Reviews for Supreme Champion
theWeatherIsNice chapter 4 . 7/20
This is the second hp fanfic I’ve come across where a frying pan is used as a weapon lol. Love it.
Matt chapter 6 . 7/17
Are you insane? It's December! In Scotland! Do you know how cold it would be outside? Nobody would just be going for a long, casual stroll outdoors without getting bundled up first. And then getting in the lake? They'd freeze to death if they stayed in the water very long. Sure, the water would seem to get warmer but really their bodies would be getting colder until they got hypothermia.
vgamit2103 chapter 13 . 7/16
Good work
moonprincess97524 chapter 13 . 7/15
Oh, wow this is just to funny.
SlytherinsFerret chapter 1 . 7/5
I absolutely love this
WinterTigerEclipse chapter 12 . 7/4
Awesome they deserved that punishment and more to bad they couldn't of had harry childhood replay in there minds and being forced to watch their wedding and what happened after repeatly
Monster King chapter 13 . 7/2
Awesomeness please continue
Revan Shan 2077 chapter 13 . 7/1
This was an amazing story
Anonymous chapter 5 . 6/28
Bro/sis this is not realistic. What kind of mother give her egg just for the sake of not fighting?
Kris chapter 3 . 6/19
It seems unlikely that Sirius Black would be the Interim Minister. Isn't there an established chain of command to replace a minister? And, even if there were not, wouldn't a department head or someone put forth by the various political parties be chosen?
Kris chapter 1 . 6/19
Are full names required for the Goblet of Fire?
themaestro1 chapter 13 . 6/15
This was a fitting end to this story. Amazing job.
rell chapter 13 . 6/14
It was a lot of fun.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/11
since Snape is now a could he cast detection spells on the healing draught ?
Charlee56 chapter 13 . 6/10
Hilarious, at times heartwarming, and a looping term happy ending for all... EXCEPT for TMRiddle-Dumbledore and APBW Mumbletypegs-Riddle! They BOTH Got What They Deserved!
And Beelzebub DID have a devil or six set aside for them! Just hilarious that it was that Ford Anglia!
Fantastic story! I read it all in two days, and I loved every minute of it!
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