Reviews for Fate Be Damned
Gwenaria1 chapter 68 . 8/18
Dude. I love this. It feels far more realistic than the original. Especially the needing to rebuild trust bit! I just hope that it doesn't end at chap. 68!
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 2 . 7/15
It's only 2 chapters in, but so far I really don't like Annabell. She's not smart, not funny, not sarcastic, not talented, not pretty, not interesting... She isn't good at drawing, isn't very good at cheerleading, isn't good at science, doesn't like history, is very awkward with her peers, has seemingly few other interests, clearly Edward can hear her thoughts... I just don't really see you establishing an angle with her character, which is always good to do from the start to keep readers interested. I will keep reading for now to see where it goes.

Also, I recommend having this looked over by a beta reader since there are so many mistakes.
chellekathrynnn chapter 2 . 4/12
I hate that Edward refused to drop the subject of her life story. Like who the fuck does he think he is. None of his business
theriseofthequeen chapter 65 . 2/24
I can see Anna getting kidnapped by one of the army members and Victoria and having to send the cullens a
Message through this new power
regina george chapter 68 . 12/9/2019
please please please update! i dont think i have got enough of my patience left for such an amazing story!
xLaBellaVita chapter 68 . 10/10/2019
Ahhhhh please update! I love this story and I love you're writing. Also I love that annabelle and edward didn't get together immediately when he got back. Makes it more realistic.
xLaBellaVita chapter 28 . 10/9/2019
I loveeeeee this OC so much and I love the relationship we has with other characters such as Lauren and Angela and how she managed to bring the Cullen's and her school friends together! And of course I love her and edward!
cnaadirah chapter 60 . 5/21/2019
Congrats on the new little one.
Guest chapter 34 . 4/4/2019
I totally had tears coming. I’m happy to have continued reading. This is very good. chapter 68 . 1/29/2019
Because I’m a lazy asf, I didn’t feel like writing 68 comments as I binged this thing... sooo please just feel pleased with knowing I binged though all of these chapter A on character development
kurayamitenshi25 chapter 68 . 1/3/2019
Ok whoo I caught up on all the chapters till now took a few days mostly cause of work unfortunately! All I have to say is please keep writing I love the ups and downs and suspense is killing me. This last one was like no dont stop I don't want to be at the end yet but alas no more chapters till you write more haha. One thing I have noticed in the beginning is you did have a few typos but unless your OCD who doesn't. Other than that I have to say I really like the way the story is out I like that you followed the plot lines of the books but changed it and made it your own in a different way and that you kept bella out of it for the most part really. Also congrats on your baby boy!
momentum123 chapter 68 . 1/2/2019
Thanks for the update, looking forward to finding out more about Bella's gift
DawnDream9435 chapter 22 . 12/16/2018
yaaaaaas, I stan a queen
Guest chapter 61 . 12/4/2018
Im glad that Anna got a wake up call from her friend. As much as I understand that Edward hurt her, it's becoming insufferable.
griezz chapter 67 . 12/3/2018
Please resubmit! Barely readable!
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