Reviews for We Are Unafraid
mutantgrimm chapter 3 . 9/7/2015
I really like where your story appears to be going- I like learning a bit more about Georgia and her family, and Nisa sounds interesting to me; will we see more of her? The cliffhanger at the end was a good decision, because now I want to read the next chapter really soon!

The only real problem I noticed was some spelling errors, but nothing too bad. Just something to keep in mind while revising/writing. Other than that, good job! :)
mutantgrimm chapter 2 . 7/23/2015
Getting an email about your update made my day! :) Really liking how your story is going so far, and hoping to be able to read the next chapter soon.

A few things to note:

- Really liked reading about what happened the night Georgia's dad got back from his trip. The Alp really was one of my favorite monsters from the show, especially with how they designed it.

- I also like how you show Georgia and her parents dealing with the aftermath of the whole situation with the Alp. Are you planning on having any other supernatural-related things happen? Either way, the way the characters are dealing with things is getting really interesting, especially with all three of the kids becoming friends.

- This chapter reminded me of how bad I felt for Georgia in her episode. She was a really happy kid, but the whole situation with the Alp was clearly tearing her apart on the inside, especially with how she was acting around her dad when he got home.

All in all, great chapter; reading this actually does also motivate me to keep working on my own fanfic with Eve and the fairies. Hope to read more soon! :D