Reviews for Death God of New York
jhsilver123 chapter 1 . 7/26
I Understand that its your story, and you should write what ever you like, but please but a Waring about Orhime's Rape and I mean early on not in chapter 13 when you than warned us. Like I said its your story ,and you should write whatever you feel like. but there are many who don't want to read 12 chapters of an so far amazing story only to wast time by reading something that they would have never want to you also mention in your notes the Ichigo was not going to be the focus of this story even though he was going to have a big role. Your description make this seems as if he was going to be the main character its probably something you should mention early on. The Rape was what killed it for me but otherwise you were on a roll even though Ichigo wasn't going to be the main character I would have defiantly stayed good luck.
adam3565 chapter 19 . 7/21
keep up the good work
Titan chapter 19 . 7/20
People are quick to bash your work regarding Natasha's capability of stilling Thor and other Asgardians. They seem to forget that spiritual abilities tend to affect the soul first, the physical is only a happy side effect due to the tether between soul and physical form. To others think about this: A physically strong person may not be strong spiritually. And besides, not once did the author confirmed that Natasha can hold either Hulk or Thor for any period longer than 1 minute especially if they start resorting to their powers.

I admit that the power-scaling is a bit wonky. In Bleach terms, what is the equivalent rating for Natasha? 3rd-5th Seats? Lower?

Anyway, waiting for your next update.
joshiro99 chapter 19 . 7/17
Welp, you've overpowered Natasha. You've given her powers that she hasn't had that long to train with, and now she's destroying the likes of Thor and Loki with ease.

This story has gotten a bit stale for me. Hope everyone else has a good time reading it still.
dylansandy1993 chapter 19 . 7/16
This story has me on tender hooks. It's gripping even in its completely (or semi completely) AU state.

My favorite aspects are the non popular decisions when it comes to romance, consequence, style and mechanics. Many authors tend to follow popular parings and epilogue interpretations to drum up more interest in their stories. Often it's seen when the parings change mid story or the character doesn't match what is established earlier.

This story is taking several unpopular directions when it comes to epilogue interpretations from bleach as well as basic story telling faux pas that make it feel (from my perspective) much more organic as far as stories go. I really love the interactions so far with the Bleach characters and I love how the main character is who it is!

When starting this story I expected another rehashed HP/MCU Sedir/God/Master of Death story. I am overjoyed that my expectations were completely wrong. While darker than much of the stories dealing with Shonen characters, this story is unique in its quality as well as the crossover format. I love Fanfiction for this very type of gem. Something unique, yet remaining true to established canonor believable at any rate.

The best fanfics are those that are preferable to Canon. When Fanon is more engaging and realistic, those are few and far between.
OllyOllyOxycontin chapter 19 . 7/16
Good lord how long and drawn out are you attempting to make this? Plus your powerscaling is laughably bad.
OrigamiGuyII chapter 12 . 7/15
oh damn, Orihime is terrifying here... holy crap
NobodyOwens5 chapter 12 . 7/13
uh, what? inoe OP, ples nerf.

well no, not quite but still, holy cow she's a beast! Nice fic so far looking forward to the rest.
NobodyOwens5 chapter 8 . 7/13
well that escalated quickly.
I like it.
NobodyOwens5 chapter 6 . 7/13
tjanjua115 chapter 1 . 7/11
This is very interesting...
Before I even start properly reading this, I'm going to do a quick prayer that a 30 year old Ichigo is nothing like he was in Bleach.
PsylentFox chapter 19 . 7/10
A super interesting take on a crossover of this type! :)

Really fun reading about Ichigo's interactions with his not-girlfriend/lover/wife Yoruichi... as it really contrasts with how differently this Winter War went versus canon. The death and devastation of the war combined with the scars of those who survived has made everything so different and quite frankly a little too dark. LOL

Orihime's story was perhaps the darkest of them all. I mean, in reality a bastard like Aizen would probably do exactly as he had done- isolate, abuse, and then send Ulqiorra (IDK if I spelled that right... lol) in to be her rock and source of consistency... slowly but surely forcing her to fall in love with the one that wouldn't belittle or beat her. A pregnancy between human and hollow? Would probably be an abomination... and its disgusting to see how all of that played out. :/

Can't wait to read more, and I'm really interested to see Black Widow's conversation with the Black Cat!
silverlion777 chapter 1 . 7/9
people don't realize how strong are some bleach characters yeah some are so weak it makes you laugh but ulquiora, ichigo, kenpachi does guys can destroy entire countries with one move, not to mention aizen or Yamato who can really fuck up planets using their bankais
dave.arboleda24 chapter 19 . 7/7
Great chapter as always. Btw unpopular opinion here. An omake would be great. Loki seeing Nat again in the future and he'll be scrambling to get away. With thor ragnarok vibe.
Indecisive Bob chapter 19 . 7/7
Now, what reason does Yoruichi have to stop Natasha like that? A teaching moment? Making sure her own plans don’t go astray?
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