Reviews for Huntress
FanfictionVillainess chapter 1 . 10/17/2015
This was really beautiful.
Estoma chapter 1 . 10/7/2015
I think in the first sentence you mean 'wielded', not 'yielded'.

I think the first section was my favourite. The way Katniss asked what happened to Artemis, in that almost anxious way, reflects that bad things DO happen very often in her world. Her father's response is beautiful.

I liked the way you transitioned from Katniss being the hunter to the hunted in the 74th Games. It must have been a shocking reversal, and you wrote it well.

Some of these tended to summarise bit of the plot, but I liked the ones that came from your imagination much better. The second to last drabble was gorgeous. I like the idea of Cinna sensing Katniss' reluctance and letting her talk about him, instead. It seems totally in character.

compartmental chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
So, I read this and typed my review, but somehow fell asleep before I pressed send? I reread this so I could provide a fresh review not written in the middle of the night. c:

I enjoyed how closely this followed the events of the first book. Even though the beginning with Katniss and her father wasn't in the books, I could see it there. (Small thing: I'm not sure how much citizens of Panem would know about mythology?)

Her meeting Gale was sweet and felt like a long time coming. Also, points for the vague retelling of the actual Games.

The ending is perfect, because even though I've read Catching Fire, I found myself mourning her already.

Side note: it's super impressive that every section was 99 words.
scripturience chapter 1 . 8/15/2015
This is very easily one of the best Katniss one-shots EVER! My favorite drabble has got to be the one about Cinna and his designs :D
I spotted absolutely no spelling or grammar errors, that's great!
All in all, a great fic! Keep up the awesome work!
SydneyLouWho chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
I really loved this. Katniss' father telling her about Artemis was a perfect ending, and the paralleled line at the end just brought it all together.

Stylistically, this was really nice. The sections were short, but they didn't feel incomplete. Every section fit very well into the flow of the story.

This is my favorite fic of yours, I think. Wonderful job!

Keep Writing!
