Reviews for Just A Little…
Veraozao chapter 20 . 2/1/2018
love it, kiss
gigglez30 chapter 20 . 1/26/2018
I can't get enough if this story, it's amazing, so please update very soon, thanx!
tiffanyb123 chapter 20 . 1/16/2018
ohhhhhh i am so excited
gigglez30 chapter 19 . 1/8/2018
This is truly an amazing story, so please add more chapters, I can't wait to see what happens next, thanx!
sailorpriestess chapter 18 . 1/6/2018
I really enjoyed how micky gave kagome a chance to really think about her feelings. And kindly not pushing her to get into bed with him. Kagura is just jealous that kagome gets attention and she doesnt.
sailorpriestess chapter 19 . 1/6/2018
Im absolutely loving the story, but for kagome she shouldnt wait around for sesshomaru to make up his mind. Their is so many mind games going on. I can see why she is constantly feeling self doubt. Its good shes not sleeping with anyone though because its going to help her build up confidence in herself. Although its fiction lol. But sesshomaru needs to man up and make up his dang mind no women is going to wait around for some guy to keep them running in circles. And kagome loves him and is giving up some good guys here. Yes sesshomaru is hot and awesome but she could do so much and he only tries to fix things when someone is interested in her. I had that happen to me in my first long term relationship near the final break up i got tired of giving up opportunities with good looking successful males who were interested and willing to start something real just to get turned down so i wouldnt date anyone. Just stringing her along so she doesnt date anyone else. Its funny i can relate to this story. Love it really awesome.
tiffanyb123 chapter 18 . 1/5/2018
oh choices choices . I would pick Sesshomaru but im biased lol .
Nyght elf chapter 18 . 1/5/2018
Sorry but I quit. This Kagome is illogical and acts childish. I was disappointed by this chapter.
But I wish you good luck with everything.
Take care.
Guest chapter 18 . 1/4/2018
So when he tries to talk to her she cuts him off with bullshit that he doesn't have to explain after she acted all pissy? Make up your mind and at least be consistent. You're a selfish hypocrite. But I guess it is consistent if you are too immature to listen to things that you may potentially not like. It's rude too! Hate to say it, but Kagura also has a point. That made me feel weird to type! I hope Sesshomaru does find someone he can have an awesome relationship with. Doesn't seem like Kagome is enough of a grown woman for that.
Sesshykagslvr chapter 18 . 1/4/2018
Great story...i think Kagome may need a serious break to focus on her...just my thoughts.
Guest chapter 17 . 1/4/2018
Please please update soon. This is one of the best modern-day Kagome/Sesshomaru fan fics i have ever read and believe me i have been on the site for a really long time. Very well written. I hope to see a new update soon 3

The-Infamous-two chapter 17 . 1/4/2018
Awesome sauce. I really enjoy the updates that you've done so far and I look forward to seeing what else you come up with. Best of luck an update soon.
tiffanyb123 chapter 17 . 1/3/2018
Love the story sweets .
Stayne15 chapter 17 . 1/3/2018
Kagome is a hypocrite. A hypocrite that's making a lot of assumptions after she is the one who acted with Kouga first. I can't stand that shit. Feelings can't be too strong. Slut much?
Nyght elf chapter 17 . 1/3/2018
Hope they clear the misunderstanding. Kagome don't do it. You will ruin everything!
Thx for updating hope to see more soon.
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