Reviews for Couple T-Shirts
suikodengel chapter 1 . 6/28/2016
Ahahahahaha...I don't want even to know what Kuroo shirt said...but then both of them so cute ahaha...good job author-san!~
Kiddiluna chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
Kuroo is trash his Tsukki's beloved trash.
Sharp1e chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
So cute and funny. I loved the ending so mean to Kuroo.
shiroharu chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
Hello there ~

This was such an adorable story. Really sweet. I dont know the fanart but I'd like to see it.
Anyways nice story ~

See you ~
eight-orange-flowers chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
*bangs head against pillow*

I'm dying from the cuteness of this. I'm just DYING. And I never even thought of this pairing before...oh dear lawd don't tell me this is gonna make me have a new OTP now.


*faints from cuteness overload*
Gekrepten chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
I can read English but not write. Bravo! -.-'
Still, I'll try. D:
I have not yet seen the fanart, but now probably go get it. It must be beautiful! :'D
That Tsukki, always so tsundere. XD
I know, Kuroo is not trash. :'v
I also wish Hinata and Kageyama photo!
Anyway, thanks for this. It's great.
And a question: Can I translate your fic? I think it's great to start contributing a little with translations. D: You know, for the fandom in Spanish continues to grow. And those things... .u.
I wait your answer. :)
Regardless, I repeat; this is great.
And more than that, really.