the books but it’s remarkably different from fanfics portrayal of staff meetings with Dumbledore at the helm. The heads feel more like advisers, on equal ground with the Headmaster and I love that kind of progress, which is very significant for the Wizarding World. I would also love to read more about Headmaster Neville, if your plot bunnies allow it
OneDocToHealThemAll chapter 3 . 3/16/2019
You Sir are amongst th best fanfiction writers here. I hope you write some more stories.
Suse B chapter 3 . 2/20/2019
I've always liked Neville and felt badly for him that even in a room of five he was alone. It was nice to see him mature despite it.
excessivelyperky chapter 2 . 11/28/2018
Of course you need the Sorting Hat-being able to label one-quarter of the students as evil is very convenient, after all.

I wish that Neville could Sort them instead, he'd do just as well if not better.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
Oh, very good! But I'm surprised that Neville doesn't seem to have any trauma associated with the somewhat homicidal Uncle Algie, who's tried so hard to kill the boy.
Lauraf68 chapter 3 . 10/18/2018
Very interesting story! I LOVED this chapter especially. Neville is a special soul and I'm glad he could finally see thst about himself!
phngolovely chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
brilliant story. all and all. I love your Neville
Gen-in-the-Eve chapter 3 . 5/20/2018
You have brilliantly captured one of my favorite characters and the underutilized sorting hat! Thanks for writing such good stories that really focus on the character development. I felt that you captured a Hogwarts that moved forward from the war with realism, humanity, and wisdom. Go Neville!
TIGERSAGE chapter 3 . 4/13/2018
Very interesting story and very interesting train of th height. Keep up the good work
Aggiebell chapter 3 . 4/11/2018
Okay. Wait. How have I not read this before? I am, like, the biggest Neville fangirl there is and I missed this until now, and that's just not right.

This-the whole story-is lovely. I love the way Neville grows in this, just like I love the way he grows in Canon. His journey is one of my favorite things about the books, and this just adds to it and fits in seamlessly. I feel like his characterization is spot on in this, and I love it.

And the Hat. So much love for the Hat. 3

I usually pull out favorite quotes when I review, but I'm afraid that I'd just end up quoting the whole thing back at you, so I'm just going to leave you with a well done and a thank you. 3
sand beneath our feet chapter 3 . 7/10/2017
I love this.

Seriously, this is the best thing ever, and it made me unbelievably happy.
maplefeathers403 chapter 3 . 2/24/2017
Oh... as always, AMAZING.
BooksAreMedicine chapter 3 . 10/8/2016
Wow, great way to wrap it up.

I love how Harry handled it, gently but firmly not letting Neville belittle himself.

He is great at balance, just look at Dumbledore's Army (minus Slytherin)
BooksAreMedicine chapter 2 . 10/8/2016
This was one of my favorite Neville moments, how the Unchosen one immediately stepped up to the task and excelled.

Nice ending lines
BooksAreMedicine chapter 1 . 10/8/2016
Very cool idea. It does fit well with what Neville had been exposed to up to that point.

I am very glad the hat didn't listen to him, Neville definitely deserves Gryffindor, even if it does take him till his seventh year to get concrete proof
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