Reviews for Sail With Me
Guest chapter 14 . 4/20
Are you gonna make more?
Nykyrian chapter 14 . 12/21/2019
Well written (imo) all the way through. Would love to see if it picks back up to be honest. I see some holes that'd be created by ace being a big brother protector for the war. Sabo could easily plug in that gap (and not have to die) if he's with the whitebeard pirates instead of ace though since his relationship with the real target could be abused. Blackbeard would be a bit harder to work around but doable by giving him a made up fruit that lets him do what he did with the yami yami no mi did to acquire 2 fruit powers he just wouldn't have the yami yami. I like how Luffies use of the fruit is as of now quite tame keeping her in line without being too op (really powerful but lack of use being more draining) and Ace being more of a tag team with her in fights where she's getting tired because of the lack of her fruit use at the moment. Same for him since he got the mera mera no mi a bit later than usual. Would be cool to see luffy get another fruit power too later on. Anyways Just a good read.
Valen Goncalvez chapter 14 . 12/7/2019
Very good chapter, i hope you update another soon!
Althaea Amastacia chapter 14 . 12/6/2019
hope you update or did you abandon this
GuardianAngel0394 chapter 14 . 12/6/2019
So are you going to update anytime soon? I really enjoy the fact that Ace is on the crew, and Ghin , Johnny, and Yosaku. But when is Luffy going to get her first bounty?
ImbalancedPhilosophy chapter 14 . 8/21/2019
Poor Ace is gonna have a head of gray hair but thirty at this rate
ImbalancedPhilosophy chapter 3 . 8/21/2019
Of course Ace ends up with a Devil Fruit because he's hungry, of course
aidansidhe chapter 14 . 7/14/2019
I hope this goes Luffy/Robin. Even genderbent I just can't get into basically any other male character paired with anyone. (Shanks/Makino, Usopp/Kaya, and Zoro/Tashigi being the only exceptions.)
Stara-chi chapter 14 . 7/9/2019
So no Crest head seeing Luffy's speech on the platform?

Love this story so far by the way 3
acetwolf94 chapter 14 . 5/25/2019
CrystalVixen93 chapter 14 . 5/20/2019
Love your story and can't wait to see what happens next so I hope you update again soon plz
Guest chapter 14 . 2/19/2019
I love this story so much! Especially how you change canon but make sure all of the characters keep their motivation and characterization. Your characterization of Ace is brilliant because he’s still in character but the readers can see that he hasn’t gained the character development from the Whitebeards. You also avoided falling into a trap most genderbend authors fall into, and keep Luffy as close to her canon personality as possible. I really like how she’s still Luffy, but the reader can see the effects of the changes on her personality.
Syluk chapter 14 . 2/21/2019
Hmmm, can't say that I liked this chapter.

No declaration of becoming the Pirate King on the scaffold (it was such an awesome moment; not to mention that there will be no Bartolomeo now). Also, Buggy is immune to blade attacks, and I don't remember your Luffy knowing Haki? So, she couldn't have hurt Buggy with the sword. Dragon's short appearance was disappointing too.

But the worst is Ace. Yes, Ace. I don't like how he's babying Luffy. She literally can't do anything without him. It's just... frustrating, unsatisfying, and not appealing to me at all. I like overprotective brother like the next guy, but in this case, Luffy's supposed to be the captain, HIS captain, and it doesn't look like that at all. Actually, I think your Luffy is so much weaker than the canon Luffy, it's not even funny, and it seems that all of that is due to Ace being so overbearing. With your Luffy's kinda meek personality, he's completely suppressing her. I guess now we know why Ace never would have worked as part of Luffy's crew. I hope someone will say or do something about Ace. I'm already wary about the possible incest between Ace and Luffy (which I don't think you confirmed or denied), but if his behavior continues I'd be unable to read this story any further. It'd be disappointing but I just love badass captain Luffy and your Luffy is starting to fall short on that.
Chasta-Dex Twitches chapter 14 . 12/12/2018
So we got a glimpse of Sabo and Dragon! Good chapter!
S-Lioness chapter 5 . 12/3/2018
Love the story and the chapter Finally Sanji is coming next :D

About you A/N at the start of the chalter; please don't pair AceLu, the idea feels like incest I can't imagine them as any thing but siblings. They have a beautiful relationship as siblings.

Also most ships in femLuffy stories are AceLu, ZoroLu or LawLu.
I have no suggestion for a pairing thou, just please not AceLu.

I really really love your story but I will probably drop it if romance starts between Ace and Luffy.
It's like imagining siblings being together so I dislike the pair a lot.
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