Reviews for In Wonderland
thatwritermadeofpotatoes chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
NOOOOOoooh god that was so depressing...I loved it! Really good pacing and emotion building, You're very good at imagery, too!
tangents chapter 1 . 8/21/2016
this was actually so good i have no words
EmilyTheShade chapter 1 . 5/1/2016
It's almost laughable that you put the triggers on the bottom and not on the top. You are really good with tragic stories, which oddly enough isn't terrifying. I'm a sucker for Odesta, but why did you have to kill them both?!
snowlitbutterfly chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
Wow! I loved this! Very well written and this gave me so many feels. The plot led up so nicely to the ending and the characters were developed wonderfully as well. I expected this to be a typical boy meets star, they start dating and get through all the obstacle story After I finished, I was blown away. It went in the opposite direction and introduced a more tragic, yet realistic side of such a relationship. I can't say enough how much I liked this. Fantastic job and I hope you continue to write more fanfics about these two!
tyc123 chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
DUDE. That was depressing.

It was really good though. I was enjoying it so much... and then I cried. Strong writing and an interesting concept. Thank you for sharing... even if it hurts me.
dreams and desperation chapter 1 . 11/23/2015
Oh my actual God. You have packed so much emotion into this, and it's so raw and honest and true and... I can't. Wow. This is amazing.
Clarissa Adele Fairchild chapter 1 . 7/8/2015
oh my god, ohanna.
okay, when i saw this i was just reading it to get an example of how to write my story for the C/P music thing, but then i actually started reading and oh my god, this was amazing.

i love how you started the story with them getting to know each other, and it was cute that it all started with a dare. you made me look at finnick/annie a completely different way, and i just, ahhh, ohanna, i just love this! this is amazing!

you're an amazing author.
xo p
Thargelion chapter 1 . 6/1/2015
I was looking at the other reviews and saw that someone said this was like Romeo and Juliet. Having just read it, I can firmly say one thing- this literally has better characterization than Romeo and Juliet. As I read that, all I could think about was how silly it was that they were 'in love' after just a few minutes. As I read this, I think that the ending was built up to amazingly. When I saw the wordcount, I wasn't quite sure, but I really love this.
First off, I loved the way you gave both characters new depth. I'd never pictured Annie as a celebrity, but I really have a clear picture of her in my head after this. Finnick's characterization is very realistic and lovely, especially as he's trying to pull Annie out of her descent into madness.
That second-to-last section was one of my favorites. Of course Johanna snaps him out of it (at least for a bit)! But I really loved (and simultaneously hated because of the sadness) the section when Finnick finds Annie dead. I really could empathize with him, and I think that matters a lot in writing.
My favorite part about this, however, was the almost casual slide into insanity. This starts off in a fairly optimistic manner (I loved the bits of their lives as they fall in love!) and takes its precious time dropping down into darkness. Comparing the first section with the last, I can hardly believe the same character is narrating. That's part of what I was looking for in the prompt, a changing character and a change in tone.
Overall, fantastic fic! A whole new perspective on Odesta and some amazing dialogue and tone.
Good luck! And have a lovely day. Or night. Or anything in between. :)
MockingjayWithFangs chapter 1 . 5/24/2015
Johanna, you and your poetic words and beautiful plot made me cry and made me care about a pairing I usually do not give much thought to.
Four for you Johanna, four for you.
Juliet's Shadow chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
Well, I absolutely loved this! It reminds me of Romeo and Juliet at the end (which I am a total sucker for, if you can't tell by my pen) so naturally I am in love with the story. I hate seeing one lover die and the other not having any closure. You gave Finnick closer in a beautiful, haunting way. Wonderful job and I really hope to see more stories from you. :)
octocelot chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
Interesting how you decided to write about a famous person dealing with paparazzi, since the inspiration song is written by Taylor Swift, a person who openly deals with her paparazzi (or at least from what I've seen).

This fic was a pleasant read. I feel like a celebrity would never date a fan who randomly decided to approach her, but there are special cases right
I haven't read a fic like this before. Points to you for being original!

Nice pacing. The story moves from scene to scene fluidly. I think that's one of the strongest parts of this fic.

Nice content. It kept me interested. You've put yourself into the shoes of a celebrity very well.

Great job!
bronc chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
okayokayokay this is beautiful and perfect and ohgosh I'm baffled this is beautiful like i knew you were /good/ but urgh phenomenal beautiful just take all the good adjectives that start with I and that's really all I can say urgh beautiful
I have /seen/ this fic before but it was late and I didn't have time to read it but URGH beautiful okay yes that's my review i'm sorry i can't actually give feedback it's just
schizelle chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
Wow, this is the most heartfelt piece I have ever read.
Its beautiful even though it is so sad... I cried and smiled and laughed. It was amazing.
distances chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
I thought just Finnick was going to die? I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this. This was amazing, though! Painful, but amazing. c:
Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
Agh. For some reason I thought everything was going to be okay- WHHHYYYYY