Reviews for The Moment
emanuelamayrahl chapter 1 . 6/11
What a sweetest Fanfic. I like to imagine Sasuke on his knees proposing Sakura!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/30/2019
Love post more Love...
Tropicallight chapter 1 . 1/2/2019
Wow! I had never thought Sasuke would propose publicly. Either way it was perfect! Love your as story.
iBloo chapter 1 . 12/9/2017
Sasuke doesn't really strike me as the type to do a public proposal, but seeing as it was Naruto's idea, I understand. hahaha. More SasuSaku, please! 3

I love the dedication, "dedicated to all those who hope chivalry and true love never die."
Thank you so much for that. It struck a chord in me. From where I'm from, we often jest that love never lasts forever. And if you don't think so, you're branded as naive. Most people would think Sakura was stupid and naive (and even think she's annoying for it!) for loving Sasuke through it all. But I have a lot of respect for her. It's not easy to love someone who's seemingly unlovable. I was really upset at first that she ended up with Sasuke (because at somepoint I was a diehard NaruSaku fan) but rewatching the anime again, and seeing more moments between them in Boruto make me appreciate their relationship even more. Reading fanfics like yours also make me love them and their love for each other even more.

Cheers to you, and to those who truly believe that true love is out there, and that it indeed lives forever. 3
YenGirl chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
Ah, this is gorgeous! Romantic, first love, down on the knee proposal, in front of friends... this is the kind of moment every girl wishes for in her heart.

I too could never figure out why Sakura held on for so long but - my inner NaruSasu fangirl aside - I was pleased for her that she and Sasuke ended up together and had a beautiful spunky daughter. I like to also imagine that Sasuke has never loved any other girl before so although Sakura had to wait a bit longer than her peers, she still got her Prince in the end, flaws and all, but still worthy of her love.

Very, very lovely, I have nothing to critique :)
HotCheeto21 chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
I read this after reading "Permission to Marry" and now a lot of the stuff about honor and doing the right thing for Sakura makes sense. Sasuke's a fun character to play around with, because he never talks and has the best poker face. It's fun to see what's exactly going on in his mind, and I love seeing other writer's perspectives.

I also liked how Sakura was kind of the focal point of this whole story, but she herself wasn't explored much. It kind of exults her character in a way that we never really see and especially never see from Sasuke.

This is your first story? I like it!
Tuvstarr's lost heart chapter 1 . 5/19/2017
Oh my!

From his confusion as to why she would want _him_ to the lamentation of his past, his heritage and his mistakes, to his nervous contemplation, to the final declaration in front of all their friends and family. It had me sitting on the edge of my chair.

Proposals are terrifying! And now you kind of made me want to write one for my own fandom... *mind buzzing with ideas*

Thanks for sharing and the inspiration!
misspandalily chapter 1 . 5/18/2017
Aw. Yeah, I've definitely been through your struggle in that why would Sakura still love this jerk so deeply when he's so cruel to her? Why? Does he even deserve it? Reading this was a great fleshing out of his internal struggles as well as his path to redemptionalmost like having the closure that kishimoto never explicitly explored. I like it! And I can see that there are a bunch of oneshots in your collection right now that have amassed into the masterpiece that is Regret. Bloody amazing job 3
angee1011 chapter 1 . 12/5/2016
Hey there! Sorry it's taken me a while, but as promised, here is my review:

Writing wise, your prose flows really well. There's a nice emotional undertow that one gets swept along with as the story goes on. You captured Sasuke's internal struggle and feelings well, in my opinion. I really enjoy canon-compliant fics, and this was awesome fluff, so thanks for that! The dialogue is spot on! And I know that's a really hard thing to capture as a writer... There wasn't any lingering awkwardness anywhere. The only thing I would critique... For me, Sasuke would never outright admit he loves her in front of a crowd. (I doubt he'd even admit it in private... unless under force for whatever reason... lol.) I understand what you were going for, though! And fanfiction is about suspending canon to capture moments that would otherwise not exist, so even if I find that OOC, I am willing to overlook it because honestly, it didn't hinder the plot or the writing or even how much I absolutely love this fic! Besides that, I thought every other character's reaction to the proposal, Ino especially, was really charming and in character! I laughed when Ino started her chant of "OMG". All in all, really good work! I look forward to perusing your other material when I get the chance! Hope you're having a good day! :)
AiramLove chapter 1 . 11/15/2016
This story easily made it to my favorites list! I love the way you made Sasuke sweet and considerate without losing his cool and composed facade. I love that you made him see Sakura for all her worth. Honestly, I can't say much when it comes to the technical aspects of writing, being a beginner myself. But, at least from my point of view, this story has just the right pace and your words seemed carefully selected. Thanks for such a lovely story!
KiKira33 chapter 1 . 11/3/2016
This is actually my second or third time reading this. I really love how this comes from Sasuke's point of view for the most part and how he sees Sakura. I feel like something similar to this would have had to happen to bridge the gap that was created with them. Sadly so far Kishimoto hasn't given us very much to go on but I understand that considering I don't see him as a romance writer and their story would be a hard one from a cannon prospective. I love the idea of paying it forward by reviewing. Honestly I haven't reviewed too much in the past but I will start now. I'd also love to be added to the list. Thanks for being such a great writer and human being :)

Sakura's Unicorn chapter 1 . 7/9/2016
I'm a sucker for SasuSaku proposal stories. It's always a treat to peek inside Sasuke's heart (something we rarely got to do in the manga), so I ate your words up greedily! I liked how you portrayed Sasuke's uneasiness with his relationship with Sakura. How he worried about whether or not his love was good for Sakura. Silly boy. I'm interested to know where the manga was when you wrote this.

One minor note of concrit: I think the paragraphs detailing Sakura's growth, the rebuilding after the war, and the steadfast nature of Sakura's love could've been omitted. Those are what I call 'Author's Mental Notes.' You, as the writer, need that intel to inform the rest of your plot. We, as readers, don't need that intel. A few sentences could've given us the post-war/reformed Sasuke scenario that we needed to follow along.

Anyway, I love an emotional Sasuke. He's got all this inner turmoil, but you still allow him to maintain his cool exterior. Which makes breaking that exterior so much more meaningful in the end. Great job!
allhotdogsgotoheaven chapter 1 . 6/15/2016
So sweet. It was perfect. Although, since it's written in English there's no need for the kun!
T a C o C a T chapter 1 . 5/10/2016
This is excellent. I found myself reading it with a big grin on my face. You apply words beautifully; I really enjoyed the insight into Sasuke's psyche. Also, thank you for such detailed reviews on my work Intimacy. I really appreciate it. If I had only one slight thing to point out-just a small unobtrusive issue-be wary of comma splices. I myself am guilty of using them often.
Besweet chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
It is 10 AM right now and I am sitting inside the airport waiting for my flight. Got my coffee and all and for some reason I was in the mood for reading and guess what I read? Exactly this heart melting fic.

You know, I have always wondered how Sasuke proposed to Sakura… canon or not thanks to you, I got a picture of how he could have done it. And to be honest this would probably be how it would have happened if Kishi sensei would have created the scene for us and by that I mean, simple but yet a beautiful moment between the two. Sakura got the best birthday gift ever!

You made my morning. I was smiling like a happy morning chicken lol.
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