Reviews for Hey! We OK
Saiph The Swordmaster chapter 14 . 6/14
This story is incredible! You captured everyone's characters perfectly, and the way you wrote it was truly splendid. I loved every minute of it!
JuniperHen chapter 13 . 5/17
I have no idea what to say because I say I love this story so much in every review I post but that's genuinely how I feel and I want to say it because I want to tell you how great of a job you're doing because this is some top quality writing so I'm just going to say that this is glorious and that you are an amazing author who deserves recognition and praise for your wonderful work.
JuniperHen chapter 12 . 5/11
This was amazing! Favorite chapter so far! I don't know what else to say other than I love it, so...I LOVE IT!
JuniperHen chapter 11 . 4/27
That. Was. AWESOME!

Your writing is superb! I love how you're able to make Light and Kira come of as two completely different people and I love how you've given each one their own distinct personality! Not everyone can do that. You are incredibly skilled and I am extremely excited to see what's going to happen next.
no-me-gusta-espanol chapter 10 . 4/23
How do I link you fanart I made of your fanfic? I feel this would better decribe how i feel than words. i love the idea of L not cutting for light. though that won't work forever...
lurk dot net chapter 10 . 4/21
ngl it's really weird to picture l driving
JuniperHen chapter 10 . 4/20
I love this story so much! It's so good! I think your alternate storyline is better than the original and I can't wait to find out what happens next. I'm so excited!
no-me-gusta-espanol chapter 9 . 4/18
Your story is eerily following my life at the moment. No deep cuts bleeding out, here. I'm just banged snd bruised and twisted ankless from a self dstructive walk I shouldn't taken.

Anyway at least L has someone who knows. And hopefully light understands.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/14
You never disappoint your readers.
lurk dot net chapter 9 . 4/14
thank u for the update :) i'm interested to see where the story goes from here
JuniperHen chapter 9 . 4/14
Oh yeah! Quillish is a total badass! The interactions between Light and L are amazing and very well-written, you're a great writer! I'm super excited to see what happens next!
no-me-gusta-espanol chapter 8 . 4/8
What!? Wll at least it's starting to depart from cannon. Oh please let Light find him. I absolutely cannot wait until the next chapter. Please update soon!

PS: I'm reading this at work because I couldn't wait to get home.
Guest chapter 8 . 4/7
Amazing chapter. Please update .
JuniperHen chapter 8 . 4/7
This story is SOOO GOOD! I love stories that have a good dynamic between L and Watari and you nailed it! So good! 3
Ammet chapter 7 . 4/4
Thank you for writing this! I love it so much. I totally agree that if L self harmed, it would be to clear his mind, thinking too much (that’s lowkey a headcanon of mine). Also, I really like how you described it, what with how when he banged his arm his head cleared and when he practiced capoeira, he was hurting himself but not really. Also, the way he described showers was very relatable.

I have to say, I love that section where you described how he views himself as a masterpiece, that’s broken and weird and no one really wants, but how it was ‘sold’ to a Mr. Light Yagami. I absolutely loved that section and it really ties in with the recurring theme that if Light found out, he would understand, and I’m so excited to see how he’ll react if he does find out. I also liked your description of Near.

Also! I really liked how you described L’s desire to get ahead and be perfect, and how his self harm tied in with his guilt complex (which I totally headcanon tbh), so after awhile self harm slowly became a form of punishment as well. In short, I love this fanfiction very much, please continue it (with a piece of strawberry shortcake and a strawberry on top). Ta!
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