Reviews for Moonlight and Water
clueingforcasdean chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
I would really like to see some domestic Destiel. As in, every day, ordinary couple Destiel.
Thank you, I really admire your work.
Akikofuma chapter 1 . 7/2/2015
So. Oh my god yes.

Amazing work, as always. Loved the Drama. Just. Speechless. So this review isn't going to be exactly eloquent.

The part where Cas explains to Dean why he loves him just, got me right in the heart. It was so sad, and so sweet, and so Dean. Excellent. Really enjoyed this.

Going to read the next chapter now. 3
desireejones99 chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
thank you again for sharing your visions with me and the community. always looking out for something different, and your stories never disappoint. they always come out so sweeeeeeet...momma likes.
MimiDuJour chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
I do not have the words with which to express how delighted I am with this story, so instead I'll just offer my heartfelt thanks to you for writing it. From the moment Cas woke up' to the good humor in which Dean fled, the piece was a joy to read. Casting Sogi as a hunter was INSPIRED and the way Cas explained the quote to Dean was sterling! The scene in the car was by turns romantic, sexy and funny and I cannot wait to see where the story goes next! You are a truly fantastic writer and a genuine pleasure to read. Thanks again!
Little Cinch chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
'I can't have this conversation without pants on.' -best line ever.
Nicely done with the prompt - it wove into the existing story beautifully. It was great to see some Cas and Sam time, too.
That their soul and grace sing is just the most fabulous thing. I love it.
And the counterpoint of raw, hot sex in the back of the car with Cas's poetic description of his love for Dean was just excellent.
Thanks! So happy to see a chapter! And I wouldn't say no to some wing!kink, cheesy as it is. It's a weakness. Possibly an illness.