Reviews for Pain and Passion
Clare chapter 13 . 5/31
An amazing AU fanfic! I really love the whole set-up of the Captain locked away in his study, feeling sad and blaming himself for Louisa's accident and Maria trying to comfort him, then them ending up being intimate and dealing with all the consequences that follow - the rumours, the reaction of the children, the disappointment of the Reverend Mother etc. A well thought out story :) Another one added to my ever growing favourite list.
UndoubtedlyTheWine chapter 13 . 4/17/2017
Great story! I liked the Louisa and Liesl part a lot. It would have been difficult to deal with so much pressure. I loved the whole pregnancy part too. Such a sweet little story :)
thoroughlymodernJulie chapter 13 . 4/19/2016
Ah, so comes the end.

I enjoyed bringing in the conflict with Louisa and Liesl particularly, and thought it was well-handled, all things considered. I would have enjoyed seeing a stronger resolution with the older girls in the final chapter with the baby's birth, but I thought this was a sweet nod to Gretl's earlier wish of no longer being the baby of the family, so this was good, too.

I have to appreciate also how the pregnancy is both a source of stress and yet also something that they simply learn to take in stride for what it is instead of making a huge issue out of it, though I do wonder what revisiting this concept could reveal especially on a faith level for them both, especially since it was brought up in the process of arranging the wedding. I think we can all agree that Maria falling pregnant a) while working as Georg's governess and b) out of wedlock is a massively OOC scenario for them both, so for me I think the greatest challenge was to try to see beyond that and look at them through a different lens, so thank you for being so bold as to be the one to write this. I enjoyed it, and I'm ever so glad that SOMEONE finally took it up again after all these years. Every now and then, a shift in perspective fits the bill. :)
thoroughlymodernJulie chapter 8 . 4/19/2016
My apologies for taking so long to come back to this and for the lack of chapter-for-chapter reviews, but I'd rather say something with broader worth every so often than inundate you with a pile of reviews that don't necessarily have much intrinsic value. Hope you don't mind. :)

At this stage, I'm taken with one simple thing: how much he loves her. He loves her enough that there's room for joy when most others in a similar circumstance would get bogged down in it. In particular, I made an effort to shift my view of his scheduling a consultation with the Reverend Mother from "he knocked up the governess" to "he literally cannot wait to marry her" and even though there's something sitting in the back of my mind reminding me that there's an undercurrent of guilt (with good reason) that needs to be addressed, in this instance, he is simply lovesick, and it made me smile.

I love how-well integrated Maria is into the children's lives, and how she more or less is the acting mother figure, which evidences so clearly in how they trust her, how they rely on her, and how she literally drives and shapes their lives, especially in their father's absence. It's free and easy, with discipline, love, and friendship, and perfectly sets up both the future marriage and potential for conflict.
bluesatinsashes chapter 4 . 2/4/2016
Wow, you got me hooked from the start! Your story had a mixture of so many different elements: pain, romance, yearning, lust. And I thoroughly enjoyed those steamy scenes-I wasn't expecting that many, but gosh, wasn't that a wonderful surprise! I loved how you stemmed this story from a discrepancy in Rosmarie's birth year...I just learned something new! Great work, you took me on a thrilling journey.
Mie779 chapter 13 . 1/29/2016
wonderful end to this story... loved how he thought back to their honeymoon... hope you write more soon ;)
callumrogers7 chapter 5 . 1/28/2016
This story just keeps on getting better - Love the way you describe the morning before Captain vT leaves for Vienna, them not being able to keep their hands off each other, him beaming just because Maria says she will miss him, the repurposed 'I'm leaving you in command' line. I get the feeling there may be trouble ahead though & Maria definitely needs to start knitting a sailor suit for the new arrival me thinks.
callumrogers7 chapter 4 . 1/28/2016
WOW! My fave chappie so far - Love the flirting on the terrace, the Landler, the Baroness going to confront Maria but being hindered by Liesl, the interlude in the study, Captain vT asking Maria to spend the night with him again, her only agreeing because she thinks he is a 'fine & brave' man, him appearing insecure & nervous in the master suite when fiddling with his medals, her taking control & asking to see him - PERFECT imagery & perfect tone.
callumrogers7 chapter 3 . 1/28/2016
That's UNIQUE - Is that a SOM fanfiction first? Maria actually trying to dissuade Captain vT from proposing to her. Lol - Gold star for Utility Singer. Love Georg's forceful manner though, won't take 'no' for an answer. Go get her :D
callumrogers7 chapter 2 . 1/28/2016
OH the anguish! - Love Captain vT 'practically running' downstairs the morning after to find Maria (what man wouldn't be eager. Hehe!), Brigitta mistaking his disappointment for concern over Louisa, Maria thinking it's all too good to be true & thinking she won't get her happy ever after because he will marry the Baroness, Captain vT wanting her to stay forever, but neither party being able to voice their feelings or concerns because Kurt interrupted their conversation - brilliantly played out.
callumrogers7 chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
EXCELLENT opening chapter - Captain vT blaming himself for Louisa's accident amongst other things, Maria trying to talk him out of his self-pity & offering him comfort, their hug developing into a steamy lovemaking sesh in the study, Maria turning shy & not knowing how to act afterwards - all very clever. Love the bit about the study once being Captain vT's haven from pain & unpleasantness, but now it is Maria's charm, wit & beauty that is his harbour. (I'm finally getting time to read everyone's stories now, so expect a flood of reviews. Lol)
lovethecaptain chapter 13 . 1/24/2016
I loved this story! Thank you for writing it.
NickyW chapter 13 . 1/16/2016
This was a wonderful story from start to finish. So well written. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Well done.
bloghey131313 chapter 13 . 1/14/2016
Wow! I can't believe it's over. What a journey. Your work is absolutely amazing, and the emotions come across so clearly!
ThePoorDidntWantThisOne chapter 13 . 1/14/2016
What a lovely ending to this story!

I loved all the little details that you included about the honeymoon, the fabric on the chair having been changed, Georg and Maria going back and forth about baby names, and the doctor who delivered the first seven delivering the new baby! But I think my favorite detail was the one about Louisa refusing to walk up the aisle! I always wonder about that whenever I watch the movie! Why aren't Louisa and Brigitta in the wedding party? Too old to be flower girls and too young to a bridesmaid I guess-but I liked your explanation ;) Seems just the sort of thing that Lousia would say!

I enjoyed this story so much and look forward to whatever new stories you have for us next!
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