Reviews for Shenanigans and Hi-Jinks
jgrant1332 chapter 24 . 6/7
So are they having sex? I thought from one of your older stories Vic was a virgin until she was with Teddy
marauderX chapter 21 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Yes, yes it is a thing you’re doing. And you’re going to keep doing it if you know what’s good for you ;)


Also I really love that she asks for things. Very consent-focused, even if it feels like she’s a bit nervous, I still love that it’s a baseline. You ask if you’re unsure.

YES GO AWAY TEDDY! I love you, especially shirtless but GO! AWAY!

Also the banter they have is so amazing. I absolutely love it and them. Have I mentioned that? I love Vic and G? No? Well I do 3

Also can I just say that Vic taking charge, even though it’s obvious she’s nervous is so amazing? She’s the forceful one, she’s the one asking why he has a shirt on (valid question by the way), and she’s the one moving things along. I don’t know, I just really appreciate that it really is her leading everything in such a good way.

Also that seer comment is pure gold.

Aaaand I’m gonna stop doing live review because I am a prude, but I will come back if I do have something I feel absolutely needs to be said.

Again, I really like that she’s giving direction, I think communication is key when hooking up. They’re both very good on that front, probably a side effect of being such great friends, but I also think it’s a really healthy dynamic and I support it!

I MEAN HE’S NOT WRONG - it really doesn’t matter whose bottle is whose. I mean damn you write some good smut. Very captivating. Holy geeze, and this chemistry is why this fic went so OffTheRails.

ALSO OMG VIC CALM DOWN my goodness this girl has a temper. Love her, but she’s a handful ;)

I just, I really love them. So much. What a great chapter, what a great friendship, what a great kiss and scene after that. Just *chefs kiss* amazing!

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 20 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Awwwww even though I know it’s under the guise of matchmaking I LOVE GALLAGHER!

Also I really love how supportive Bill is of Fred. Maybe this is just me but in the last chapter I think it was Fred mentioned that her parents worried about him, and that’s just such a good family dynamic? You write such great loving relationships between people, and how Bill just supports Fred II makes me think he probably sees a lot of Fred I in him and oh gosh I’m tearing up.

Also wow! That wake up time thing hit way too close to home! If I didn’t have early morning commitments I would be in the same dang boat. Relatable content ()

Also wow, Fred is just as humble as always!

Also I love this whole locking the floo thing, I don’t know if it’s canon but I can’t remember it and anyways - I think it’s so smart. What a great way to not have random intruders coming into your house in the middle of the night/day.

ALSO VIC COME ON! TEDDY LIKES YOU! (I mean no, don’t go for him but OMG girl, you fine as all get out, what don’t you understand?!)


I love it, from the tried to matchmaking, to the awkward hug in the kitchen, to everything about Gallagher’s laissez-faire attitude, it’s all amazing and this reviewing every chapter thing is amazing because I get to reread and just bask in the glory that is OffTheRails 3

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 19 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Micah is the only legitimate wizard here for knowing how a phone works. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. I love the way you incorporated the chatfic into this - again, Fred is a fricken genius just like his namesake.

THANK YOU FRED FOR NOT BEING DUMB AND TRYING TO STOP HER FROM GOING TO SEE THE BANSHEE! Honestly - how is Vic this dumb. And then she just tells him everything? Do you now know how to keep a secret Vic? Honestly...

And also please have them hook up in this little alcove, that would be so awesome!

Oh Freddie. Panic attacks are never fun :( It was definitely traumatic being that unwell and it definitely shows and now I want to give him a hug. And even though in normal circumstances I might say he’s overreacting (note: might, not definite because Vic is being dumb), in these circumstances he is definitely not. I love Fred, he’s such a sweet bean. And he’s right. Goldstein (my love) needs to know.

Also I love that he was so indignant because he’d never received points. I love it. It just adds so much background in such a small amount of words (although honestly we could’ve surmised that from all his troublemaking - but it’s still a great detail).


Aw, they’re such cuties. I’m so excited to start the OffTheRails content for realz super soon. They’re just the cutest little babies and I love them so much. And the foot thing!

This chapter was just so many feel good things all at once, I loved it so much OMG! I can’t wait for the holidays and the rest of this insane story 3 It’s a good thing there’s nothing stopping me from going forward ;)

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 18 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Gallagher 3 What a lovable masochist. I also love that even though they are all friends, they don’t all have the same interests. Man, I really gotta stop continuing to praise you on their friendships in every single review, but honestly, you write them so well.

And I’m so glad that G is more in the picture. I know, I know, he had his own stuff. Still love him and want so much more of him (and I know it’s coming so I’m being patient lol). Even when she’s got Teddy’s jacket, it’s G that shows up (I mean… because Teddy has a full time job and *he doesn’t even go here*, but like that’s besides the point).

Aw, poor G :( You’re making my heart hurt, Branwen. I mean at least they’re hugging so there’s that, but aw G 3

Also what a great friend Vic is. Here I go again, but seriously, she’s emphasizing that he’s their friend and they love him and that’s so important when you’re already feeling like an outcast with your family.

Ugh and Teddy appears if only in word, to ruin the OffTheRails moment again. I know, I know, you didn’t mean for it to happen - hence off the rails - but still. Let me be annoyed with Teddy! UGH! Stop being not shirtless and part of this conversation!

And here Vic goes again, burying the lead. Truly, an overarching character flaw :P

And ahhhh! The tablets! Fred is so dang smart. Ugh I love him! I also really love the colour choices and Fred’s reasoning for why Vic is purple. Stellar details! (he’s so humble too lol)

AWWWWW THE LITTLE SMILE IS TOO MUCH I’M ABOUT TO CRY (no seriously I’m tearing up, that is the cutest thing ever 3 )

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 17 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Okay I’m pretty sure this is where I’ve decided to tell you all about how I am Lexy and Lexy is me, but let’s get into the story first.

What great friends, practicing with Lexy even if they don’t really care to. That is friendship! And how amazing is Dominique for being able to help out with the situation. Everyone is so nice and loving and I want to give them all hugs! I’m now in love with Dominique too!

UGH I LOVE MICAH! He’s due a Howler. I absolutely love it! I love his mom(s) and sister. Amazing. But mostly his Ma. Amazing. What a great parent!

Wow. Fred, you are the worst! And this is where I am Lexy. I too want to be dating one of my best friends. I too love sports. I too get very unnecessarily overprotective of my friends. I too get v passive aggressive. And that is why I believe that I am Lexy. She isn’t me (she’s so much cooler, she can fly), but I am her.

OH DANG! 220-20?! That’s crazy amazing! Although yeah, Fred pointing at his girlfriend in the stands after scoring on his best friend who has a crush on him? Bad move, even if he is unaware. That would hurt so much.

LET HIM HAVE IT! YES! Oh my goodness, how is this boy so dense? Although the quip about her being part veela is hilarious knowing where this is all headed. And the fact that he’s never actually asked G. I’m not sure if when writing this you knew where it was headed, but if not, brilliant, and if so BRILLIANT!

I am also Lexy because the friend I’m in love with almost definitely has those same sentiments towards me and that is why it will never be brought up.

BUT NOOOOO become animagi and fulfill your not really ancestors destiny! Although I understand why, you better come back to this!

Again, I really just love Micah. He’s such a great friend 3

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 16 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Oh man and we’ve got the quote from the summary. I really do love it, it absolutely summarizes exactly who Vic and Fred are, and gives so much insight into their shenanigans (lol)!


And of course Teddy is here to ruin it… Even Dominique knows that Fred is the smartest person alive. I’m definitely exaggerating that, but like yeah, Fred is one smart cookie. What a doll, honestly. And I love this small sisterly interaction. Again, I need some missing moments like a cute sister moment between these two.

Oh man. Fred’s words are way too real as someone who has dated two friends and is in love with a third. Oh and was in love with a fourth way back in the day… I really gotta stop being interested in my friends. I need a Fred in my life, although based on my reviews I would fall in love with him too…

Awwww and this is yet another moment where a small almost insignificant thing is picked up on and made into such a big thing because this friendship is so pure and they are amazing best friends/cousins/partners in crime. Such a cute little thing!

And of course Vic is taking this the wrong way. Fred is 100% right even if I did start this off by shipping Tedoire. It’s a little strange to be out in the real world and be basically dating a high school kid. Of course Teddy’s gonna feel weird about it, and if he didn’t, I don’t think he should be dating her.

G! My baby! Oh I love him. Even if he is talking about Teddy and how Vic is interested in him. I’ve missed him so!

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 15 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Awwww I wanted more pranks later on. Hoping that it might happen at least once more (fingers crossed!) but then again, I know more interesting things also come up later so…. ;)

Maybe Juliet does have some common sense, not taking the statue prank as a prank and not personal. Is this where I started to like her last run through? Maybe… But it’s definitely where I’m starting to like her a little bit now.

And Micah’s comment is absolutely amazing. I’m in love with him too now. Am I in love with everyone you write? Probably. Branwen, please write my life.

And Seamus! I really love these moments with characters we always know and love which is why I need to actually leave reviews on English Lessons instead of just reading and swooning. But alas, here I am trying to review all of shenanigans first :P

Oh Dale. Shut up.

PLEASE tell me more magizoology comes up as this story goes on because you are amazing at writing these types of things Branwen. Like actually amazing, I wanna know everything about the kemora and the demiserpent and pretty much everything! Along with the banshee and hopefully more about Teddy’s role with the menagerie!

UGH I LOVE G AND I LOVE THAT THEY’RE TRYING TO BECOME ANIMAGI AND IT’S SUCH AN AMAZING LOVELY TRIBUTE TO THE MARAUDERS! And I’m getting so close to finally reaching when the texts start, and I cannot wait for that.

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 14 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Oh man oh man, what will the pranksters do for Halloween? And of course, their detentions end right before it! What perfect timing, lol

I MEAN! Of the two of them, she’s been the only one who had them end up in the hospital wing, so Fred really isn’t wrong...

I mean if I’m gonna be honest, the statue really isn’t that terrible a prank. Honestly it’s almost tame given what I know about Fred, although I 100% know that Vic is gonna go off the rails (lol) because of it. This girl really takes things personal doesn’t she?

Again, such a small thing, but noticing that your friend who never showers in the morning has showered in the morning is such a small but meaningful thing. I really love these friendships, they are honestly really amazing. They all obviously care for one another a lot and it’s really amazing and sweet to see!

Lexy, I am there with you. These Claws need to sit down and be happy they didn’t have a dungbomb sprung on them. Again, I am Lexy. And again, I’ll explain more later :P

Micah is so smart to use a potion, but I just really wish there was a scene about the Fat Lady screaming about being orange. Honestly, you need to write missing moments about shenanigans, I won’t accept no as an answer!

YES HE DOES! This man is all smarts - he wouldn’t let you get away with half these things if he didn’t like you! I want him to like me…

Also I love that Roxanne already knew what was going to happen before even Vic did. Write more Roxanne, I wanna see how diabolical the younger sister of Fred Weasley II can be, mwahahah!

I love their dynamic so much, I really hope there is more Weasley on Weasley pranking as this story goes on because it is too fun not to have around. Especially with partners ;)

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 13 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Teddy! Oh man, I really don’t know how I feel about this guy… Tedoire is no longer in my mind, but does that mean I still love him for myself? I cannot tell you, I honestly can’t. Also what an old man, not realizing that errands is actually Fred’s girlfriend.

Alright, maybe you can make me ship Tedoire again… just a little. Man, Branwen, you are really good at making me feel the feels for this ships. I really gotta stop reading your stories if I ever want a real relationship because I’m just gonna fall in love with them…

UGH WHAT A SWEETHEART! He’s worried! Now I’m shipping Tedoire again EVEN THOUGH I know Gallagher comes around soon enough to make me fall for him all over again… HOW DO YOU DO THIS? I’m gonna chalk some of this up to my romantic little heart, but you have to take 60% of the blame as author here.

Ooooh and now I’m kind of not, but also come on Victoire, you really are a menace. And just because a hot boy said it does not detract from his hotness. Shirtless Teddy is still gorgeous.

Ugh and then a kiss on the cheek. I really am having EMOTIONS() right now…

And v true Fred. A little sketchy tbh. Although a little harsh, very spot on. He probably does want to go to town on her (although thankfully I know where this is going ;) )

Also Fred is both surprisingly and unsurprisingly very wise. He’s got a really good head on his shoulders, even if that means that he uses it to endlessly shenanigan. I just really love him. I mean I love all of them. But idk, maybe after Goldstein and Gallagher and Teddy, maybe I also (scratch that I definitely) love Fred.

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 12 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Juliet is sooooo annoying. Girl, listen to the people who are in detention every other day, is it that difficult? You’re dating one of them! OMG… If I was Vic I wouldn’t be able to stand it.

Vic is a great cousin/friend though for being so willing to get in trouble to save them. And Dominique! I love the little touches like Dom obviously somehow being okay with helping her sister - either because of some sisterly love or more likely terror at what Vic could do to her :P

The silent thing! My therapist does that a lot and it’s actually such a good trick. Dang, Goldstein out here being a hot professor, so smart, so hot, so wise, so hot, so dashing, so hot. 3 AND SO SMART! Dang that punishment be good! Also v strong and forceful. I love him.

Fred and Vic, being the absolute gems of bffs and cousins. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I love their dynamic!

Also I’m both here for and not here for Teddy. I’m not really sure where I stand with him. On one hand, I really really really love Teddy and on the other I want him to stay the hell away from Victoire. Like I’m kinda here for the knight in shining armor, but also Vic should have the opportunity to say yes or no to whomever wanted to ask her out.

But also I’m thinking about shirtless Teddy… :P

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 11 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Oh dang? The Room of Requirement has audio visual capabilities? Did I hear someone say movie night? Oh alright, well sorry Victoire, for thinking that’s kinda super cool. (Also I feel like I am totally Lexy in this and I will explain later).

GALLAGHER! MY BABY! What a great dude. I love him. And how did they not come across a book explaining that their PARENTS USED THIS ROOM? Wow, Vic. Slipping on that Ravenclaw street cred.

Okay so 1. I love Teddy, and 2. I know I’m supposed to love Teddy, but 3. In this moment I do not love Teddy. *spoilers ahead*: he interrupted a perfectly fine moment between Vic and G for whom a ship name does not yet exist but I promise you we’ll figure something out soon! (note: we just figured it out as OffTheRails which is v fair)

Gosh, even knowing what I know, and knowing that Juliet isn’t wrong, I still dislike her. Trust your boyfriend, girl. Why does it matter so much as long as he likes you?

OMG first years being so dense they did what? I mean I can kind of see it being like, “Harry Potter once pulled the Philosopher’s Stone out of Devil’s Snare” type rumour but COME ON! Are they that dense?

Aaaaaand now I’m uncomfortable. I also love that Vic doesn’t scream, make a loud noise, immediately run out, but instead just says “what.” Wow, iconic, absolutely legendary! And then of course, loving the Obliviate me line. I would do the same thing!

I kinda feel bad for Juliet and Fred but also like… COME ON! This chapter is full of me face palming myself, I really cannot believe what teenagers will come up with next (eevn though nothing will ever surprise me honestly).

Also like props to Wendy. She’s doing her job, even if she’s not super happy about it. Juliet broke the rules and Wendy is being a boss. Four for you Wendy, you go Wendy!

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 10 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

I agree that while nothing is physically wrong with Victoire, I also agree THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY QUESTIONABLE ABOUT THAT DECISION. You really do have a lovely narrative voice here Branwen, almost as if you can tell what I’m thinking.

Also WTF Vic, just give them the info straight up, there is no reason to keep things to yourself ESPECIALLY THE COMB THING?! Oh man, if I was Goldstein’s partner I would have to give him so many neck massages to try and ease the tension he’s no doubt carrying. *sigh* Goldstein 3 I love him, for no real reason, I just do… 3

I love that the first thing he says is “I hate you” and the second is about Quidditch. V James Potter and Sirius Black/Fred and George Weasley vibes. I just really love that dynamic you went with, the new troublemakers, it really likens back to so many amazing points in the books/movies and also to so many great fics.

And also Micah is v smart, and if that is the case, Goldstein and Neville are 10/10 profs/parents (because let’s be real, these kids are technically being raised by them). I love that it’s just ‘come to us if there’s an issue, any issue’ instead of throwing down the proverbial gavel with the punishment that fits the crime.

AND YES! It is the case. (I mean I kinda knew but like, still YES!)

Also 10/10 Lupin vibes for teaching her the patronus charm so young. ESPECIALLY because he’s v right about her getting herself into trouble.

Goldstein 3 what a dude 3

Gallagher! He’s here but only slightly! But still that’s a Gallagher sighting!

And Juliet. Ah Juliet. Still, don’t know what to think about her. I mean she has grown on me with your later chapters but she’s still just so… grating. Who knows, maybe I’ll never love her, but I don’t have to do I? :P

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 9 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

Oh poor Freddie. I know where this is going… I really do appreciate that Victoire noticed how off he seemed immediately though. Friends/cousins that really know you are so important.

And thank goodness for Lexy. Honestly, how have Vic and Fred survived this long? I’m guessing the answer is Lexy and Micah (and no, not G who still isn’t here which upsets me because I just want him, but I know I have to wait UGH), but I still don’t know how they managed to keep the others alive.

I mean I get that Madam Byrd, whoever she is, probably doesn’t understand dark magic as well as Goldstein (sidenote: [lol] I miss Goldstein. Please write about him soon, all shirtless like Teddy used to be :P), but like GO TO THE HOSPITAL WING?! If you can’t carry him, you gotta get some help…

Did they not know that the room could change? I guess the parents/aunts and uncles decided these two probably didn’t need to know, but I also think it’s hilarious that they discovered it on their own! What marauders ;)

YES! GOLDSTEIN THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! What a man. So strong, capable, hot. I want to be touched by a banshee so he can take care of me. Wow, okay, back to your story…

I’ll make him all the drinks he wants. He deserves it for being such an amazing professor! 3

Alright but actually, I really love that they finally realized that this was Not OK () and went for help, and that Goldstein and Neville both immediately went into help mode not punishment mode. That is some great professor’ing right there!

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
marauderX chapter 8 . 6/2
Branwen! Am I here to leave live-react reviews on everything so I can ‘catch up' and properly review upcoming chapters? Yes! Will this count for RvG May? Hopefully! Will I be using this intro for all of them again? Definitely 3

I am also of the opinion that books should not be dogeared but I also do dumb things like use pencils as bookmarks, so I really don’t think I have a leg to stand on…

“ATTEMPT TO STEAL HER COMB” well, Vic, you’re fucked. I mean, I know she probably isn’t, but like that definitely explains the Fred thing. Except maybe it doesn’t. Didn’t Vic say that was an accident? So like… maybe banshees don’t mean to kill people who try to steal their combs? Also I know I’ve already read ahead but like DAMN HOW DO Y’ALL NOT REALIZE THIS IS A BAD IDEA?!

But oooh some Veela/Banshee relation! I’m liking how much you go into the magizoology of everything! It’s a really cool background plot to the actual plot of Vic and G ;)

Aw Fred is a cutie. I really don’t know where I stand with Juliet, still. But I gotta admit her and Fred are adorable together.

OMG NO DONT GO INTO THE FOREST! Why are they doing this? Huh? Are they dumb? I mean I know they’re not but ARE THEY DUMB?

OH NO FREDDDDD! I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT BUT THIS IS SO SCARY NONETHELESS! It’s even scarier knowing what happens and seeing him so happy-go-lucky like normal… V creepy.

As always, thank you so much for writing this Branwen, I am having an absolute delight reading all of it!

Lo 3 (also yes, this will also be my sign off for all of these - RED REDEMPTION BABEYY)
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