Reviews for If you're ever in trouble (I'll be there on the double)
Sarcoline hue chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
i didn't know I'd need this in my life, but damn dude ya just changed that! this was amazing and I need more lmao
Sarcoline hue chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
i didn't know I'd need this in my life, but damn dude ya just changed that! this was amazing and I need more lmao
Karlina101 chapter 1 . 12/12/2017
Holy SHIT that was great I want the full story on this!
TMNTPRO15 chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
this was awesome!
deleteeeeeeeeeeed chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Oh good gods, the feels were just - ugh, so precious! I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure how I came across this story but I am so incredibly glad that I did. The two fandoms fit together just so right, and the writing style was just so /Mikey/, and everything was just so well done! Thank you for this; I'm going to sleep much, much better tonight. :)
Never Ending Nightmare chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
Love this combo of movie and the show! Great imagination for putting them together!
Post U Later chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
Aww~ I Love This Cross Over. They're All Adorable. & Mikey As Star Lord? Just Perfect. XD
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
Wow. That was a great merging of GOTG and TMNT. I do hope you continue this to where it began or maybe start another one shot about it. Nicely done on this. I loved it, moogs.

The Bubbly One,
Taisi chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
(Not logged in on mobile, but I just got the email alert that you posted this gem here and I needed to rave, immediately.)

I LOVE IT SO MUCH. The characters are spot on, and you incorporated so many elements from the show and the movie together so flawlessly that I was honestly blown away. And the Leo & Mikey scene you mentioned briefly that parallels the one in the movie between Peter and Gamora when Nebula broke Gamora's escape pod, holy cats. I want that scene on a poster.

And Casey! I didn't see him coming, but the line about the gap-toothed stranger walking beside Raph just, oh my gosh, and his rerouting the shields to protect the turtles! The little scrappy genius. (I mean he DID make a taser out of a potato masher and some D batteries, that's way more than I could do.) I went from uber excited he was part of the story, to terribly upset he died in the crash, to overjoyed again there at the end when he crawled out of the woodwork in one piece, all within the timespan of about three minutes.

And Mikey taking Leo's hand, thinking all the while about how Leo didn't need Mikey like Mikey needed Leo- but then "I've got you now, Mikey, please, stay with me, I can't do this without you, I can't, I won't, don't leave me, I CAN'T– " dang, if it didn't make me mondo emotional.

April and Leatherhead, too. Gosh, Moogs. And you closed strong, that last line is my absolute favorite!

Tl;dr you're incredible never change this story is a thing of beauty.