Reviews for Ways to Fall in Love
Berocchi chapter 1 . 2/19/2018
love it! cant wait for the next update!
Alex098 chapter 7 . 4/18/2017
This is a great story I love it pleeeaase update soon
StainedSculpture chapter 7 . 8/19/2015
I detect a triangle love here! #no. well I always wait for this fic to update, and I'm flying after reading the last part. I love it, you know. those two were so cute~ thank you~
pyuupon chapter 7 . 8/17/2015
soooo cuuuteeeee! shizu-chan is just like an innocent kidhehe so izaya is started to open up a bit to shizu-chan ne? can't wait for the next chappy~ keep going ne~ .w.)b
natsuki23 chapter 7 . 8/11/2015
Kyaa~! Kawaii~! I love this chapter! Looking forward to the next update! Please update soon!
lilcutieprincess chapter 7 . 8/10/2015
This is a really good story! Please update soon! :DD
Kajune chapter 7 . 7/30/2015
You know, this story is going not at all how I expected it when I read the first chapter or saw the summary, but, I still like it, I still want to read each and every new update with anticipation.

This was amusing, to say the least.
Good job~
Guest chapter 7 . 7/30/2015
Awww they're hugging
Deidara4ever chapter 7 . 7/30/2015
Yay! Izaya-time! 3
nameless feeling chapter 7 . 7/30/2015
Tsugaru Kaikyo Fuyugeshiki is indeed amazing, with shizuo's sexy voice (cv : ono daisuke) 3
Well... I guess it's good that namie is kinda rooting for them? XD
But I was so happy when shizuo hugged izaya and didn't let him go and chikage was so pissed :D
StainedSculpture chapter 6 . 7/24/2015
I really don't know what to say. what a turned of event. I guess life won't always happen the way you want it to be. haha. I hope this will strengthen shizaya bond, at a point. see you next chapter. thanks for the update
Deidara4ever chapter 6 . 7/23/2015
Frigging happy to see the new chapter!
nameless feeling chapter 6 . 7/23/2015
Izaya sounded like a tsundere when they talked in the room XD
It's so fun to read that shizuo doesn't give up and tries to get closer to him and even follows him, but I'm afraid that because of him he'll get hurt :s
pyuupon chapter 5 . 7/19/2015
uh oh,shizu-chan got caught by izaya~ at first i'm disappointed bcs shizuo didn't have that usual strength :v but when erika shows herself and make shizuo blushing again is so cute X3 keep going Miira-san! :3
Maru de Kusanagi chapter 5 . 7/17/2015
Hahahahaha! Shizu, you're in love!
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