Reviews for The Devil and the Angel
Elongation chapter 3 . 12/29/2015
Sayaka and homura are my favorite characters from PMMM and your fic is really an piece of art for the interactions between this two persons.

This story is poignant, credible and the individuals are in character.
Good job, thank you for it.
yulisacastorena42 chapter 3 . 12/9/2015
I Love it. it great written story
emptybookshell chapter 3 . 8/31/2015
This was a very well written and enjoyjable story. I really loved it, since I also wonder often about the dynamics between Homura and Sayaka, considering how similar they are (despite that their antagonism in the series' timeline), but you did a great job exploring their relationship through different timelines as well post-Rebellion. It's really interesting how at first they got along very well, but then in consequent timelines they started to see each other's bad side and then grew apart, and by Rebellion they ended enemies again. And also the tables were turned: While Homura was the one who saw Sayaka fall in so many times, now Sayaka is the one who want to pull Homura out of the abyss. I guess this is also a reflection of their respective character arcs. I loved, loved, the princess - knight analogy: in Rebellion the parallel was more than clear, with Homura being the sleeping beauty and Sayaka the knight who commanded her rescue. And the final chapter was very fitting, it leaves things open, as they are supposed to be, but also gives a glipmse of hope.

Regarding characterization: As an ultra hardcore Sayaka fan all I can tell you is THANK YOU FOR CAUGHT HER SO WELL. Of all the few PMMM fics I have read until now, your Sayaka is the most IC for me. You really caught her at her lowest and at her highest, and also at her most immature and judgamental to her most mature and understading. I really loved that. Your Homura was also perfect: the stark contrast between Moemura-series Homura-Akuma Homura was very well done, and the transition felt natural, as well feelings toward Sayaka and the other girls, considering that most of the series focus more on her relationship with Madoka, uff. The dialogues between Sayaka and Homura were also very IC and simply splendid, you made a great balance between hostility and sympathy, which isn't easy to pull off.

Again, I loved your fic. It was very well-written, and as a character study for the relationship between Homura and Sayaka serves it's purpose and succeeds epically.

Greetings! :)
axely chapter 3 . 8/31/2015
X-elemental chapter 3 . 6/10/2015
Plot or not, this was well worth the gripping read - indeed, a read gripping for there are still things that can happen and things that definitely will happen still. Thank you.
JaDe In NighT chapter 3 . 6/7/2015
Rowan too good of a reviewer so i am just gonna add cant wait for more and hope if there is pairing its going to be Homura/Sayaka (its OTP)
Rowan Seven chapter 3 . 6/7/2015

In terms of closure this is a somewhat unsatisfying ending, but as a dual character study the final chapter is excellent. It brings Homura's relationship with Sayaka full circle after meaningful and powerful examinations of how it has changed as Homura herself has changed, and this chapter is littered with fantastic insights. I particularly liked the acknowledgement of just how much Sayaka has hurt Homura in the past through her self-destructive behavior and many deaths. Homura's relationship with Madoka so defines the character that it often obscures her bonds with the rest of the cast, and this chapter was a strong reminder that their fates in the many timelines affected her too. The comparison between Homulilly's labyrinth and Homura's new world was also apt, I felt, and emphasizes the underlying sinister nature of what Homura has done.

The most effective element of this chapter, though, is seeing how much Homura and Sayaka's relationship has changed while fundamentally remaining true to its portrayal in the first chapter. Homura is still the princess with the selfish wish and Sayaka is the knight who refuses to let her be alone, but now Homura is the one in the downward spiral who refuses to pull back and Sayaka is the one trying to break the tragic cycle. This is not only role reversal; it is role evolution.

On a technical level, the descriptions are great. Standouts include Oktavia's summoning, the Clara Dolls, and the casual violence towards Kyubey. The dialogue is also very compelling, with some absolutely hilarious lines ("Incubator tears" had me chuckling out loud) and some very poignant ones too. I'm especially impressed by how distinct Homura and Sayaka both sounded. They each had their own voices, and the reader could tell them apart. As an occasional fan fiction writer myself, making characters sound different is something I've struggled with, and you've done a superb job handling that challenge.

Anyway, excellent job on this three-part character exploration. It is an intriguing examination of both Homura and Sayaka that adds a fascinating complexity and tragedy to their opposition to each other, and it leaves me very eager to see what you do in your post-Rebellion story that is in the works. I wish you good luck with that endeavor and thank you for sharing this.
Psykoakuma chapter 1 . 6/5/2015
You bastard! You white fluffy bastard! Don't think for a second I don't know what you are... Incubator.
angel0wonder chapter 2 . 5/30/2015
caught myself saying "thats fucking sad" repeatedly while reading this. Very well written and thoughtful!
Rowan Seven chapter 2 . 5/30/2015

Very nicely done. The first half did a fantastic job depicting a hardened Homura who has become so numb from her repeated time loops that she can't even pretend to be "Moemura" again. I also perceived a fascinating duality of contempt and envy in Homura's thoughts about her younger self. And even though the first half felt familiar due to its similarities to what the series showed, it was necessary to set-up the second half of the chapter and provide a full exploration of the permutations Homura and Sayaka's relationship have taken. The glimpse of a world where Homura is a mentor-type figure to Sayaka was interesting, heartwarming, and ultimately bittersweet, and I like how you changed the conditions of Sayaka's wish. Her making the contract after confessing to Kyousuke created an entirely different scenario.

And now there's a third chapter to anticipate, and I wonder if you're about to do a complete role reversal between the two. Thus far Homura has always been the clear-headed, experienced one while Sayaka has been the emotional one who either succumbs to despair or dies. However, post-Rebellion, Homura is not in possession of what I'd call a stable mindset and is arguably on a self-destructive path, while Sayaka (if she regains her memories) has worked through her issues and become the type of person she always wanted to be. There's a lot of potential there, and I'm very interested to see what you do.
Elkaline chapter 2 . 5/30/2015
Brutishly bitter, yet oddly endearing. This fic packs more emotion and meaning in than nearly any other I've seen to date. Most authors merely parrot Homura's mannerisms, but you actually understand what her character is supposed to be and show. Very well done, and I look forward to more. Are the relationships between Homura and the other magical girls going to be explored, or as the summary suggests, are you going to focus purely on Sayaka?
kayceenorth chapter 2 . 5/29/2015
I really like this. You portrayed Sayaka and Homura really well.
Rowan Seven chapter 1 . 5/28/2015

Now this is off to an interesting start, and I like the premise. I haven't read very many fan fics that explore Homura and Sayaka's relationship, and if the teaser is any indication it seems this story will delve into multiple iterations of that relationship. Regardless, you delve into what you have in this installment to great effect. Hearing Sayaka call Homura "Homs" was slightly off-putting at first, but the nickname and Sayaka's amusingly affable attitude quickly won me over, and with this set-up it makes sense that Sayaka would be much friendlier towards Homura.

I also thought it was quite clever how you had Sayaka latch onto Homura later in response to the soul gem revelation. It was a neat parallel to Homura's own latching onto Madoka, and the text did a superb job showing how broken-up Sayaka remained about the truth, with Homura being less a helping hand pulling her out of the darkness and more a lifeline that stopped her from completely drowning. The ending was effective and sad despite its inevitability, and it leaves me eager to see how future installments progress.

So, excellent job, and thank you for sharing this.