Reviews for Hold On For Me
Ruby Casablanca chapter 1 . 9/25/2017
I loved this! The fandom needs more Roy stories to this quality :)
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
I forgot I hadn't reviewed this yet, but I have read it over and over again over the last couple of months and wanted to let you know it's just AMAZING! :D Such a beautiful and emotional fix-it for the fact that the writers KICKED ROY OFF THE SHOW, those LOSERS! grr. ;D but anyway, I feel so bad for Roy but at the same time, you wrote all the dialogue so in character it was truly amazing :D Fantastic job!
Emrys Solaria chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
I just died from feels
Guest chapter 1 . 10/23/2016
Olicityville chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
I almost cried TWICE
emeraldarrows chapter 1 . 6/16/2015
Wonderful story.
Maryam25 chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Oh boy, that was wonderful!

I really enjoyed your take on Roy's perspective.

So beautiful and so very well-written. I was truly saddened to see both Roy AND Colton leave the show...alas.

Great job!

Naitch03 chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
This was an awesomely sweet story. Great job!
athom2 chapter 1 . 5/2/2015
Did I say how much I love your writing? I didn't? Okay, let me say it again- I love your stories! I love your writing and I truly enjoy your fics! Thank you for sharing them!
Now, what could I say? The whole story was so bittersweet that I didn't know which is better- to cry or to smile. Roy's emotions were all over the place and were so well presented that I really felt for him. Most of the time I just wanted to hug him and tell him that everything is alright.. Apparently it wasn't and I just...
He was so broken, so alone, in agony. It was awful to read so I can just try to imagine what was it like for him to be without those he loves; and especially without Thea.
Oh, and Thea... She may have not realized it but she was the one that suffered the most. Her personality, her mind and thoughts, all of that was just swiped out by the magic hot tub and Thea was left with just fragments of her old self. I didn't like that. I didn't like it at all!
Most of the time she was like this little girl who faced the world all over again, trying to fit in and finding her place there. It made me sad how hard Roy was trying to find the old Thea and bring her back and how hard she was trying to be the right version of herself, the one that he remembered, for him..
As I said, your writing is beyond amazing so each line just made me an emotional mess.
The dinner scene made my heart scream in agony. I felt so sorry for Roy. He was right, he sacrificed everything for Oliver so he could be in Starling but the truth is, baby boy, that you papa bear sacrificed everything so Thea can be alive in Starling. You have to forgive him because if it wasn't for him the woman you love.. Well, I'm not going to say it because it really hurts me. I felt uncomfortable reading it which means you did your job remarkably well!
For a brief moment I really thought that Mexico will be their last safe haven; that they wouldn't meet again; that they'll never have the chance of living happily ever after. You proved me wrong and I'm so grateful about the middle-of-nowhere mountain house. They all deserve it!
The Oliver/Roy bromance is something that I didn't know I was craving for until your stories so having their little interaction here was breathtaking. Yes, I said it. :D
To sum up it was an amazing story. Being in Roy's shoes for once was more challenging than I've expected. He is as emotional as Thea is and that made the story marvelous. Thank you once again!

Some of my favorite quotes, I'll try to put all of them here but..:

He's never going to see Thea again.
It hurt even me, so I can't imagine how much it had hurt him. My poor baby boy leaving the love of his life.

Creates a new email address- redhoodie. He opens a blank e-mail and addresses it to HisGirlWednesday.
This made me smile.

His hands itch for a phone. What he would give right now, to hear her voice one more time.
I was thinking to borrow him mine tbh and you know if I could I most definitely would. 'Cause Thea was dying right then but obviously not there and my heart just broke in million pieces.

Every person he's ever talked to is gone. And then he has to remind himself that they're all alive, back in Starling. He's the one who's gone, who will be forgotten while everyone else moves on.
Couple of things, baby boy. First, not everyone is all alive. Second, Thea couldn't move on if she tries to, you know why? Because you're the love of her live, no matter what!

He can sense a depression coming, a big black wave looming on the horizon.
I wished to hug him here so very much. Just held him and tell him how special he is and how much Thea loves him and misses him.

He automatically turns to look to Oliver, to see the proud papa bear look on his face.
That was so bittersweet.. The papa bear look definitely made me smile but the feeling of emptiness and complete devastation that it brought.. Not nice :D

Wondering what Thea would think of him becoming a Buddhist.
She'll still love you!

He sees Thea everywhere. On the sidewalk, in the club.
He misses her so much, I couldn't handle it. Why nobody called him? To tell him? Why?

He keeps it under his pillow like a pervert.
As I've been saying, that is what being madly in love means, baby boy. You're not a pervert, just a guy who lost his love.

'Oh my god', she breathes. 'It is you'
I must admit, I was beyond happy when this line came up but my happiness didn't last long.

Something cold wraps around the base of his neck, and it takes Roy a second to realize that what he's feeling is fear, some sixth sense tickling him, whispering something is not right.
Yep, I felt the same way. Exactly the same way. At this point I was afraid that nothing good stays before them.

'Thea,' he says, feeling sick, 'what's wrong with you?'
I still wanted to hug him and repeat my mantra about how much does Thea love him.

This isn't right. This isn't right. Where is Oliver in all this?
You're right! This isn't right! The universe is screwing you, both of you and I'm not happy about it. No, it's screwing three of you!

Claps his hand like a little kid looking for reassurance.
Unfortunately right now she is a little kid. She doesn't have her real memories, just some bits of her live before and she is basically re-discovering the world around her; and that's mean you too, Roy.

'You're happy to see me, right?'
Yes, he is! It doesn't matter how broken and lost you are, he'll always be happy to see you, hug you and he will always love you!

'You love me,' she states softly.
'Yes,' he says, voice breaking. 'Very much'
He loves you and you love him, baby girl.

Thea frowns. 'Then why did you leave?'
Those words... Imaging her just broke my heart.

'I think maybe... I died?'
Yes, you did. And the worst thing? If Roy ever finds out that you were killed the exact some moment he was leaving Starling.. Well, let's say he would never forgive himself.

I could proceed with my favorite lines but I believe I'll need to quote almost everything beyond this point so I'll just put two more here:

'Oh, Roy,' she whispers. 'You have no idea, do you?'
'You're like, all I talk about!'
'I love you,' she whispers. 'I love you, I love you.'
My heart melted right then and there and I saw the light in the end of the tunnel! I was so happy about them I am, not was, I am :D

'Roy,' Oliver says, the biggest smile on his face that Roy has ever seen. 'Welcome home.'
NotInUse99 chapter 1 . 4/30/2015
This is amazing, I love Roy and can't wait for him to come back for the season final. Great writing, I loved reading every word of it :) x