Reviews for What Once Was Lost
Vivsien chapter 5 . 7/24/2019
This was frightful and I thank ya for writing it
general zargon chapter 5 . 2/17/2017
Thank you very much for the update! I loved Smaug's genealogy deducing and their attempt to sneak through Mordor. It might not have been successful, but it was really great to read. :D Yay for the coronation! I wish you the best of luck on your writing!
Cho-No-Iro chapter 4 . 12/24/2016
Let me guess... Moriarty is there too? Maybe a couple other bad guys? I almost wish that the bad guys weren't there, because that would make it easy for John and Sherlock to breeze through the trials and win easily... and I wouldn't have to swear at the bad guys every time they do something that catches me off guard... TTTT
general zargon chapter 4 . 12/22/2016
Thank you so much for this update. I'm really happy you decided to come back to this story, and I greatly enjoyed the chapter. I loved how you wrote Smauglock and Johnbo, it was very in-character. :) I wish you the very best of luck on your writing, both fanfic and original, and thank you again for this new chapter.
Catra T. L. Heaveno 04 chapter 3 . 11/22/2015
Are you really going to stop there? Good chapter.. Really good chapter. Update soon please.
sunstar13 chapter 3 . 9/10/2015
I like the idea behind the plot. I don't like how it was done. If they knew what was to happen, they would have planned to avoid those in Laketown dying. I'll give the benignity of the doubt on Sherlock's reason to kill all those innocents to take the mountain. Perhaps he didn't get his dreams of his past life till later, maybe when Bilbo got his.
Mycroft is not one to have turned away from helping the dwarfs after Erabor was taken by Smaug. Maybe there were reasons, but you never explained them.
If Molly knew Kili was to die, wouldn't she have tried to stop it?
I do like how you delt with Smaug switching sides. Saving Fili & Kili, fighting while protecting dwarfs, that would go a long way. Thorin would still not trust the dragon not completely forgive him though. He's had to watch his people die & suffer for years because of Smaug's greed.
Your fic, except at the very end of this chapter, also was more like reading the movies' with an occasional break with Sherlock characters.
Your fic has potential, the idea is definitely interesting, but you don't bother with figuring out the effects of your changes should cause and actually letting things deviate from the movie script. You don't bother to see how things would have changed the Hobbit characters to have the memories of another life in their head, nor of adding the two personalities each character to each other.
Your summery also has nothing related to your fanfic. Quoting the Lord of the Rings, not even the Hobbit, didn't hint at your plot.
I hope you chose to rewrite this, or at least edit the story. Thank you for writing though, and for no horrible spelling or grammar mistakes.