Reviews for Edge of the Sea
Karen Wood chapter 30 . 4/18/2019
I finished reading this story yesterday and I loved it! I haven't watch the show yet but I will, but I can't describe the emotions I had from reading this. My grandfather served in WW2, and reading the battle scenes gave me so many emotions just picturing what went down at that time. But I really enjoyed this, and now I will watch the show.
annabelleigh1996 chapter 29 . 3/13/2019
Oh man, I can't believe it's over. I just adore this story so much. So well written, with awesome character development. You made me care so much for Eleanor Swartz. I always knew she would survive the war, but I still felt anxious reading about the dangers she faced on the battlefield. And you also did great integrating her in an already existing plot. At no point she felt disconnected in this universe, her interactions never seemed forced and she still had her own story outside of what was already stablished. I'm super excited for the sequel. I love history and I really want to see how you write about the changes through time, just like you did with your Band of Brothers story. I'll be waiting eagerly for your next story. You're a very talented writer Katie.
bloodredcherry chapter 28 . 3/12/2019
Although I know this is the most realistic thing to happen, it still feels so sudden!
Kataczeg chapter 28 . 3/12/2019
I’m not crying you are!
Guest chapter 28 . 3/11/2019
Considering they've probably been having sex regularly when they were in China, I'm a bit surprised she didn't get pregnant.
annabelleigh1996 chapter 28 . 3/11/2019
On one hand, it is great that the war is over and they are finally home, far away from all the dangers and madness. On the other, it is so sad to see they all go their separate ways after everything they've gone through. Man, I can't believe this story is so close to its ending. It's been a wild journey for good old Swartz...
annabelleigh1996 chapter 27 . 3/10/2019
Diana and Nora met! I wasn't really expecting them to fully interact; just to see each other and acknowledge each other's presence. But considering they eventually exchanged letters, it makes sense they at least spoke to one another. But wait a second; didn't they both eventually move to California? I know Nora was barely mentioned in Life After Us, but I'm curious if they ever met in person again.
And I'm always on edge about the future relationship of Snafu and Nora. There are moments I'm 100% sure they'll marry and have lots of kids, and there are others I'm afraid they might become just friends again when they go back home. When he says "we don't have to get married, we don't have to go steady or sleep with each other ever again" I had a really bad feeling, but when he said he wants to see her again, I got a little less worried. I REALLY want their relationship to last; and each time I remember how things can change with civilian life, I get a bit nervous.
bloodredcherry chapter 27 . 3/9/2019
I didn't realize that you had uploaded so many chapters! I can't wait to see how this ends.
bloodredcherry chapter 18 . 3/8/2019
Yaaaaaaaaaassssss! Thank you for coming back to this story. I understand how crazy life can get so take your time - you'll have people waiting for the end!
annabelleigh1996 chapter 26 . 3/6/2019
Nora and Snafu's relationship is becoming my new favourite thing. They are incredibly sweet, but not in a exaggerated way. I'm anxious to see how this relationship will progress back in the States.
And it's super cool that you acknowledged the time the American army spent in China, as well as their interactions with the locals. This was barely mentioned in the series, and that bothered me a bit.
annabelleigh1996 chapter 25 . 3/5/2019
It's so sad how they can't go home just yet. I can't help but imagine how the real soldiers must have been frustrated by this; having to keep working even though the war was over. On a lighter note, I'm happy Nora finally was able to open up and tell them what happened to her, and I'm even happier that she and Snafu are now de facto together. I'm a bit worried about the train ride back home (when Snafu ditched Sledge without a word), but I doubt he would simply abandon Nora like that. And she does have his address from that time they thought she might have been sent home; so even if he does that, she still could contact him and put some sense into his head.
Also, anyone else is having trouble with notifications? I haven't received any email notifying me of the last three chapters. Is anyone having the same issue?
Guest chapter 25 . 3/4/2019
They stayed in China for another 6 months before going home, didn't they?
annabelleigh1996 chapter 24 . 3/3/2019
They kissed! I REALLY want her to go visit Snafu when the war is over. These two babies just went through so much, the least they deserve is some happiness. Also, if she ever tells anyone what happened with her and that Japanese soldier, it should be him. He may be a bit unusual, but he has proved time and time again how much he cares about her. He would try his best to comfort and protect his Nora.
Guest chapter 24 . 3/2/2019
I don't want to be rude, but could you put a trigger warning if you mention the almost rape again? Last chapter was pretty hard to read because of that, and the slight mention of it in this one too. I'm not saying you shouldn't write about it, but anything concerning sexual assault can be very triggering for people dealing with PTSD.
Guest chapter 24 . 3/1/2019
I hope Snafu finds out what happened to Nora with the jap and is super mad but comforts her
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