Reviews for Reunions and Rescues
Guest chapter 3 . 2/15/2019
Snowball519 chapter 7 . 12/30/2016
Please update soon, I like this a lot and want to see your take on it
SpellCleaver chapter 7 . 12/22/2016
Are you still writing this?
Molf chapter 6 . 11/6/2015
pleasssssseeeee continue!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/16/2015
OMG I can't wait for their reactions! Please have the chapter out soon!
Guest chapter 6 . 8/20/2015
Luca -O
Redhood99 chapter 6 . 8/20/2015
it was so sudden! omg I can't wait till the next chapter!
mystixoxo chapter 6 . 8/19/2015
Omg I loved this and sometime during the middle of Chapter 6 I had an idea. when the time comes for aelin to go to the execution and dress up you should have chaol react to her tattoos
Saba chapter 6 . 8/19/2015
cliffhanger? Nooooo pls continue
mysteries of the future chapter 6 . 8/19/2015
Great work can't wait till next chapter
an unexpected party chapter 6 . 8/18/2015
Love this story! Please please please keep writing!
TWD chapter 5 . 8/14/2015
Please please update soon!
Rowaelin4evah chapter 5 . 7/27/2015
Hey so. I read the authors note and thought I would add my opinion... I think you should stick to Rowaelin, but not just bc it is the most awesome and beautiful ships, even tho it is but that's an opinion... Anyways, I think if u want u should do a separate fic for Arobynn and Celeana. I love this and since there's precious few good Rowaelin fics... Please don't crush my little dream. Anyways, hope you'll take my opinion into account. See ya
Rowan chapter 5 . 7/25/2015
Really loving this story, you have really cpture the character and your writing style is amazing. I am super intrested to see where your going to take this and can't wait to read more. :-)
calypcso chapter 5 . 7/12/2015
I love how you give attention to each individual character and flesh them out so carefully! Great work as always ) you already know who I ship so pls *puppy dog eyes*
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