Reviews for I haven't left you fanfiction readers! New book (Cant wait to post it)
animatedfangirl21101 chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
Me: Is it weird that I read all of this and didn't get bored?
Ezra: Yes. Very. I stopped reading after Ivory said she needed ideas for pranks.
Me: That was a bad idea. Did you see what Elizabeth and TASOO thought about you? You know, Elizabeth…your SISTER!?
Ezra: No…
Me: (throws up hands) I give up! I'll check out Kingdom Hearts, but Ivory needs to get Ezra good. Strand him on a deserted planet, glue him to the top of the Ghost and fly inside of a planet's atmosphere, but get him out of here! (I leave)
Ezra: Couldn't Ivory do that to Sabine? I mean, they are sisters. (leaves)