Reviews for Teratogenesis
Guest chapter 38 . 6/14
All of these are really good! I'm glad TvTropes brought me here. Ship of Theseus was also a great expansion, and it was a visceral and great read. In a way it reminded me of a possible continuation of RE Gaiden's plottwist, but... actually good. XD
WowohWow0 chapter 14 . 4/27
Okay the cat part is extremely adorable
The Crimson Alchemist 56 chapter 20 . 1/17
So, is Sherry like the third stage G monster but without the mental degradation? Pretty great stuff so far, I am really liking all these what if scenarios.
huruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu chapter 38 . 12/8/2019
Fuck yeah
DarkGidora chapter 38 . 11/30/2019
Heh. I really rather dug this chapter. I probably was one of the people rambling about the improbably young, improbably-highly credentialed team of specialists for a small-town police force, and I do like how you flip it around and make it all just a lie.

The opening line is killer, sets a perfect tone for this whole story. Jill being bookish and putting on a brave exterior, remaking herself works really well-being able to trick people who at best no know more than her with stories of being more interesting. Her being secretly bookish works (like in the original game, she can play a perfect IMoonlight Sonata/I with the music). And her growing interested in the thrill of exploring, the danger of maybe being found out-it fits, and sets her up for bigger and bigger things. I like the urban exploration (or misdemeanor trespass) actions she gets up to, all the abandoned places she finds her way in.

Then when she gets to breaking into the church, I like that. Everybody's thinking of a brute force way, while she's trying to figure out a smarter way-putting in effort in being an B&E expert because it genuinely interests her. Getting scared by a bubble in the basement and her and her friends putting on a brave face-I like it. Again, I like how you build things up. Details like how she can circumvent security with a clipboard and a straight face again feels very real-people do easily fall for intruders who just look like they belong.

Her flirting with more dangerous quarry-busting into something not abandoned, just empty, I like that. The bit about her managing to sneak out was effective, and to a degree a little sad-she's got these friends because she's so adventurous, but with this big stakes project, she just stays on the periphery while people celebrate. It allows her to slip out, but at the same time, it feels like she hasn't really fallen in with the wrong crowd (as her parents and teachers would assume) so much as there peripheral to her personal illegal hobby. And then they all drift apart as she's staying where she is, just going after bigger quarry without really having a plan for the future... and I like your description of all the Umbrella-funded renovation, and how there's always someone present. Details abut how work was just going through the motions and she really doesn't have much of a plan beyond continuing to carry on as she had been feel very real, very grounded-she's a good break-in artist, but she doesn't have any real plan (the bit about her mom suggesting she be an author, and her being more interested in the research than necessarily setting word to page in particular).

And then we get to the STARS application. I like hw this was nothing more than her playing around, seeing how far she can go-the fact that her resume's nonsense not really mattering since the point of STARS is less to be an effective police force and more to be monster fodder... makes me wonder if Wesker knows, but the idea is to upsell the Umbrella product line "Here we have a Tyrant, tested in battle against a veteran of Delta Force (at least according to her resume)".

And the last line is fun. Because the principle STARS cast is all way too young (save gundad, the dad that guns), and their chopper pilot is precisely the kind of steel-nerved professional a tactical unit needs.

As an alternate take on Jill, I rather did like it. It feels very real, and fits with both how young she is ingame.
Ashardalon125 chapter 38 . 11/29/2019
I love this take on Jill's history! It's a little tongue in cheek, while still taking itself pretty seriously. There was also a ton of fun little references sprinkled into the narrative that grew into the ending, which was well done. I especially loved how "real" some of the things felt, like the group joking about leaving the keys inside. That is EXACTLY the kind of thing real people do. Well done once more
Leikiz chapter 38 . 11/29/2019
This is a really fun bit of character building that I can say I hadn't thought about before.

Really like the progression of Jill's character here.
Anzer'ke chapter 37 . 11/29/2019
There's something strangely melancholic about this one. I can't quite put my finger on it.
evolution-500 chapter 38 . 11/29/2019
Very interesting take. I like the characterization of Jill here.
DarkGidora chapter 37 . 9/29/2019
This was quite fascinating-I love your takes on what "the end" would look like in the RE-verse, and this was a fascinating read. You manage to do really well, working in such great character moments and hints woven throughout. The eternal cat-and-mouse-slash-will-they-or-won't-they of Leon and Ada worked well, setting it up as them running into each other through a globetrotting ride through the apocalypse worked very well. Little hints that they're getting older, noting that her sunglasses were prescription now, then later that there's something off about her eyes without them... very good.

And then in Montenegro-I knew things would get interesting there because of your first line. Leon's selflessness ending up biting him in the ass metaphorically and hand literally was great, and I like how later on Ada is shocked this is the first time he's actually been exposed to the T-Virus-given everything he's been through in his eventful career, it works very well.

I love the way they talk around things, Ada being so used so deception and Leon not managing to be blunt enough to ask for a suicide pistol. Her offering up the TG virus to him was well done, too-she's utterly amoral and focused on the bottom line, but she does have a soft spot for Leon (and it's not like she's got a ton of customers at this point)… so she saves him for things to continue.

And the body horror! You did a great job just making something as simple (for the setting) as a zombie bit that extra bit horrifying, running up his hand, the blisters. Then as he's on his apparent deathbed, wondering if Ada's treatment plan will work, utterly resigned (and he thinks its selfish of him!) was all very well done. As were the hints of what we got when he woke up. I love the thought processes of "He laughed bitterly... and was relieved when the noise didn't come out as a growl".

Little asides, like Leon having saved up for a few boltholes to either retire or hunker down in was great. Giving them to Sherry, the notion that the DSO's experience with B.O.W.s (I assume her, if nothing else) leading them to beign considered a problem as society unravels was very good. Or Ada being employed by a well-meaning (according to her) transhumanist society that got supermurdered worked very well.

And the ending was quite fitting. Ada runs off (again), and Leon's left to play catch up (again). I love how, as apocalyptic as it is, and how very close he came to death here, and how extreme measures he took, it's ending sorta upbeat, on the note that he does always manage.
huruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu chapter 37 . 9/20/2019
very good
evolution-500 chapter 33 . 9/20/2019
A very dark and twisted take on Billy. I love it! Very nice!
Ashardalon125 chapter 37 . 9/20/2019
Another great chapter like always!

I really enjoyed the very different style and flow. The shorter paragraphs lead to a sort of "flowing" narrative, like it was scenes bleeding over each other. A bit like when they do imagine spots in movies and there's a bright flash, and suddenly you're in a different point of imagination. It was easy to follow the transitions, even as a scene went on slightly longer than another.

And the character writing was done really well, and captured the dynamic of Leon and Ada in a way that caught the border of their unusual relationship. Not to mention the way their lives change as the world crumbles.

The only thing I would say negatively is that I feel like Leon would be *slightly* more concerned about his infection, if only because he could potentially infect others. I don't think he would feel bad about living to help others, but at the same time, he recognizes the deadly potential of the virus, even as it destroys the world around him.

Once again, brilliant work!
Mr.Vegerott23 chapter 36 . 5/18/2019
Dang this chapter was really good.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/8/2019
We will want an extension of the leech story thx
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