Reviews for You're Lois
Armande chapter 14 . 1/5/2019
C était super merci beaucoup
Eleid chapter 14 . 8/30/2017
I started to read this years ago in ksite or divine, and I dontknow why I never finished it, big mistake! this is a great story. So glad to read it now.
Eleid chapter 15 . 7/29/2015
Great epilogue. Love family clois
Difficult issue the godparents thing
Guest chapter 15 . 7/28/2015
Awe loved it. Too bad it had to come to an end. I would've loved seeing Clark through Lois' crazy pregnancy hormones lol
Eleid chapter 14 . 7/25/2015
i guess there were some chapters I didnt review, just because I'm lazy; sorry for that. I loved the story, my fav are always stories where clark is the verge of losing lois, with a lot of angst and drama, I looove seeing clark suffering because of lois (blame idiotic writers of SV for that and their crazy love/obsession for lana lang). Anyway l liked the story a lot and I will be waiting for the epilogue.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/24/2015
Loved it. Hope epilogue has a baby
depper57 chapter 13 . 7/22/2015
Great update! Just started reading Smallville fanfiction again and so glad I did. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 13 . 7/21/2015
Omg she better be ok
Guest chapter 12 . 7/18/2015
Great update. Mikhail will want revenge!
Guest chapter 12 . 7/17/2015
Eleid chapter 11 . 7/16/2015
What what what? Dont be mean and up date soon pls
Great chapter
Eleid chapter 10 . 7/13/2015
Sooo good. I love clois so passionated and happy together; mikail was spying on them?, why does he know they were together last night?, uuyy the guy is a phsyco . Pls update soon.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/13/2015
Omg great update.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/9/2015
Awe. Loved it. That was hot
Guest chapter 9 . 7/9/2015
Wow so beautiful everything: the karaoke, the dance in the rain and the love making, always love to see clark wanting lois so badly :)
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