Reviews for Eight Kinds of Trouble
SimmonsButterflys chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
Thanks for such an amusing chapter about my favorite shipping ever! You really brightened my day!

JaneScarlett chapter 1 . 4/29/2015
Love the details about the Mendagin. Even in such a short fic, you've managed to give setting and background into an alien world and lifeform... You're really quite excellent at that.

And love that the Doctor could be so enthusiastic but calm- 'be hospitable instead of starting a war'. So *very* him... I know you didn't specify, but I read this picturing a much younger River, thinking her husband is really is mad. And brilliant lines: 'She had an almost insatiable urge to turn the gun on him. Really, there were times she could see why her trainers had wanted him shot.' I would have wanted to shoot the Doctor as well. Basically, he was getting distracted by string and shiny things... still, bless his funny little self. (You're making me miss Eleven quite a bit.)
Rurouni Scribe8 chapter 1 . 4/29/2015
Typical Doctor. Love it.
The Wild Wild Whovian chapter 1 . 4/29/2015
*snicker* Well, that was very cute!