Reviews for And I'll Love You All the While (Because You Saved My Life Once)
Taytayanz chapter 22 . 6/17/2017
This story was so amazing! High school AU is probably my new fave thing!
Taytayanz chapter 5 . 6/16/2017
These young Felicity and Oliver flashbacks are the cutest things ever!
Guest chapter 22 . 12/31/2016
Ugh I really hate it when authors do this. This story is well over a year old, why are you trying to promote it now?
potterhead934 chapter 23 . 7/27/2016
I read the whole story in just one day. Love love love. Can't wait to read more.
potterhead934 chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
I haven't read any of your stuff yet but, I already freaked out just on your username, so good.
hbarker chapter 23 . 5/15/2016
It was so good I couldn't even stop to review each chapter! The lemons were lovely. Probably shouldn't have read that last one at work. O.o

The dialogue was great. Some very humorous lines and great use of Arrow dialogue.

Headed to the sequel now.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/26/2015
Frear story! Love high school Olicity!
KrayKrayKat chapter 19 . 8/18/2015
Tbh, I thought Felicity and Tommy would have been a better choice. Interesting too especially after his little speech. Tommy needs a pick me up desperately. Not that he needs it like needs it, cause he's Tommy freakin' Merlyn and he's too cool for that. But you know, it's Tommy Merlyn, who doesn't want to give it to him?
KrayKrayKat chapter 18 . 8/18/2015
Well now, another hig school cliche. The it-couple, surrounded by all their friends. Haha you're really getting the high school theme going.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm still reading so you've obviously got a catchy fic. But while Olicity is our main focus, don't forget that before the whole Arrow deal and even after(considering its a secret) Oliver and Tommy had the same social standing. And obviously so do Felicity and Laurel(technically Laurel was more well known but let's assume Felicity decided to step into the lime light, which she totally could no doubt). So a little more equaling emphasis much. Like sure Olicity fic but heirarchy doesn't change.
KrayKrayKat chapter 17 . 8/18/2015
One tends to forget their in high school here. And then we remember the politics.
To be honest, like I said before, huge Olicity fan, their my otp. But really Tommy is super charming and I've sorta always preferred him over Oliver. Of course Oliver has the better character development, he's a broody superhero(that is always sexy. Batman anyway, who totally beats everyone btw) and he's got killer abs. And now I'm ranting.
I like this. Even though it's sorta cliche at some moments but it's keeps your reading, always good.
ILean chapter 16 . 8/17/2015
Man this story is just yanking at my Flommy heartstrings. I still love it!
KrayKrayKat chapter 1 . 8/17/2015
Oh yes. I love Tommy and Felicity together. Its Laurel made Tommy work too hard and Oliver's done the same to Felicity...idk. I'm an Olicity fan through and through but I do so love my TommyFelicity fics, I just hope the eventual break up is extremely amicable.
mfaerie32 chapter 23 . 8/10/2015
Him leaving on the yacht was the end of the story?! /
Guest chapter 23 . 8/10/2015
It is heart breaking at the moment!
GeekyGleek chapter 22 . 8/1/2015
They've all been best friends for a long time, so why didn't Oliver and Tommy ask Felicity to go with them? He didn't know that she wouldn't be able to go with them and they would've been able to spend more time together before he left to go to college.
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