Reviews for Nexus of Light
Xandra-A chapter 13 . 2/8/2017
Truly a masterpiece. I've long thought you to be the best crossover writer - for who else could meld animated and nonanimated fiction so flawlessly? But this story cements your place in my mind as one of the best writers in my aquaintance. Your plot arc of perfection, subtle character introductions, riveting action scenes... I loved every moment. Thank you so much for the magnificent story.
Aaron Nowack chapter 13 . 11/13/2016
I was quite surprised to stumble across a Lone Wolf fanfiction, and even more to find one that was substantial and well-written. Nicely done; this story brightened my afternoon was a nostalgic revisit to one of the settings that shaped my youth, and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who always wanted to see Lone Wolf and Grey Star meet. (Even if young me never quite forgave the World of Lone Wolf books for not starring Banedon...)
anon chapter 13 . 8/4/2016
This was such a fantastic story, and such a thrilling ride! I have a lot of respect for your world building- you incorporate so many ideas into your work and expand on canon in interesting but logical ways. I really loved the balance in this story, and just everything about your characterization and writing. 10/10 would definitely read again :) :)
songofsunset chapter 13 . 6/17/2016
Hurrah! :D
songofsunset chapter 6 . 6/16/2016
I love that omake dearly, it's so very real

Also I have never read this series, I'm here cuz Vathara recced it to someone in the comments of a fic and I was like 'why the hell not' and I have not regretted this life decision

I love both Lone Wolf and Grey Star, tho Grey Star is def my fave, and it was definitely super necessary for them to meet up- I can't believe canon never got on that train!

This canon also sounds super interesting? I have never heard about it, and it would probably take more investment than I want right now, but the structure of it sounds fascinating, and I'm loving reading the notes of how you're consolidating the various canons.

Aaaaaand yeah, I'm loving this! The magic is super fun and I can't wait until someone figures out where Grey Star is from, I'm looking forward to the reactions :)
Lady of Imladris chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
I knew nothing of Lone Wolf or Grey Star before I started this fic, but I had read "The Dragon King's Temple" and it is one of my favorite stories, so I thought I'd read something else you've written. Despite my ignorance, I enjoyed this fic just as much and your explanations made it easy to understand.
ladywisdom chapter 13 . 10/12/2015
This was awesome! Thank you so much for writing it! Snarky battle buddies are my favorite heroes. I look forward to reading your future work.
Firija chapter 13 . 9/20/2015
This was a very beautiful story. I have not read the books, but could still easily follow the storyline, and I suspect, I could have done this even without the authors notes.
I am looking forward to your next work!
Jend chapter 13 . 9/17/2015
I loved this story!
I've never read the books, so this is my first introduction to the universe. Watching you try to wrangle them into matching up in your notes at the bottom of each chapter was pretty fascinating.
The story itself was fantastic, and I loved every minute of it. :D
roserapier chapter 10 . 9/17/2015
Ironically enough, metal suits ARE what you want to wear when working on high intensity electric power lines. You are more likely to be STRUCK by lightning, but you will NOT be affected by it, except for possible burns as the metal heats up.
matchynishi chapter 13 . 9/17/2015
Wow, what a great ending to an awesome story! :D I love how Lone Wolf grew some humour - I lold at the tree having pride of place in the new Kai monastery... and Grey Star and the revenge on the Skyrider crew, lol, and the lavender and lemon balm! XDDD Amazing and light hearted and humourous, but still leaving enough to the imagination... this was a great ride, thank you so much for writing, and sharing! I can't wait to see what else you'll come up with! :D
schneefink chapter 13 . 9/17/2015
That was a lot of fun! I read this as origfic and it worked very well (your extensive author's notes helped a lot.) The plot was very good and I really liked the friendship between Lone Wolf and Grey Star.
Elizabeth Culmer chapter 13 . 9/16/2015
Ha! I bet that tree DOES end up deified to some degree. :D

Anyway, this story was an awful lot of fun to read - epic tropes become tropes for a reason, after all, and that reason is generally that they are awesomely cool - and I think you did a pretty good job maintaining a veneer of realism in terms of character interactions and emotions even though the events themselves were dramatically larger than life.
matchynishi chapter 12 . 9/6/2015
Love. Isshir's debate with Acarya was awesome. And like you said, good to see them use some sense and not being wilfully stupid lol. I confess I teared up when Acarya hugged Grey Star and he realized that he'd never go back to his family.. ;_; And Lone Wolf's clearly gotten some good out of all this - the first of which is to take himself a bit less seriously, for his, and everyone else's mental health lolol. Man I just loved everything here aaah. EVERYTHING. *hearts*

I do have a question - is Grey Star(or Sommerlund) gonna be doing anything with Hol-da-Kiem? I mean, the power of the nexus is still there in potentia, and it just doesnt seem like a good idea to let it lapse again... now that it's kinda been awakened... and the city is what is Grey Star's closest thing to the isle where he grew up...
Celesta SunStar chapter 11 . 8/31/2015
I wanted to let you know that I an thoroughly enjoying this story as I enjoy many of your stories. I'm thinking one more chapter? Also, this chapter so excited me that I took to pacing. Which is a habit I try not to indulge in because during one of my prior too-fast pacing incidents I managed to slip and roll and break my foot. No problems this time I assure you.

I would not mind borrowing this iteration of Lone Wolf and Grey Star at some point with your permission... And as an aside, I wish to recommend David Weber's Bahzell Banakson series, specifically his novella 'Sword Brother' as something I believe you would enjoy reading.

Happy writing!
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