Reviews for Heaven Sent
BJames chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
Oh this was just beautiful, I really loved reading through this one. Reid talking about heaven, life after death and the existence of God, that's pretty heavy stuff, but it suits me just fine.

Thanks so much, you couldn't have done a better job at this.
ripon chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
Just read this ( waited until season finished here!) Lovely chat between these two friends. Really hope Reid will be this one's godparent too! Poor programme writers and producers trying to cope with all these pregnancies in real life! Bet the men are being very careful at the moment! lol
Sue1313 chapter 1 . 5/31/2015
I just loved this story. I am so glad that she asked him to be Godfather to the new one too.
jjcrimminds chapter 1 . 5/23/2015
Awesome story! I love the theme of it and I've been waiting for someone to write this scene. Great job.
Monkeywoman14 chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
Nice little one-shot! I like it. And I like Reid and JJ's train of thought about heaven/god/whatever you want to call it. Very interesting. Now I wish the writer's would think of thing's more like this. It seems they never have enough deep conversations like these. Also really love the way you ended it :)
brendafay chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
love it
Birds-and-Beasts chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
Such a beautiful tribute to that scene and to JJ and Reid's relationship. Loved the philosophical discussion between them. And all the deep, complex emotions were perfectly portrayed. Excellent work!
Annber03 chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
Awwwwwww :D.

I had a feeling a certain scene in last night's episode would provide inspiration :). And as always, I'm so glad it did. I LOVE these talks between Reid and JJ that you come up with.

I figured this news would hold a bittersweet quality for JJ, yeah, with her tragic loss in the past. Obviously it's good news in so many ways, but I don't blame her one bit for feeling guilt over her other baby, and mourning her is completely understandable. It's heartbreaking to picture her imagining all these milestones she never got to see with that baby, and I feel for Reid, too, feeling as helpless as he does (at first, anyway). The lines about him feeling useless if he's not spouting facts/statistics or quoting some obscure author-aw.

But thankfully, he is able to work out a way to make her feel better, and I love his reasoning he comes up with. I've always liked the way you touch on his spiritual interest in your stories, and this is no exception. Especially since the show has hinted at him having some deep knowledge of the Bible, and having moments where he's dealt with unexplainable situations (that near-death experience with Hankel). So I'm always glad when a story can touch on his curiosity about that subject, and I'm glad that this is an area that he's okay with NOT knowing all the answers :).

And I completely agree with the line of thinking he and JJ both share here. I love the idea that this baby is a way of telling JJ that it's okay to embrace this. I also love the idea that Roz is taking care of that child JJ never got to have, and helped aid in giving JJ this new chance for happiness (and even played a role in allowing her to have Henry, too). I can definitely go with that. It's also touching to think Roz was there for JJ in those dark times after that miscarriage as a sign of comfort, protecting JJ from going too deeply into the darkness and grief.

And I love the way this connected to Reid's memories of Maeve, that the dreams did what they were meant to do for him. I think all of us who've experienced deep, painful losses have had those kinds of dreams and visions about those who died, and it's understandable to be spooked by them at first, or confused, or startled at how real they feel. But ultimately, Reid's right to look at it as a good thing, and remind JJ of that fact.

I also love the subtle thought that these visions are a reminder to appreciate the people who are here and still alive and treasure their role in one's life. JJ's sister and lost child reminding her to appreciate the family she has and will soon add to, and Maeve reminding Reid to continue to appreciate having those he loves in his life, too. Like JJ :).

So sweet, the way you handled the godfather conversation. Aw at Reid thinking her reason for picking him for Henry was due to feeling sorry for him, but I love that JJ reminded him that no, her reasons ran much deeper than that, and that those same reasons are what would make her pick him again now. From what I've read, and the way Reid and JJ's conversation in the episode went, it seems like the show does intend to continue Reid's godfatherly duties, so that makes me VERY happy :D. And we all know how great he'll be at it.

I also felt for Reid when he rephrased what he was about to say, with loving Henry like he was his own son. I get why he didn't want to say that aloud, and love him for being so thoughtful like that, but it is the truth, no matter what. And JJ's absolutely right about Reid's heart being big enough to have plenty of room for finding new people to love :). This child will be quite lucky, for sure, and I look forward to seeing some sweet moments between them next season, and seeing that bond form.

Also like the nod to Gideon. It would seem appropriate for him to continue to have a role in their lives, considering he WAS the one who nudged Reid into asking JJ out all those years ago :D. I like the idea that he's still nudging them together in various ways-if that's the case, then I hope he continues to play that role for a long, long time :).

And of course, the humor was great, with JJ being amused at Reid's deep reading material and comparing that to what she's read lately :p, as well as the "Look out, world!" comment.

I absolutely loved the scene between them in last night's episode, and I love your take on it here. After all these two have been through, the ups and downs, it's great to see their friendship continuing to build on that deep closeness it's always had. It's moments like this that remind me why I love these two, individually as well as both as friends and a favorite pairing possibility. Lovely story, as always.
alderson chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
I love this story. Great story.
aldknfeianfdil chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
May I just say how much I absolutely love this?
Bohogal1998 chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
LOL! That last part was funny! Great story!
spygoose314 chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
That was very sweet. I enjoy your universe...
DroogieRN chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
Lovely! I really appreciate how you've let Reid voice that some things are inexplicable. I know people like to fuss about him saying he didn't really understand about "the Light" he said he saw when he died at the hands of Hankel - but I always thought the idea that he couldn't explain it gave him comfort.
fishtrek chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
I love this It was so thoughtful.
Love Of Blood chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
I only understood your story once I had watched the episode that this story had related to. Please keep on writing.
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