Reviews for The Takahashi Family Saga
Kela chapter 18 . 5/23/2019
(I apologize for this 1.2k word vomit in advance)

Just got into the fandom with the release of Mk11. Saw the two adorable girls but didn't know their story. So I binged MkX and fell in love with the Kombat Kiddos- well, fell in love with the idea of them. Especially Jacqui, though that's because I relate to her on a spiritual level being the daughter of a Black Military man who was hardly in her life yet extremely protective of her. But I'm overall neutral/good with most of the kast.

So when I saw your fic had a focus on messy father-son relationships, I jumped on it immediately. I eat this shit up like nobody's business. I didn't know just how big of a 'my family member didn't give me enough attention as a youth and that seriously fucked me up in an important way' kink I had until I looked through my favorite characters in other fandoms.

I jumped into this knowing that there's a good chance this might not be updated again (or rarely updated) because of the length and just how much effort you put into this. Your writing style shines throughout this piece, sometimes I have to wait a few minutes to light my mind envision the story correctly. The way you write the characters, it seems to incorporate a healthy balance of thoughts, actions, and dialogue. Which is a huge weakness of mine, I often get too introspective and so my actions are weaker by comparison.

I think my favorite scenes were Kenshi/Babu Takeda chatting with that elder lady in Japanese (this was so cute yet revealed a lot about the Awkward 8-years-late-bonding Kenshi was having with his son) and Grandmaster Hashashi contemplating his role in Takeda's life. aahhhhhh I just love it. Like. Not even kidding. A 'person genuinely taking over the father role (without being called a father)' kink is like right up there with my 'I struggle with abandonment issues due to my parents' kink.

When I discovered that THE scorpion took care of this angri angsty boi for over a decade? And his father never visited him? I fucking died. Like in my mind, Hanzo was Takeda's father, no exceptions. Even now(Post MKx), I feel like in some aspects Hanzo is still more of a father than a father figure to Takeda. So like I was in my feelings when Takeda had to leave Flaming Daddy to get training from Blind Daddy. And the way that you ended that mini arc with Hanzo acknowledging that he's jealous, that he's a lot more similar to Kenshi than he realized, accepting that Time is Takeda's true father, and that the kid is going to learn a lot as time flows on. My thoughts overall is not to discredit Kenshi, but to credit Hanzo (because he's not doing that his fucking self).

This character study of Kenshi is very helpful in getting me inside the head of this man. I thoroughly appreciate it, especially because i don't think the game isn't going to give me as much of an analysis on him (and the mini arcs of the other characters). I like how you write this relationship between him and Suchin out. I often assume that their relationship was more physical than anything, so it's great to see this interpretation of it. Dealing with a character who would have a hard time with multiple voices in his head would be hella challenging for me. Especially because there's no order in my thoughts, like i have a lot of jumbled up ideas that just attacks me at one. So I just cant imagine that ON TOP OF all of my ancestors listening to my thoughts. I'd probably be a virgin for life, can't have them judging me on my thoughts. If I don't think it, I can't be embarrassed for life. adlskjflk

Takeda is so goddamn arrogant, i fucking love it. It's so hilarious, like it reminds me of those little kids who behave all nice in front of the parents. But as soon as they're gone, tries to get a rise out of the bad child, making the bad child overreaction, and then call their parents to get the bad child in trouble. It makes me so proud that he doesn't have any siblings alkjdgsl. So I love to see the transformation from being the mostly arrogant/aggressive angsty boi to visibly less arrogant, middleman boi. The moment where he connected with his grandma warmed my fucking soul. It was such a good.

I love the little mini arcs you've shown with the other characters. Like it's has enough stuff for me to read in between the lines yet want more at the same time. I love how Sonya still misses Johnny, in his own useful way, even though they're divorce now. I would love to see how Johnny is doing on his movies before being called in to help with the kiddos. Cassie's handling everything as well as she visibly can, who knows just how much this situation is messing her up on the inside. (Jacqui most likely but Im pretty sure Takeda could relate to her on a certain level). My best girl has finally made her appearance and the first thing you do is try to shoot her in the head alskdjfsl. (The games are already trying to shit on her, not you too xD) I also assume that Jin's going to appear soon, since the boys known each other a while before the Kombat Kids were formed.

Also this cliffhanger with no update in site hurts alkdjsl. But it's a good kind of hurt, since Jacqui lives past this situation. I have no idea where this training is going to go but I'm interested to see where you'll take this. and Jehan is just doing the world a favor, we don't deserve but it's being presented to us anyways. Bless.

Take your time with the update, it's fine. Writing like this (especially the amount you put in per chapter) is worth the wait. I know this from experience of being an English major and accidentally typing out a 10k because you're excited about the ideas you have for writing. But life comes first, and life is a rough bitch to tame.

If it makes you feel better, one of my favorite fics in the Teen Titans fandom had only 3 chapters since my first time reading it (i think the last update was 2014). I recently went back to the fic, to reread and reimagine a pleasing ending, and discovered that they updated it twice since my last check. So 5 total chapters- 2 new years within the past 4ish years. Instead of being disappointed, i was fucking elated because seeing an update was better than a full abandonment. Which if the author is fully tired of the fic, I can understand/sympathize with not finishing it. As long as I can get a good enough grasp to think of a basic ending for the fic, I'll be good. And since your fic is just basically a retelling up to Mkx (and maybe beyond), I'm perfectly a-okay with you ending it right here (if I ignore Jehan telling Cassie to shoot the best girl alkdjgsl).

I hope life is doing you well and thank you for this read, it took a week to get through (cuz I'm slow reader and love to read every word) but it's well worth it~

P.s. I'll get another FF.N Account soon under this same name. Just being lazy alkjfsl
Guest chapter 1 . 1/4/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
Please...continue your story
Nafas chapter 18 . 10/22/2018
It was gerat
RavenAmethystWillow chapter 18 . 9/27/2018
Congrats on the birthday! To be honest I actually forgot about this story because I stop coming on here, and you stop updating for a while. AO3 has my attention now. Reading this latest chapter had me a little confused, so it looks like I'm gonna have to read this story over from the beginning. Anyway it's good to see that you are back!
Poe's Daughter chapter 18 . 9/23/2018
I’m sorry it’s taken me a few days to get to this. First of all, Happy 25th Birthday. I hope you got to celebrate in style :) Have a piece of cake on me lol

I was thrilled to see your update, and I like where I think you’re going. I don’t have much in the way of feedback today because truthfully, I’m going to have to go back and re-read the whole story. But as always, your skill with insight makes me want to quit writing. I really wish they offered a class in that when I was in college!

My favorite part was Kenshi in the cave, seeing himself for the first time through Sento’s eyes. The way you described it felt like I was there, and my own eye sockets ached from it. I’m anxious to see how you tie his past to Takeda’s present.

And speaking of, I was impressed by Takeda’s new skill. He was cold and nonchalant about it, though, so I’m worried about the condition of his soul. That was especially true after Kenshi said they needed to find him some mental anchors to keep him from turning to the Dark Side.

Anyway, it’s a nice update and, if I have anything else to add after I re-read the whole story, I’ll shoot you a message on Tumblr. Have a good day!
the-06 chapter 18 . 9/20/2018
Great chapter! Well worth the wait. That exchange with, and you wonder why I mark out for the Captain so much. :D

It can't be easy juggling three subplots into one cohesive story, but it's done so well and your prose is off the charts, plus it's so darn refreshing to see a realistic depiction of Cassie for a change (i.e., not just full of snark).

As the old song says, more, more, more!
DeathAngel2015 chapter 18 . 9/20/2018
AAAAYYYY AN UPDATE! First, I wanna say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! I'm glad everything is starting to work out in life! I hope more good things come your way soon! Believe me when I say I dropped everything and screamed "HOLY SHIT" when I saw the update xD

Now then, as for this chapter, IT'S GETTING EVEN MORE GOOD. My poor baby Takeda! But, it was definitely heartwarming to see him have a father-son moment for just a tiny bit when Kenshi fixed his scarf. Definitely a good small start on even remotely having a relationship on an okay footing. BUT THAT ENDING THOUGH! Why you do my baby Jacqui like that? And my other baby Cassie? I'll get over it because I'm left on a cliffhanger and I can't wait to see how shit pops off in the next chapter! Amazing, excellent, and SPLENDID writing! I'll be the first person in line for the next chapter to drop!
DeathAngel2015 chapter 17 . 6/16/2018
Okay, this is THE MOST WELL-WRITTEN STORY I'VE EVER READ. The way you detailed Kenshi, Takeda, Sonya, and Hanzo honestly took my breath away. It was like I was watching a series in my head. You're an advanced writer and it truly shows. If you can have a reader bawling their eyes out at four in the morning because of little Takeda getting traumatized while feeling for Kenshi despite what he's been doing, good or bad, you're one hell of a writer. I honestly hope you continue this. I'm seriously invested in this story and I wanna see how Cassie does in the military and how she and Jacqui hit it off. I'm too in love with this story and I really wanna see how Kenshi and Takeda walk down the road of their relationship build. I can't wait for an update! This story is just EVERYTHING!
GetCaged chapter 17 . 3/13/2018
It'd be a real shame if you don't update this. I can't wait to see where the story keeps going.
theladyspades chapter 17 . 7/9/2017
LOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE! Hi! In reading these last two chapters, I noticed the years of the timelines for the current arc and was just curious on how you'd arrived at the reference year? Mainly because as we discussed on Tumblr before, our reference years are a bit different. Also, I love the idea of Kenshi seeing grey instead of the standard black or white people would normally assume he'd see being blind. Me personally because his eyes are a light blue glow, I actually assumed he saw light blue (borderline white, but not quite).

Anyway, you're still as awesome as ever :) I can't wait to read more
iceangelmkx chapter 17 . 6/14/2017
First of all, sorry for the 50 kajillion years it took me to read this chapter...

Secondly, 5-6 chapters you say? I'm both excited for more and a little sad that the story will soon be coming to a close.

Now for the actual chapter... Takeda's reunion with Dara was exactly how I imagined it. The biggest surprised was how receptive she was of Kenshi when they greeted each other, but I suppose a tragedy that affects two people does indeed bring them closer (even with Dara taking a while to... accept him to say the least). The scene at the grave was somber but does help giving Kenshi and Takeda another step forward in repairing their fragile relationship.

As always, looking forward to the next chapter!
kumulonimbus chapter 17 . 5/28/2017
I really like this side of Takeda. The most emotional one in terms of his own sense of familiarity. The kid who grew up surrounded by danger and a paternal figure that was simultaneously coming to terms with the son he had lost so long ago seems to have been wrapped in the comforting embrace of family. Bonding with his grandmother can surely make him feel closer to his mom, and I also think that, in a way, it can also help Kenshi recover memories of a time that seems to be too obscured by his inner turmoil.

It’s nice to see them bonding over the memory of the woman who brought them together. It even makes me think that, in time, Takeda will be able to think about his family as a whole instead of perceiving the actors as necessary participants of a fragmented reality.

Beautiful update!
FloweryNamesLover chapter 17 . 5/1/2017
oh, goodie! another chapter! lol, don't worry. i forgive him. Anyway, i really liked the somberness of this chapter, especially the interactions with Daria and Takeda. she really does come across as someone who's lost a lot and understands the importance of not letting the past haunt us. I also like how Kenshi respectfully keeps his distance while still making it clear that he's nearby if he's needed. It's the wisest course of action if he wants to rebuild his relationship with Takeda. And finally, i love the final line at the end of this chapter. takeda does not trust his father yet, but he's let go of enough anger to try to give him a chance. they've defintely got a long way to go, though, but that's what makes this story so interesting! ;)

Keep up the good work!
Westcoast Witchdoctor chapter 17 . 4/26/2017
Baby steps for our leading men, which is always good because I think there's still A LOT that needs to be hashed out.

Great job!
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