Reviews for Red
MissingMommy chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
Deamus. It's one of the things that make the world go around. And you write it so effortlessly that it makes me jealous.

I simply loved the imagery of Dean's drawing. You brought it to life for me and it was beautiful. And I have to agree with Dean, I don't think that picture would work if it wasn't red. And I also love hearing about post!war Dean drawings before it happened, it's all light and happy sounding pictures, but I like hearing that even the war changed Dean's inspiration for drawing. \
Also, thank you for the heels. Like that was my main request for making this new set was that the weapon be heels. And I think you used them fabulously. Heels definitely make a person think "murder", or well, I think it.

The usage of second person here was, as always, flawless. It draws you closer to Seamus, which I really like.

Was that an implied!Alecto/Amycus that I spotted? Because that's awesome if it was. If it wasn't, my bad.

Dean apologizing for about to kiss Seamus. That was too cute. And Seamus was all like, "cannot compute. I was supposed to be apologizing for kissing you first."

I really love that you brought back the color red. I think that was a beautiful way to end the fic. And it's a really great way to describe Deamus. Because it's the color of blood, courage, and love. Perfect in my books.

Amazing job, as always, my dear!
Someone aka Me chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
Karyn this is so freaking gorgeous. It's… gah. It's poetic and beautiful and I laughed so many times because your Dean and Sea are spot on. And they're so adorable. I'm just sitting here awww'ing at the cuteness. And yet there's that spark of darkness, that /red/ which is both love and hate, love and blood, and it's beautiful.

Thanks for your entries throughout this whole competition, love. You've been a brilliant competitor.

May the odds be ever in your favour.
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
A very nice piece. Keep writing