Reviews for What Was Lost
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
I love this. The emotion in here was so palpable, but not overdone. Poor Clint-he had such a rotten childhood. His ability to use his past as a catalyst for doing so much good is what makes him a superhero. I'm about to check on your profile, but did you by chance write a sequel to this explaining how he met Laura and they moved into the house? Even though, in here, he doubts so much that it'll ever happen? I think that would be a fantastic second part to the story! :D Great job, kudos to you as a writer 3
ASKessler chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
Wow. Just... wow! Your descriptions put you right there and the emotions seem spot on. I only saw one spelling/typo error: explanation. This is a new favorite for me.