Reviews for Twice Upon A Time
vampgurl1988 chapter 7 . 6/30/2018
I love reading your stories. I hope you update this one day!
E.Elliot chapter 7 . 6/11/2018
Man I love it!*-*
eykj9906 chapter 7 . 5/7/2017
I see that you haven't updated this one since 2015, but I followed anyway, just in case you decide to come back to this one. It has a lot of potential ;)
Nellyblue11 chapter 7 . 12/13/2016
update ur story plz
Djayden chapter 7 . 11/12/2016
hope you continue this story!
Tamera Rae chapter 7 . 10/5/2016
Oh I'll keep reading...but, would it be possible to make the chapters longer...I am an avid SWANQUEEN fan and love to read most of my days away, except Wednesday and Thursday, as they are my work days...But, I wake up around 3 am so I can read in silence and enjoy...THANK YOU FOR STORIES MY FRIEND
hroofitz chapter 7 . 8/8/2016
I need more of this story! it's soo good!
LongLiveLana chapter 7 . 4/6/2016
This is great!
barnabus67 chapter 7 . 12/29/2015
hoping for an update soon...maybe 50 or so chapters like the other story?
Gravity In the Air chapter 6 . 10/11/2015
please update this
EmmaAthena2013 chapter 7 . 10/6/2015
OOOoooh ... So good ... Can't wait to read the next chapter!
TimeKeeper6984 chapter 7 . 8/30/2015
this is awesome. please update
loveing it chapter 7 . 6/19/2015
oh my! I love your story sooo much! I would not have expected that this happened. Such a wonderful idea! I am really curios just how is this going to work out :-) I cannot wait to read more of your work! Sorry for poor grammar.
dragonball256 chapter 7 . 6/12/2015
Nice I'm enjoying this greatly so far. Please continue it soon
Arosein1992 chapter 7 . 5/24/2015
You should have some explanation on why it happened
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