Reviews for you've ripped your stitches
Hithilion chapter 16 . 6/5

really loved the Story. Interesting perspective and look into psychology.
Very good written. Was ensnared from beginning till end. I even would say masterpiece!

The only thing I can criticize is that it is too short. It seems/feels like there are around 20 chapter missing...
Wanted to read so much more but what can one do...

I know this takes up a lot of work, so good Job writing all this.

Thank you for the fantastic experience and the fulfilling time spent reading this.

With best wishes,

Demented Noodles chapter 16 . 6/18/2018
Oh those closing thoughts! Hell YES! They completely mirror mine. Suck it, Crystal Dymamics indeed. They belong together! This ship will sail forever or at least till the day I die.
And I am glad they decided to get outside help. I wonder if you can, I don't know, write a follow-up to this story where they do just that and become an adventuring duo. I have plenty of ideas about stories for these two but I absolutely suck at writing so... yeah. Maybe I'll try on my days off from work?
Demented Noodles chapter 15 . 6/17/2018
No, I do not like when you crush them. i have no angsty needs whatsoever as well. So... feel free to make the end a happier tone... please? I know it's already done but still...
Demented Noodles chapter 14 . 6/16/2018
Ookeeeyy, so things were starting to look up, yeah? And then we get dark-bomb dropped on us... It's good that she isn't keeping anything from Sam, I guess. Yes, it definitely is good and I can see the light in the darkness for sure. I'm sad that this story is coming to an end though... It has been so amazing reading this!
Demented Noodles chapter 13 . 6/16/2018
So, should I read the redux story during this or after? Hmmm... I guess I will finish this first, then read redux and then reread this one. I am kinda scared about the endgame... There's so much despair in good fanfics at the end, it depresses me a lot. I hope this turns out different.
Demented Noodles chapter 12 . 6/15/2018
Ah, finally, Sam's issues come to light as well. These two are definitely making progress. But they might need professional help? Maybe Lara shouldn't dismiss the idea of that so quickly. And I do agree with Lara about the dusting...
Demented Noodles chapter 11 . 6/15/2018
if I am being honest, I think the entire comic has been rather full of bullshit. so much squandered potential.
I absolutely adored the fluff here. And it was so tense when they decided to warch the footage, damn! You know while I was playing that game, I connected to Lara pretty well and thought that I had a pretty good idea of what she was about. Apparently not though, since the comics and the sequel have turned her into something very different. I mean, she doesn't just not look the same, she doesn't feel the same either. Seems like they threw the development out the window.

How I wish you'd been incharge of the comics and the game stories. I would happily draw the comics for that. Would need to refresh my drawing skills with a ton of practice though. It would be so worth it!
Demented Noodles chapter 10 . 6/15/2018
Holy guacamole! PTSD is terrifying! I feel so horrible for all the vets and soldiers, not to mention Lara and Sam here... It is nice to see them coming to accept it a little better, I guess.
Demented Noodles chapter 9 . 6/15/2018
I felt like there was some progress being made when the two adorable dorks were talking. The ending was pretty heartbreaking though. I so hope they can fully recover. Also, I was wondering, how does Lara make a living in the old games? She doesn't have a regular job, right? How do these Indiana Jones types make ends meet then? Royalties from artefacts? Being paid by shady employers to do various dangerous missions? I'll have to look into that...
Demented Noodles chapter 7 . 6/14/2018
Potato whisperer, huh? XD
You sure know how to pick titles. Loving the progress these two are making. It feels just right, slow and steady, the pacing is perfect, the characterization is perfect, this story is almost totally perfect!
Demented Noodles chapter 6 . 6/14/2018
I didn't like the way you pointed out that they got to be happy... Don't jump right back into the depression tunnel, please? The small amount of happiness here was so badly needed and so welcome! Hope that continues to some degree.
Demented Noodles chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
Things aren't going slow, like, at all! I don't even realize when a chapter finishes. It's all so intriguing! Man, some of the writers here have done such a splendid job with post Yamatai stuff, it puts the canon to shame. I've been playing Rise recently and while the gameplay is awesome, the story feels hollow, dialogue too. If Lara can drag around Jonah with her, why the hell couldn't they find some way to fit Sam in? She didn't even have to be there, like just talk over the radio or something. Anyone in the fandom could have come up with a good story for it and writers like you could have turned that game into a masterpiece, rivalling the likes of The Last of Us.
Demented Noodles chapter 4 . 6/14/2018
You have gotten into Lara's head so deeply and the portrayal of her mental state is done so well... just amazing! Just wish both of them would find a way to open up to each other.
Demented Noodles chapter 3 . 6/14/2018
Absolutely riveting stuff! And I can't wait for the conversation... hope it goes... somewhere.
Demented Noodles chapter 2 . 6/14/2018
So... no humor in this chapter... so dark and depressing. Brilliantly written! Too many dark and depressing fics on here... just hope there's light at the end of the depression tunnel this time.
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