Reviews for Avatar Special: The Last Airbender
Exodia3215 chapter 14 . 8/18
Great story so far! Hope you can update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26
Okay. Enough of the nonsense I've been posting under the reviews. I really like your story. I find it completely hilarious. I think Red and Gold were perfect to play Sokka and Katara. Gold's personality blends well with Sokka's and Red's does the same with Katara's. I get that Green/Blue and Silver would have been good choices because of their sibling-like relationship, but I don't think that they would have blended as well, personality-wise. Red and Gold make great siblings. I like how you chose their nationality based off of their personalities, not necessarily on the type of Pokemon they used. They seem like misguided Fire-nation citizens. Yellow is a great Aang. The two of them have similar personalities, and it helps that in the manga Yellow has special powers like Aang does. I could totally see Yellow pushing Gold off a cliff without explanation. Also, Ruby as Zuko was a total plot twist. I was expecting Silver, since he was supposed to be Giovanni's son, so Ruby came as a surprise. I love how instead of having serious anger issues, Ruby has serious fashion issues. His fashion obsession is his problem. I love this deviation from the plot, and it makes for some serious comedy. It's entertaining to listen to him whine about his clothes during a battle. It's taking a serious character and giving him a comical side. Crystal as Suki is perfect, since Gold is Sokka. The way their personalities bounce off of each other is great. Crystal would have also made a convincing Toph, but Suki is also a good role for her. Blaine as Iroh wasn't as convincing to me, but who knows how things will work out if you decide to continue the story. I have a few other guesses about how the story will work out in the long run in terms of characters. I think Sapphire will be Mai or Toph, for obvious reasons. I could also see Emerald as Toph, with his parents seeing his very short height as a liability. I think he would be great for the role. I also predict that Silver is Azula, Green/Blue (the girl) is Ty Lee, and DJ Mary is Yue. And I think Blue/Green the guy is Jet. You do a good job of keeping everyone in character. In both characters. The story itself is really good too.
Karate Cat chapter 1 . 5/21
Haha. Silly me. Sapphire is Mai/May/May. I've seen her name spelled a lot of different ways. It's fitting since Sapphire's name in the anime is May... I know this is meaningless, but I just wanted to show that I understand.
Karate Cat chapter 1 . 5/21
Me: Red and Gold are the two siblings who discover the Avatar. Since they're two of the most likely to be the Avatar, I wonder who the Avatar is? Silver?
*Reads "straw hat"*
Me: Yes! This is amazing.
To add to my other review, I'm disappointed how it ended on a cliff hanger. I wonder how Avatar Yellow would deal with being part of the spirit world. I also love how you incorporated running jokes from both series. *The cabbages (Bill is the perfect cabbage man), "You're older than me?!"*
Karate Cat chapter 14 . 5/21
This is amazing. This story is hilarious. Please finish it, or I will literally do it for you. I love Yellow as Aang, Red as Katara, and Gold as Sokka. It's just great. And Ruby as Zuko... just wow. I didn't think it would work (to be honest I was expecting Silver, who is probably going to be Azula), but it does. It's actually hilarious, instead of anger issues, issues about fashion and dress modeling. It cracks me up every time. Blaine is a little weird as Iroh, but I can get past that with how hilarious Ruby is. If my guess is correct Sapphire is Toph (Crystal was perfect as Suki, by the way. I figured because of her dynamic with Gold and Sokka's initial issues with the Kyoshi warriors). I know this is a strange request, but DJ Mary as Yue. Because Sokka had a thing for Yue and Gold is DJ Mary's biggest fan... I know it's a stretch (DJ Mary isn't a fan of Gold), but it would be really funny. Again, if you don't continue this I will.
Zander2212 chapter 5 . 12/3/2018
Dang, a Blackhawks fan, and I was starting to like you.

In all seriousness, this is awesome and I love the concept, though I've never actually read the Pokemon adventures, I love both avatar and Pokemon, so this is cool

PS: Redwings are better
Steel723 chapter 14 . 3/27/2018
This series is really interesting! I hope you plan to continue it one day.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2016
This story is amazing! The plot sticks to the Avatar series, and the characters stay true to their personalities. You got them to blend together perfectly. It made complete sense to me. Keep up the good work!
PokeSpeBanette chapter 14 . 7/31/2016
ooooh this has a really good plot~ though i admit i've never seen avatar before...kinba wanna now, know anywhere i could watch it online? oh and btw, where's green? professor oak mentioned him, briefly, when he said his grandson had been taken, but beyond that...i'm just slightly confused, is all. and blue too- not to mention the others. then again this could be a plot thing from the anime that i don't know about...hmm...anyway. keep it up!
Zero Slash One chapter 14 . 3/23/2016
Okay, to start this review off: Your prose is spotless (in terms of grammar), but you kinda have a tendency to overdo the dialogue bits. Every paragraph is mainly somebody talking, with very sparse/limited physical-world-activity scenes.

Generally, (to reiterate) I still feel that the premise is executed well, with a few rough patchess. You had a few nice ideas, like changing the origin of Ruby's scar, and debuting Flannery & Blaine & Gold as Fire Nation folk, and the changed nationality of the siblings accompanying the Avatar, and incorporating Chuchu as this story's version of Appa. That much credit, you are due.

While I admit that I'm at best passingly familiar with the ATLA series, some of the character substitutions doesn't feel entirely plausible to me. Yellow-as-Aang kinda fits, on basis of her having unusual powers compared to the average human, but the rest feel iffy.

Personally, Blue & Silver would feel more like reasonable analogues for Katara & Sokka, to the point of both pairs having a sibling(-like) relationship relation and affliation with the water element. Having Giovanni as the resident big bad is a spot-on choice, however. Red, I just cannot see as a Fire Nation citizen, nor Ruby as Zuko's stand-in (especially because neither's canon team includes a 'regular' fire type). IMO, Toph would've made a better role for Crys to fill.

(On a related note, I kinda feel like you're attempting to shoehorn the canon PokeSpe 'mainstream' ships into the narrative, at expense of AU plausibility and characterization; your author note for chapter three especially worries me in this regard)

(on a related note *to* the related note, I take offense to your assessment of Morganiteshipping as a 'disturbing thought'. Not liking it is your prerogative, but please don't badmouth it)
PokeTrainer chapter 14 . 1/27/2016
Squuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeee! This crossover is amaaaaaaazing! Glad I found it. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!
Guest chapter 6 . 1/25/2016
I wonder how Zuko would if he saw Ruby?
Guest chapter 4 . 1/25/2016
Betting it's Crystal or Sapphire.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/25/2016
Aww...But Ruby X Yellow sounds cute...And this just made me like AmberShipping.
pikaree1 chapter 14 . 1/20/2016
*hugs Yellow*
Gold... It won't always work that way, so don't make a habit of it. XD

Shhhh. Gold, you're not supposed to notice that...
*punches Gold* Shush, insolent mortal.
...?! What's going to happen to them now?! D8
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