Reviews for One Piece In New Sense Nonsense
highrise75 chapter 4 . 6/26/2019
Why was roger being luffy it's not like he was an si or something who was trying to keep the timeline stable
Naliyu chapter 12 . 11/16/2017
Omg I love this
Alsheon chapter 12 . 5/1/2017
And strangely I can picture the others' reaction to this.
Zoro: *gape for a seconds before gaining his cool* so you crawled out of your own grave after being 'dead' for six months huh? *laughed out loud* That's my captain, let see how those damned marines react.
Nami: WHAT THE HELL! *Hyperventilating* you're supposedly DEAD!? *Cue Luffy says something utterly idiotic and stupid* IDIOT! *bonks Luffy's head* Dead or no, you're still all the same... *sigh*
Ussop: *Cries with tears all over his face* LUUUUFFFFYYY! *then stopped* B-but a-aren't y-yo-you d-DEAD!?
Chopper: Stupid Ussop! MORE IMPORTANTLY HE'S HERE! LUFFYYYYY! *Proceed to glomp at the said captain*
Sanji: *gape for seconds before smiling in disbelief and shooks his head fondly* hehe, ofc the crazy shithead is alive *blowing the smoke in relieve before threw his ciggarette to the floor and stepped on it* Are you hungry? Six months sleeping in a grave without food must be draining you. I'll give you as many foods as you wish, Captain!
Robin: *smiled demurely* I already thought you've turned to a pile of rotten flesh and bones down there *chuckling girlishly at Ussop's and Chopper's protests* But it's great to have you back, Captain.
Franky: SUUUUPPPPEEEERRR! *Insert a pose here* The Captain of our pirate crew would NEEEVVVVEER Die! *tears streaming endlessly* Strawhat-bro you have my ressssppppeeccctt!
Brook: Yohohoho! I've never seen a person coming back from death before~. Ah! But I had coming back from death myself! YOHOHOHOHO!

Ace: OH MY GOOOOD! You're alive! My cute baby brother is alive! A bit too skinny for my likings but you're Alive! *hugs Luffy tightly and shouting in excitement with tears streaming down his face* *suddenly turned dark* But I still gonna got my revenge to that god forsaken damned Red Dog (Akainu) for putting ahole throught your chest and everything that had happened. *gazing down to Luffy with doting and miscievious smile* You could also help me to *beeep* fucking *beeeep* that *beeeeep* *beeep* *beeep* and then we'll show him to never mess with those of whom have initial of D. A multiple people at that! *smiles ruthlessly* *cue Whitebeard pirate sweating bullets here*. But leave that for later! Now, we're complete again! ASL trio is complete again!
Luffy: hah? What do you mean?
Ace : *blew raspberry* you see that blond and stupid excuse of a brother we have? Yeah, turned out he's alive and before you pouted indignantly, Luffy. He got a situation where he lost his memory and only triggered after your 'death'... Of course, that didn't stop me to beat him up black and blue for leaving us like that. *grinned maliciously* oh, yeah... A 'dead' pirate captain, Whitebeard's second division commander, and a revolutioner's second in command... We'll wreck havoc- nono we'd made chaos on marine, we'd utterly turning them outside down before piss on them!
Luffy: COOL! So Sabo also coming back from death?
Ace: *chuckling humorously and rubbed Luffy's head* you could say it like that.
Marco: seriously, what about you brothers and coming back from death.
Luffy: *sudden realization* oh! Oh! If me and Sabo could coming back from death. Can you do so too Ace?
Ace: *pause to think about it* Idk? I've never tried.
Luffy: You should try then! *beaming like a sun*
Marco: No! Yoi! Enough with this coming back from death! Logic can't accept it and neither did the world!
Vista: Neither did US, WHITEBEARD PIRATE!

Sabo: *staring in disbelief* Oh My God! Baby brother! *run and hug Luffy tightly* you're alive! Still ever so cute and alive!
Luffy: yeah! You too!
Sabo: after being dead for six months? Where have you been?
Ace: *snorts* at least it's not for ten years...
Sabo: *rolls his eyes* seriously Ace, stop guilt tripping me. That had lost it's effectiveness after you use it for at least fourteen times a day.
Ace: still, ten years without news?
Sabo: let's ignore that different brother of us that did-not-coming-back-from-death ,Lu.
Ace: WHAT!? You use THAT as weapon!?
Sabo: Yes! Now, shut up I have to check on Luffy more! *proceed to pinch on Luffy's cheek with idiotic smile*
Haruta: Is it just me or they seems to accept this so normally?
Izou: let them be, losing someone you love then suddenly having them came back fron death do that to you.
Haruta: but if Oyaji came back to Life I will jump overboard at least thrice and scream at his sight for days, before accepting it.
Vista: not everyone has D. Mentallity. *gain himself an odd look* what? That's the best answer we could ever got!

Shanks: WWHHHAAAT!? Anchor is coming back from death!? *turn serious* are sure it's not imposter?
Benn: No, whitebeard pirate confirm it themselves.. Well they said he got his mind wired like Ace if not twice as worse. And I think that's pretty much confirm everything.
Shanks: *Laughing out loud* That's him, alright. *eyes gleaming in nostalgia* You Bastards, do you know what this call?!
Crew: Aye!
sylnodel chapter 12 . 5/1/2017
Nice chapter!
I'm wondering if the luffy who came out of the grave was the one at the beginning of his adventure... You know when he suprised coby by poping out of the barel...
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 12 . 5/1/2017
Ok, I agree with Law 120% on that statement-LOL.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2017
my hc is that if a human eats the hito hito they become a shapeshifter (able to mimic other humans, or change like a harry potter metamorphagus)

that or the double-human cancels out and they become an animal shapeshifter- able to become any animal thats not a human
creativesm75 chapter 11 . 11/14/2016
so funny! good! I like all of it
Catlover4536 chapter 10 . 10/3/2016
Fluffyness, so much potential for fluffyness. Someone needs to do a fanfic about this, just to complete it.

Overall, great oneshot.
lululawlawlu chapter 7 . 9/6/2016
Best song-fic ever! Also, the song is ridiculous and this is just too much. (ク)
I shouldn't have read it in public. I'm dying laughing... people are looking at me strangely... I blame you, hehehe... (_)
lululawlawlu chapter 1 . 9/6/2016
This one is almost too funny- it's the perfect kind of silliness expected in One Piece.
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 11 . 8/13/2016
No, Luffy just tagged along without permission-LOL
Ean Sovukau chapter 7 . 7/8/2016
Yes! Chapter 7 was exactly what I had in mind when I heard it for the first time! It's also a great song for a LawLu fan.
Rouge Spirit chapter 4 . 7/3/2016
I don't read aloud but i hear voices in my mind, so is it weird that i heard this entire thing in this super deep gravely voice?
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 10 . 7/3/2016
Not bad
T.P.H.44 chapter 9 . 1/25/2016
Awesome. Pure Awesome. XD
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