Reviews for light of the stars
Dio chapter 5 . 9/17/2017
ooooooh this is awesome!XD! continue? TTwTT
Amanda27A.g chapter 5 . 7/7/2016
interesting please continue
angieviviana.rodriguezluyo chapter 5 . 3/16/2015
Ya me estaba gustando tu historia y me doy cuenta de que se habia publicado en el 2002 , por fa si aun sigues contunualo.
Juliet chapter 5 . 1/3/2015
You should add more
Anime Princess chapter 5 . 2/28/2010

So, the Lights have daughteres with Merc, Venus, and Moon!

cuteknight101 chapter 5 . 9/5/2008
i love it can u please write more soon
Hoshi-san chapter 5 . 5/2/2008
God, this was going so well and different...I love their should have kept going! *pouts*
Midnight's Violet Haze chapter 5 . 7/7/2007
OH! Interessting! I really wanna read more! The plot seems really good!
Koneko Kou chapter 5 . 11/18/2006
this a good story... you're very creative! i'll check back again just incase you decide to update!
mornmeril chapter 5 . 4/30/2006
this is a WONDERFUL idea, why don't you keep it up? i love it very much and like your style of writing. maybe you want to continue even if it was posted a long time ago...
Mini-MoonStar chapter 5 . 7/10/2003
omg! thats like so great! its like making sense now. hehe, yeah, im a blonde

(not literally)!
starlightlove chapter 5 . 5/15/2003
I really like this story. Please cointue writing it. i wanna know what happens next cause your sotries great!
Nikki Kou chapter 5 . 3/14/2003
hey you should change ur profile to accept anonymous reviews some readers don't have accounts so they can't review ur fic. anyways i like this fic. i already like the future kids. i wanna see how this developes. please update soon.
firetiger6 chapter 4 . 12/22/2002
I really like your story and I am glad you wrote it.
DestinysKiss chapter 5 . 12/21/2002
Great story so far, and great writing too. You present it in an easy to read manner. (Oh no, i'm sounding like an english teacher!) Keep going, I want to read more.


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