Reviews for Transfer
Guest chapter 18 . 1/16
"Everyone is*", sorry for that grammar error, but anyway, I still loved your writing style and the ending was really cute. Good work!
Guest chapter 12 . 1/16
So... basically, Julie-su raped Vector (since he was drunk) and everyone are acting like it's nothing? WTF, that's sick.
M0ssySk1es chapter 17 . 6/15/2019
I absolutely loved it! Thank you for writing this!
TheBlackSnorlax chapter 17 . 5/9/2017
I usually wait until the last chapter of finished fics to review to avoid spam but omg it was hard waiting to talk about this one! The setup, the drama, the action, and surprisingly unlike the other two fics of yours that I've read, this one didn't stomp on my heart nearly as much as it could it should have! Can't wait to read more from you!
Panaio chapter 17 . 9/18/2016
Wow... this was amazing, in my view point, compared to all the other High School/College AUs on the site! Probably because it's got a more interesting plot and backstory compared to others I've seen, *cough* every single Sonamy/Shadamy HighSchool!AU is the same *cough* !

Okay, so a list of things I love/like about this (A/N included):

-The squad is something I don't see often, mostly because of the point below, which I like.
-It doesn't revolve around Shadow or Sonic or any hedgehog for that matter, so YAY!
-Like with the above, this isn't an over-used hedgehog ship.
-The little bit of Knuxighty? Yes! I know you see Mighty as straight, but adding that in there did give this a little extra.
-You ship Knuxonic/Sonuckles? Nice, maybe you could do something for them later on?

And, most importantly for me, you didn't make Knuckles completely horny over Rouge, and since Knuckles is my favourite character in the series, thank you! Plus, as he is a minor character in comparison to the two love-reptiles, I'm glad that you didn't delve into his character for the sake of doing it, which some people unnecessarily do and, they get him wrong.

Anyway, バイバイ!
LemonAndCreamPie chapter 16 . 11/10/2015
May I please make sinful stuff based off of Knux & Mighty and/or Les Deux Reptiles? :3c
miguelisasir chapter 6 . 11/9/2015
Staticy Fox Atra chapter 13 . 9/23/2015
Oh my god this is such a awesome story. It's good to see a new Vecpio story and to see that it's finished. I'm only on chapter 13, but I've copy and pasted it in my notes app since I have no wifi at home and have to copy and paste stories. I hope you make a good Vecpio story again.
mormar1 chapter 17 . 9/12/2015
This was truly an amazing story and I had an amazing time reading it :) I can't wait to see what you give us in your next vecpio stories :)
A Crooked Lullaby chapter 16 . 9/8/2015
Ah, I really love this story, you don't even know! I'll be honest, I had never really thought of this ship all that much but this fanfiction caught my attention. This is well-written in my opinion and it's somewhat made me want to write my own high school/college AU.

Good luck with the last chapter and I can't wait to see how this adorable story ends!
mormar1 chapter 16 . 9/6/2015
Awwwwww this chapter is now officially my new fav chapter and I'm so happy that espio and vector are sure that they will meet again someday :)
Guest chapter 16 . 9/5/2015
LOVE this story! This chapter was especially good and I was pretty surprised at the "shocker" you mentioned but I'll let the other readers find it on their own. Really sad this story is coming to an end but I'm happy I got to read it. I wasn't into the Vecpio shipping until now and it's dissapointing that there aren't that many fanfics on it. I hope you do more! -GeminiMercedes
Arbmaster 16 chapter 15 . 8/30/2015
Love this story so much! It's a welcome change from the usual stuff you see. I would've reviewed sooner, but I was just so caught up in this that it may have slipped my mind :3 Anyway, YAY CHARMY! I love the little guy, so you don't know how excited I was when Espio and Vector found him in the mall.
Back to the point, I love this and I look forward to every chapter! I can't believe it's coming to an end already! 0.0 I'm going to miss dropping whatever it is I'm doing just to read a new chapter! :)
Thank you for righting this. The Chaotix are my favourite characters and you write Vector and Espio very well. The story as a whole is also very well-written, I don't think I've seen an error anywhere. Then again, the story has me distracted anyway! XD!
I look forward to the finale! It'll be awesome without a doubt! :)
mormar1 chapter 15 . 8/30/2015
Awwwwwwww that was one of the sweetest chapters yet and I absolutely can't wait for the next two :3
mormar1 chapter 14 . 8/29/2015
Vector and Espio were getting very close in the shower, if only they had some privacy lol :)
Amazing chapter I can't wait to
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