Reviews for Charades
the-spellbound-spirit chapter 13 . 8/13/2015
Loved reading this fic. So glad BH got what she deserved, you got her character spot on; a nasty piece of work through and through.

From my personal experience with having a loved one with dementia, you handled what happened to Eleanor with sensitively and it was very accurate. I have to admit I did cry when I was reading that chapter.

Also the last two chapters; I love that they finally admitted that they love each other to each other's faces. All the warm and fuzzy feels!

Perfect :D
typical rainbow chapter 13 . 6/5/2015
rereading this again, love it Squeeeee
Princess Sammi chapter 13 . 6/3/2015
(Why do you think I spent so long in the shower?")

Ha. See, I knew she wasn't *just* washing her hair.
Ahem, hello. Apologies for the delay but been a hectic few days. Really great end chapter (and the previous one) I had a feeling that they would end up renewing their vows. Squee! Aw, look at them making "a life together" . ( See what I did there...;)

Princess S
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 13 . 6/1/2015
Imogen made Constance incredibly happy, so there had no point to be the person she had been during long time. It's tie to be Constance she was before when everything was more or less good.

There was no need to hide what they wanted during past few months (they did just this). What was more important, everything was mutual.

Imogen had not worry at all. She's the one Constance needed and wanted during very long time, so she had to be sure she won't fail. For Constance, when it came to Imogen, there couldn't be such a thing as fail. Everything she will do will be great.

No matter what will happen later, it will be what they both will want. It is the only thing that matter.

Great chapter and the story's end.
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 12 . 6/1/2015
At least, Broomhead paid for all the evil things she had done. Of course, there has no way for her to feel herself as bad as she make feel many people over many years. She deserved all the worst what could happen to her.

There had no way for council to be suspicious about Constance and Imogen's love.

Constance feel guilty for what happened to other women; because BH did not let her to be with somebody except herself and her evil plans. Imogen is not the person Constance's had to be with because their fates brought them together. No, Imogen is the person Constance needed always and found eventually.

Things had come to what they needed to came much earlier. They are fully married now and love each other very much.

Such things like won over the female devil not happen often. Better to say, it have not happened during very long time. A party needed to happen really.
room-on-broom chapter 13 . 5/31/2015
*lets off party poppers* Well done!
Guest chapter 12 . 5/29/2015
Ceeeellllebrate good times come on! Fist pumps glad the old cow got what was coming to eventually.
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 11 . 5/26/2015
Happily, 1st chapter had good consequences. I thought it won't.

Hahaha, Constance had to stay with Imogen in the same room, no matter she wanted this or not.

Yes, Amelia had proofs even if she didn't know what concretely happened. She could guess, though.

There are so many great things. The chapter is great.
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 10 . 5/26/2015
It was much better now.

Yes, Constance agreed to lesser of two evils which proves my guesses were right.

Thanks to Alice or even to Anna who arranged this meeting. There is a huge hope.

Imogen had knew what happened to her then really. Even if Constance did not want to tell this, Imogen needed truth; because it explained that she was not fault for what she was doing.

Hope everything will be alright.
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 9 . 5/26/2015
It was started so good, but turned into very bad.

I was suspicious about wine Imogen got since the very beginning, but here are clan proofs later. I didn't think it was a very strong truth potion, I thought it was poison which is true partly.

Poor Constance. People we want the best for are those whom we love in 99%. Why they both did not realise this yet? If only they had the conversation Imogen wanted, things would went differently.

what is better- being 'a pet' of a female devil or lost everything and be a non-witch? Being Broomhead's wife means lost herself and being imprisoned not being in prison at the same time. Lost magic means lost part yourself, but being a free person, at least.

I think, being free is more important than hold on magic even if it means everything to you.
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 8 . 5/26/2015
This is a very sad chapter.

Anyway, Imogen was there was what Constance needed most.

Constance's mother knew she mustn't worry for daughter any more, and she could die satisfied.

Most important thing is not only say that you care, but prove this when the person you care about needs it most.

Th fact that pupils were here was important for their teacher too. Fenny and Grissy's care was very important too; because they did it not as girls who were led by teachers, but by themselves.

This damn Broomhead did not want to left thing as they were. She couldn't put up the fact that Constance has somebody much better than she and she will never be controlling the younger witch as planned.

They felt the same, and the feeling was very strong, but they hadn't know it yet. That drink suggestion was accepted, but terrible event didn't let it to happen.

Constance kissed Imogen first finally, although they they were far from being in private. It was non-verbal thank you and something much more about which Imogen should know soon.
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 7 . 5/26/2015
It's Imogen's turn to feeling what her best friend (and so called wife) started to feel for her earlier. She felt something to Constance (it was tiny bit of a real feeling) since the very beginning, so it had to happen.

There was nothing to worry about really.

Apart things the children received as presents, they received a much better one. Sometimes, a person can be better present than something else.

Constance's intuition worked good.

Oh no; everything was so good and then this sad plot twist appeared out of the blue.
Princess Sammi chapter 11 . 5/25/2015
D'aww, thanks for the mention. And well, yes, maybe a little bit...;)

Another great chapter! They have finally talked *yay* loved the part about if they were in a book or a film, Davina calling them idiots and Constance saying how she's poison - the latter in particular. to a line I have in next chapter of 39 Deg. Clearly, thou art also a bit psychic. ;)

Update soon.

Princess S
typicalrai chapter 11 . 5/24/2015
If people were watching us or this was a book they would be screaming at us to do one simple thing. Communicate." ha! Very clever. Very apply put by davina and Amelias am I speaking to the happy couple. and hooray!
Princess Sammi chapter 10 . 5/23/2015
( "She wasn't my friend, my Constance.")


On the edge of my seat to find out if and how this will all be resolved!

Princess S

P.S I just knew BH bumped off her wifey!
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