Reviews for The Blue Spirit
MegaRayquaza8121 chapter 8 . 15h
lucario: "comrade"
Dhruv George1 chapter 58 . 7/19
Love the story so far

A little curious about something though, Will the Alola trio be part of the harem?
GuestsOfRoblox chapter 33 . 7/6
jeremiahkelley93 chapter 58 . 7/3
great 3 chapters. It's me aslan333, had to create another account since I couldn't get in my previous one on my 3ds.
Guest chapter 50 . 6/26
Hey, just wanted to let you know that Darkrai's ability is called "Bad Dreams" not "Nightmare". Nightmare is a ghost type move that deals damage to sleeping opponents. Thanks for your stories and goodluck in life
aboz567 chapter 54 . 6/25
And we're back with another review! Sorry it's taken so long but here I am and I'm ready to get rolling:

First and Foremost, I love how Giovanni is being portrayed. A total sociopath, but also pretty damn smart and clearly a powerful leader. But my favorite part about Giovanni so far is how those around him have been responding to how Giovanni has reacted to Ash. I forget who said it, it might have been Domino, but what was said was something along the lines of, "i've never seen Giovanni like this before...worried". It really does a great job at hammering home just how powerful Ash has become, and how clear that is to everyone in the world.

Also, I'm so ready for Domino to die. I think she might be crazier than Giovanni is honestly. The fact that it sounds like she's going to be actively on the front lines fighting in this next attack gives me hope that she'll get taken out. And if not her, then both Annie and Oakley, or John...John is the fucking worst lol. He's a great character because he is made to be absolutely despised. A spineless weasel of a man who is so obsessed with a woman that he wants nothing more than to rape her if that's what it takes. He's just...VERY easy to hate

Also, I really loved this chapter overall for giving us some insight into how the elite four members are portrayed in this universe. Between this chapter and the chapter that occurred when the focus jumped around from various gym leaders from the different regions during the tournament finals against Tobias , we've really got at least a brief understanding of the type of character each elite member is going to be like. I have to commend you on your ability to incorporate so many characters and still manage to have them feel individualized and unique so great work with that.

It's also interesting to see the elites different reactions to Ash and Cynthia being together. With a position of such significance you'd think stuff like gossip wouldn't permeate this circle, but this just shows we're all human and all love a good story. Also I have a feeling Drax is going to turn into an awesome character and end up being quite a big ally for Ash and the rest. I like to see him slowly changing and I can totally see him possibly being killed in the next team rocket attack because he was willing to sacrifice himself or something. Basically I think Drax is going to have a bit of a 'redemption' storyline he follows from now and I can't wait to see how he factors into the rest of the story. On top of that, I'm dying to know what Tobias is talking about so cryptically. There's obviously something he's dealing with that hasn't been shared yet, and I can't wait to find out about the girl that he said looks like Natasha, Anastasia. I think his character is going to be interesting as hell too because it sounds like he's going to need some help with something pretty major. I also have to assume he's going to be a massive ally in the fight against ragnorok going forward, and I'm pumped for that as well.

I wasn't really sure how you were going to manage these battles where it was a four on one scenario, but man did you deliver. Writing battle scenes, to me at least, is the hardest part about writing anything pokemon related. I'm really impressed that you were able to make the matches between the elites feel different from one another. Honestly if you have any advice on writing battle scenes, it would be immensely appreciated
InfinityMask chapter 17 . 6/23
Didn’t they know about Ash and the girls? Brock show them the picture after all...
InfinityMask chapter 16 . 6/23
You know there’s another way to play Ash fear. Make him afraid being like his father. That would be good to. Not only he afraid the girls left him, he also afraid that he left them.
InfinityMask chapter 15 . 6/23
I feel sorry for Sarah. She can probably reach quite high if she isn’t unlucky.
InfinityMask chapter 13 . 6/23
I think it’s kinda bad how Charizard didn’t dodge. I mean they’re training to be strong and smarter, so why should he take hit that can be dodge? If this was real war that bad choice to do.

The thing about Misty or other girl not bought pokemon also kinda bugging me. Also I kinda think the whole love rival show up kinda unnecessary. They would already got their plate full with war soon, or how to make harem work, the love rival thing kinda unnecessary drama I think.
Besides Drew and Kenny is(or should be?) famous coordinator, doing something like that would tarnish their image right? I doubt they would do that.

To tell you the truth I don’t know why Ash can’t call or emailing his friends. It’s not like his island didn’t have wifi connection. His pokemon has one free day so he could use that time to relaxed too. Bonding with his pokemon, meditating, call his friends and mother etc.
This is a bit criticism from me.
I like how Archeus see something bad would happen and preparing for it. That actually very good idea. Haha
InfinityMask chapter 9 . 6/23
I wonder why that Nurse Joy that shocked. After all despite saving the world few time, he isn’t that famous right? If before this he win tournament than I can understand such reaction but from what I read here, he haven’t win any so that reaction kinda too much right?
InfinityMask chapter 7 . 6/23
Hmm.. isn’t Bonnie the youngest of Ash friends? Max is second youngest I think.
Leafy chapter 58 . 6/18
OMG SO HAPPY WITH THIS CHAPTER WOOOO! So glad to see the updates are flowing again, leafy loved how it was the champions flagship pokemon versus Ash's flagship pokemon. And the fact that they mentioned the forest scene where pikachu's electric power was displayed was a nice touch. And thanks for the mention in the chapter hehe w leafys left ton's of reviews on other stories and this is the first time being mentioned on the story's A.N. keep up the amazing work and that cliffhanger is killing leafy, ash is pissed off and barely muttering arceus's name hoowee ya givin leafy chills -
Guest chapter 58 . 6/17
This story is amazing. So glad that you updated it. Do you have a certain update schedule or do you just release a new chapter when you can? Also some suggestions, I’m sure you now this already, but Pokémon can only have a maximum of four moves, and I noticed you were using waaay more than four, so I guess if you change that it would be more realistic. But then again, it is fan fiction...
Ah who cares. Just keep up the good work :)
Blazefeather44 chapter 58 . 6/16
Soooooo glad to see a new chapter on my fav story. Can't wait for more. Hope you're able to write more of this soon!
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